【#英语资源# 导语】你是否有这样的经历,阅读完成一些作品后对其想要表达的含义摸不着头脑?遇到这种情况,可能是提示你正在阅读一本深奥的书籍,也有可能是这些作品的思路本身是不清晰的。质量差的写作是不整洁的。文章的修饰是无组织或不恰当的。文章中包含很多华丽的词汇却使用不得当。这七条规则可以帮助你鉴别和创作有组织的结构清晰的文章,使读者更容易理解。以下内容由©文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!
1. Say what you mean 说出你想表达的含义
Overly fancy words are not necessarily direct words, and they often fail to state your point clearly.
You should certainly be willing to improve your vocabulary, but there is an art to doing this without sounding like you’re trying a bit too hard. If you find that your writing sounds too vague or elementary, you must avoid going overboard with fancy-sounding words and, instead, try to find more precise words.
2. Give your readers a road map 为读者提供引导图
Our brains like to receive messages in a tidy order. They don’t like to be surprised by a big point – which is why introductory statements are important. When writing, it is generally a good idea to start broad and provide an overview of the information to come. But don’t worry so much about this on your first draft.
You should never expect to write all of your messages in the correct order on the very first try – no matter what type of messages you are writing. You can reorder paragraphs and sentences for your final draft.
3. Get to the point 适时切入主题
As mentioned above, every paragraph should have an introductory statement. This is important to establish a context or a background for the main point of a paragraph. But you should avoid overdoing it with the intro. Don’t surround your point – just introduce it and then go for it!
4. Cut the fat 去掉不需要的部分
Every single writer who ever published a paper or a book has had to chop off some paragraph, page, or chapter that they loved. But if it doesn’t serve a purpose, it should go. But cutting the fat is healthy.
5. Don’t jolt the reader’s brain 避免与读者的思路冲突
You may have some excellent paragraphs, but they are not going to be very pleasing to read if they jump awkwardly from topic to topic. As you revise your paper, be sure to order your paragraphs in a sensible fashion and create smooth transitions between them. It just takes a few minutes extra, but it’s worth your time.
6. Use meaningful examples 使用有意义的举例
If you are attempting to explain something complicated to your reader, it is a good idea to provide examples that will clarify the subject. But make sure your examples are meaningful.
Imagery is a good tool for showing examples. Graphs and tables will work, but whatever you decide to use to clarify your point, try it out on a friend. Have a friend, parent, or teacher read the segment with the example and see if it makes sense to them.
7. Punctuate properly 合理添加标点
Observe the difference between these statements:
I once saw a man-eating frog.
I once saw a man eating frog.
You can change the meaning of a sentence pretty drastically when you leave out some punctuation marks. What about this:
That that that that teacher wrote was incorrect.
It’s a little better when you punctuate with:
That “that” that that teacher wrote was incorrect.
Even if those examples are a little goofy, they do demonstrate the importance of punctuating.