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【#英语资源# 导语】你可以通过改变你的饮食习惯来提高你的学习能力。有许多研究表明,某些食物会以特定的方式影响我们。如果你感到很疲惫并且因此无法集中注意力或记忆力而拖延了家庭作业,可以尝试改变你的饮食习惯?下面是©文档大全网整理发布的英语阅读:这些食物能帮你改善情绪,提高注意力,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

Eating Habits and Memory 饮食习惯和记忆力

Scientists have found that sufficient amounts of vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) can improve your memory. It’s found in common things like milk, pasta, and bread, as well as liver and dark green vegetables. 科学家们发现,足够量的维生素B2(核黄素)可以有效改善记忆力。维生素B2在下列食物中很常见,诸如牛奶、面条、面包、动物肝脏和深绿色蔬菜。 If a lack of concentration is your problem, try increasing your zinc intake by eating whole grains and sea foods. Bananas are a good source of vitamin B6, which also improves your thinking capabilities. 如果你经常难以集中注意力,试着通过食用全谷物和海洋食物来增加锌的摄入量。香蕉是维生素B6的良好来源,维生素B6还可以活跃你的思维。 Why not try adding a banana to your morning routine? You might find a change in your ability to concentrate during that early morning math class. 为什么不尝试为早餐添加一个香蕉呢?早餐食用香蕉以后,你可能会发现你在早晨的数学课上精力更为集中了。 Eating Habits and Energy 饮食习惯和能量

We all know that iron is important for energy.It is especially important that teen-aged girls watch for symptoms of iron deficiency, such as dizziness when standing, fatigue, and feeling cold when others are not. You can find iron in lean meats, peanut butter, or leafy green vegetables. An iron supplement works wonders, as well. 我们都知道铁对人体的能量供应是非常重要的。特别是青春期的女孩会因为缺铁的一系列症状而就诊,比如头晕,疲劳,容易怕冷。你可以在瘦肉、花生酱、绿叶蔬菜中补充铁。这时,一个铁补充剂也能创造奇迹。 Sometimes the lack of a certain nutrient leads to irritability. How many times have you found yourself too grumpy or grouchy to concentrate? Have you snapped at your friends for no apparent reason?Believe it or not, this can come from eating too much junk food, which is low in nutrients. 有时缺乏某些营养会导致易怒。有多少次你发现自己脾气暴躁、忿忿不平或难以集中注意力?你在无缘无故地对你朋友发脾气?不论你信不信,这可能因为吃太多的垃圾食品,这些都是低营养食品。 If you’re really serious about improving your grades, try a little eating experiment. First, keep a journal of the foods you eat for a week, without changing your diet. Make notes about your mental alertness and your moods. 如果你真得想提高成绩,尝试一些饮食实验。首先,一段时间内不要改变你的食谱,对你每周吃的食物进行记录。并且记录你的精神状态和你的情绪。 The next week, skip over the junk food snacks and the fast foods and try snacking on fresh fruits and vegetables and foods that are made from whole grains. Eat lean meats and sea food when possible. 下个星期,筛除垃圾食品、零食和快餐食品,尽量吃新鲜的水果和蔬菜以及全谷物制成的食品。可能的话饮食中添加瘦肉和海鲜。 Keep track of any changes in your ability to concentrate and remember things. If you see a significant improvement, it might be time to make a serious life change! 记录下你专注力和记忆力的任何变化。如果你感觉到明显的提高和改善,(你很可能发现了更适合自己的饮食,)这可能是你生活发生重大改变的时刻了!

