

时间:2023-11-07 08:29:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  由动词turn构成的短语动词是高考英语中一个十分活跃的考点。尤其是中其中的turn down, turn up, turn to, turn out等,更是高考英语中命题热点。本文结合中学英语的所学知识和近几年的高考英语命题情况,为同学们归纳出15个相关短语动词,供同学们参考。
  1. turn about 转身,向后转
  The colonel ordered the troops to turn about. 上校命令部队向后转。
  2. turn against 转而反对,与…反目
  They tried to turn the students against their teachers. 他们设法让学生起来反对老师。
  3. turn round 转身,调头转向另一面,使好转
  I felt a pull at my sleeve and turned round. 我觉得有人扯我的袖子,便转过身来。
  Turn your chair round to the fire. 把你的椅子转向炉火一边。
  4. turn away 转过身去 拒绝进入
  She turned away and began to cry. 她把脸转过去哭了起来。
  Reporters who visited the training ground were turned away. 前来训练基地采访的记者们被拒之门外。
  5. turn back 返回,拔回
  We have got to turn back. 我们得往回走了。
  6. turn down 关小 拒绝
  That radio is pretty loud. Can you turn it down a little? 收音机声音太响,你能开小点吗?
  The company turned down his proposal. 公司拒绝了他的建议。
  7. turn in 交上去 告发 上床睡觉
  He turned in two essays every week. 他每星期交两篇论文
  He threatened to turn her in. 他威胁说要向警方告发她。
  We turn in at nine and get up at six. 我们9点钟上床睡觉,6点钟起床。
  8. turn into 成为 翻译
  The whole thing turned into a bitter quarrel. 整件事酿成了激烈的争吵。
  Can you turn the letter into French? 你能将此信译成法语吗?

