
时间:2022-09-09 03:35:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】农历八月十五,是我国传统的中秋节。中秋月圆,古人把圆月看作团圆的象征,所以中秋节又叫团圆节。以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  On the morning of the Mid Autumn Festival, I was very excited just after I got up. Because today is August 15th, the annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming again.

  Early in the morning, my parents and I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and the supermarket to buy moon cakes... In the afternoon, my grandparents were busy killing chickens, fish, meat and vegetables in the kitchen. What a joy! During dinner, I was so engrossed in eating that I almost wolfed down my food. Soon, I was the first to have a good meal. I immediately went to do a good job of appreciating the moon. I got a chair, a telescope and went straight to the balcony. Wait and wait, wait and wait, I have never been able to uncover the mystery of the moon. I can't help but think of the story of Chang'e running to the moon. It is in order to commemorate Chang'e that people set August 15th as the Mid Autumn Festival when people are looking forward to reunion! It also reminds me of a well-known poem, Jingyesi: the bright moon in front of my bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around.

  This poem shows the poet Li Bai's feelings of missing his hometown, and reminds me of the soldiers stationed in the border areas who can't be reunited with their families on the Mid Autumn Festival! Why hasn't the moon shown its true colors? I want to see the mid autumn moon as round, bright and big as described in the book! I was puzzled to ask my mother, oh! It turned out that it was affected by the weather. Mom said wait, you'll see the moon today, but it won't be too bright! WOW! Finally, I saw the bright moon with a mysterious veil! I quickly wiped my glasses, adjusted my binoculars, and poked my head out of the balcony. Today's moon is very shy! I didn't show its unique charm, but I still saw it: Chang'e, Wu Gang, jade rabbit and osmanthus tree... When does the bright moon come? Ask the blue sky about wine... Near and far, the firecrackers in the streets and alleys are incessant, and beautiful fireworks are blooming in the sky from time to time, presenting a festive and harmonious atmosphere everywhere.

  I'm looking forward to August 15th next year!


  Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. It's a reunion day. My aunt came back from Beijing with my cousin to join us.

  My cousin is so cute that everyone can't help hugging her. She is only one year old and four months old, and she has a pair of big water smart eyes under her two curved eyebrows. She has a small mouth like a cherry. When she is angry, she will tilt her mouth high or cry loudly.

  After lunch, we took our cousin down to play. My cousin can walk, but I still don't know, so I keep holding her. I was tired of holding her, so I put her on the ground to have a rest. Who knows that after her cousin came down, she walked carefully to play. I was startled, and immediately recovered and ran to her. With arms outstretched and waist bent, I have been protecting my cousin. She walked for a while, then lowered her head, opened her clothes and patted her stomach, as if digesting the food he ate at noon.

  At this time, I saw that my cousin was a little cold, so I took off my coat and put it on her. It's so funny. My clothes are too big. After my cousin put on my clothes, she couldn't stretch out her hand at all. She kept swinging around like a singer. Walking on the road like a cute little penguin.

  In the evening, we all sit on the balcony, put moon cakes and all kinds of delicious food on the table, and we chat while eating. I told you the story of Chang'e running to the moon. Chang'e stole the elixir and flew to the moon. She was accompanied by a rabbit, named yuetu.

  Today, I became a big brother. I feel very meaningful. I had a very happy mid autumn festival!


  "I hope people will live long and share the beautiful scenery". Today is the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, which is a traditional Chinese festival. At this time of year, wandering children who are far away from their hometown will return to their hometown to reunite with their families, so it is also called reunion day.

  The breeze is blowing, and the autumn is cool. The cold in the air made the passers-by shiver. But in our home, the heat wave is everywhere.

  Adults gathered around to talk about interesting things around them, while children played and sang about each other's happiness. At this time, mom and grandma "came on stage" and began to make moon cakes with the tools in their hands. I worry about my children while doing it. But we don't care. When we see the moon cakes, we secretly take them out and share them with our friends. And my mother was still depressed: "Hey! Why is there one missing moon cake I just made? " When we saw it, we snickered in the room.

  Dinner began. Although it was not as rich as it was during the Chinese new year, it was better than having a lively atmosphere. At the dinner table, both adults and children are courteous to each other. " Here you are. Eat more to grow up. " Thank you. You've been busy all day. " Eat more. This dish is delicious. " Thank you, thank you! ". Such an atmosphere and such greetings make me immersed in happiness and make me cherish this reunion time.

  After dinner, everyone moved to the window to enjoy the moon. At this time, the round moon is sandwiched between the dazzling stars and inlaid in the black and blue night. This scene actually appears extremely harmonious, with a bit of charm of ink painting and moving beauty.

  The best night of the day is about to pass, and the Mid Autumn Festival will follow. However, I can never forget the happiness of family reunion.


  "I hope people will live long and share the beautiful scenery". Today is the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, which is a traditional Chinese festival. At this time of year, wandering children who are far away from their hometown will return to their hometown to reunite with their families, so it is also called reunion day.

  The breeze is blowing, and the autumn is cool. The cold in the air made the passers-by shiver. But in our home, the heat wave is everywhere.

  Adults gathered around to talk about interesting things around them, while children played and sang about each other's happiness. At this time, mom and grandma "came on stage" and began to make moon cakes with the tools in their hands. I worry about my children while doing it. But we don't care. When we see the moon cakes, we secretly take them out and share them with our friends. And my mother was still depressed: "Hey! Why is there one missing moon cake I just made? " When we saw it, we snickered in the room.

  Dinner began. Although it was not as rich as it was during the Chinese new year, it was better than having a lively atmosphere. At the dinner table, both adults and children are courteous to each other. " Here you are. Eat more to grow up. " Thank you. You've been busy all day. " Eat more. This dish is delicious. " Thank you, thank you! ". Such an atmosphere and such greetings make me immersed in happiness and make me cherish this reunion time.

  After dinner, everyone moved to the window to enjoy the moon. At this time, the round moon is sandwiched between the dazzling stars and inlaid in the black and blue night. This scene actually appears extremely harmonious, with a bit of charm of ink painting and moving beauty.

  The best night of the day is about to pass, and the Mid Autumn Festival will follow. However, I can never forget the happiness of family reunion.


  Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. It's a day of family reunion.

  In the evening, when my uncle and I were having dinner with them, my uncle said with great emotion: "when we were young, we couldn't eat enough, and we couldn't have a good mid autumn festival." I said comfortingly: "now that the economy is developing, we don't need to be hungry anymore. If we have time for the Mid Autumn Festival, we can eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon." Everyone nodded in agreement. After dinner, we went to enjoy the moon. At this time, the moon seemed to be covered with a thin veil. The moonlight was hazy, and the stars in the distance were shining. At this time, I asked my uncle, "how did you celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival in the past?" My uncle sighed and said, "at that time, the family was very poor and the autumn harvest was busy. Who had time to enjoy the moon?" I asked again, "did you have moon cakes at that time?" My uncle recalled thoughtfully, "if there is any moon cake, it will be a moon cake if you sprinkle a little sugar on the bread and bake it."

  "It's so good now. Mooncakes are everywhere in the street. You can have whatever you want." When uncle talked about his present life, he was full of happiness and felt very satisfied. I chatted with him for a long time. The moon in the sky had lifted its veil and revealed its white face.

  The moon in front of the window is the moon in the past, and the people in front of me are people from the past. The Mid Autumn Festival mentioned by my uncle's generation is only stored in their memory, with mixed flavors. We can't understand. Through the chat with my uncle, I probably know that they had festivals in the past. I felt a lot of emotion. The previous Mid Autumn Festival was really different from the present. How happy our life is now. I should cherish my life now. I also hope my uncle will lead a happier life in the future.

  It is also the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, and the moon is brighter tonight. I looked up at the moon in the sky, and the round face seemed to be smiling at me.


  The Mid Autumn Festival falls on the 15th of the eighth month of the lunar calendar.

  It is said that Hou Yi and Chang'e lived together on earth. One day, Chang'e was washing clothes by the river. When she saw her reflection in the river, she found that she was old. So Hou Yi went to Kunlun to ask the queen mother for the elixir of life. The queen mother thanked Hou Yi for killing nine suns and saving mankind, so she gave him two pills. People can live forever if they take one pill. If they take two pills, they will become immortals in heaven.

  However, Feng Meng, Hou Yi's disciple, learned about this matter. Feng Meng had a bad heart and wanted to steal medicine. One day, when Meng Chenghou Yi took other disciples out to hunt, he forced Chang'e to hand over the pills. Seeing that she was no match for Feng Meng, Chang'e swallowed the two pills and flew to the moon.

  People usually go to Qiantang River to watch the tide on this day. The terrain of Qiantang River is trumpet shaped, and when the tide comes, it is spectacular. On the Qiantang River, every time during the Mid Autumn Festival, people are packed and packed.

  In addition, appreciating the moon is also an indispensable program. Li Bai once wrote that "when you are young, you don't know the moon. You call yourself a white jade plate, and you doubt the mirror of the jade platform. You fly at the end of the blue cloud.", Other poets have also written many good sentences about the moon. Every mid autumn day, the moon will be especially round and bright. There is also an old saying in Ningbo that "the moon on the 15th is round on the 16th". Therefore, many people will also choose the evening of the 16th, prepare fresh fruits and moon cakes, choose an open place, enjoy the moon while chatting and laughing in the cool wind.

  The Mid Autumn Festival is also a time for family reunion. Relatives will gather together on this day to chat, eat, drink tea, and visit the elderly. The vagrants who are far away from home will call to report their safety if they can't come back.


  Today, the sun is shining. It's the annual Mid Autumn Festival.

  The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, which means that the full moon also means that the whole family is happy. On this day, eating moon cakes and watching the moon are indispensable. Today's Mid Autumn Festival is different from previous years, because my mother came back from Tibet.

  My mother took me to the book city. The books in the bookstore are classified very carefully, including adult area, youth area, children area and children area.

  I went to the children's section first. The books in the children's area are wonderful, including literature, cartoons, intelligence, stories, etc. I like reading stories best. Among them, there is a very beautiful one: there is a magical "nine color deer", which guards the great forest. When the king knew, his greed broke out. He wanted the skin of the nine colored deer, so he ordered 100 cavalry to catch it himself. After the ambush, the king sent a cavalry to lead the nine colored deer out; Then ten thousand swords were fired. At this time, a bird shouted, "run, run!" The nine colored deer quickly flew up and shouted, "you stupid king, I have been guarding your forest and people, but you want my skin!" After the nine color deer disappeared, the lush forest gradually became desolate and less populated. The king regretted it at this time, but it was too late!

  After reading this story, I understand such a truth again: people can't be greedy. Being greedy will make people lose everything.

  During the three-day holiday, my mother also taught me about computer and Internet access. My mother came back from thousands of miles away and had a beautiful Mid Autumn Festival with me. I felt very happy in my heart. It was indeed a rare opportunity. In my memory, I seldom spent the Mid Autumn Festival with my mother. I also ate moon cakes and enjoyed the moon with my mother. I think this year's moon cakes are particularly delicious, and the moon is also particularly round


  In the morning, I couldn't sleep early. At more than six o'clock, I came to the vegetable market with my grandmother. Grandma bought ribs, fish, geese, radishes, green vegetables and water chestnut.

  When I got home after buying vegetables, grandma began to make lunch, and I did my homework. After lunch, I had a nap. It was more than three o'clock in the afternoon. My father and mother also came back. Our whole family was busy preparing dinner together. Grandpa was killing fish, dad was cutting ribs, mom was washing dishes, and I was responsible for sending the washed dishes to grandma in the kitchen. When grandma was cooking, I looked around and left saliva, thinking: there will be a big meal tonight.

  When grandma brought dishes to the table, I counted them, including braised goose, boiled fish, ribs and radish soup... Ten dishes. My father brought me a bottle of wine, and my grandfather brought me a bottle of drinks. We chatted while eating. My grandfather talked about the customs of the Mid Autumn Festival, my father talked about the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival, my grandmother wished me progress in learning, and I wished my grandparents good health.

  After dinner, it was already dark. Grandpa took out a square table and put it in the yard. Grandma took out the persimmons, water chestnut, moon cakes and apples prepared and put them on the table. Grandpa also brought a pair of candles. I think it is the festival of the moon.

  Looking at the bright moonlight and eating the reunion moon cakes, we had an unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival. At this time, I want to have a happy mid autumn festival every year. How wonderful it would be for our whole family!


  The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming again, and many people who work abroad have also returned to their hometown to prepare for the Mid Autumn Festival.

  My mother told me that the Mid Autumn Festival is to let a family get together happily, enjoy the bright moon and taste moon cakes together.

  The Mid Autumn Festival is in the middle of August, and the autumn is almost half past. The Mid Autumn Festival holiday is to let us go back to accompany our parents. Many people ask the boss for leave to spend the annual Mid Autumn Festival together as a family.

  When I was a child, I thought that the Mid Autumn Festival was about looking at the moon and eating moon cakes. Later, my mother told me that the focus was on family reunion, not looking at the moon and eating moon cakes! But all said reunion, but some people can't go home.

  Speaking of the Mid Autumn Festival, I think of the moon. The moon in the Mid Autumn Festival is bigger and rounder than at any time. The moon of the Mid Autumn Festival is like a disc on a dark blue tablecloth with many bright spots. The weather of this year's Mid Autumn Festival is wonderful, making people feel as if it is still late summer.

  In the Mid Autumn Festival, the family sat round under the clear night sky, ate moon cakes, and enjoyed the big, round and beautiful moon. How happy and warm it was.

  In the Mid Autumn Festival, there must be a poem "tonight, the moon is bright, and people look at it, but they don't know whose home Autumn Thoughts fall on." "when will the moon appear, and ask the blue sky about the wine." "I hope people will last for a long time, and the moon will shine at this time."

  These ancient poems all express the poet's feelings of wanting to return home but not being able to return home. And some people, like these poets, want to go home but can't because they are tied up in work. Otherwise, they must have gone back early.


  On the morning of the Mid Autumn Festival, I went to the English class. I played games, sang songs and communicated with my classmates and teachers in English. I played very well in class today. I got a total of 11 stars and an excellent seal paper. I think attending this cram school is the happiest. It not only improves my grades, but also brings me happiness. At noon, the whole family sat around and had a reunion dinner. At this time, they only listened__ They played together. We played happily and sweated profusely.

  After dinner, I lay in front of the window and looked at the bright and clear moon in the night sky. I thought of Li Bai's Jingyesi, "the bright moon in front of my bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. I looked up at the bright moon and bowed my head to think of my hometown." This poem describes the poet's lonely and melancholy feeling of looking at the moon and homesick on the full moon night when he is in a foreign country. I have never left my family. I spend every full moon night with my family and feel the happiness brought by reunion. It is difficult for me to understand the poet's mood at that time. Today is another time for family reunion. When I was enjoying my family, I suddenly thought of the soldiers stationed at the border. At this time, they could not be reunited with their families. Their children may be waiting for their father to return home, and their parents may be praying for their children in the distance. These respectable people sacrificed their small homes for all of us, because they know that only with a large country can there be the warmth and happiness of a small family. I deeply admire the selfless dedication of these people. I wish all those who are far away from their families health and happiness.

  At this time, my heart was more dignified, and I wrote a poem to express my feelings. "The moon is bright in the Mid Autumn Festival, and my thoughts are surging. Looking at the border defense line, the moon sends me my feelings."
