
时间:2022-08-30 23:40:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】我国人民在古代就有“秋暮夕月”的习俗。夕月,即祭拜月神。到了周代,每逢中秋夜都要举行迎寒和祭月。以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  I know the Mid Autumn Festival is very fun. You can eat moon cakes and watch the moon.

  On the Mid Autumn Festival, I ate all kinds of moon cakes and saw that the moon was very round. We were very happy! We started to eat. We ate moon cakes and watched TV at the same time. How happy! Then, we went out to play for a while. I saw the little fish looking at the moon. I will also look at the moon later. I played in the community for a while. It's getting late. It's time to go home and take a bath and go to bed. After taking a bath, it's time to see the moon. How beautiful! The moon is too round. It's even rounder than I imagined. It's getting late. It's time to go to bed. I hope you won't be late tomorrow.


  Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. After dinner, my family and I went to the roof to watch the moon.

  When night fell, a full moon was rising. The silver moonlight reflected several clouds as light as feathers. I sat around with my family, eating moon cakes and chatting about family life. It felt very good. I think of a poem by Li Bai, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, which sings: "I drink a pot of wine from among the flowers. There is no one around me. Until I lift my cup, I ask the moon to bring my shadow to me and let us three." As soon as the voice fell, applause broke out. Everyone appreciated my expressive performance very much.


  The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. It is called the mid autumn festival because August 15th is in the middle of autumn. The festival is characterized by eating moon cakes and appreciating the moon, which is a day for family reunion.

  On the Mid Autumn Festival, my father and mother took gifts to my grandmother's house for the festival. As soon as I entered the door, I smelled a fragrance. The table was already full of delicious food, such as chestnut roast chicken, salted shrimp and so on. We ended the meal with laughter and talk.

  After dinner, we went to the square to enjoy the moon. There were so many people in the square! It was very lively. There were dancers and a family going for a walk. Everyone talked and laughed, and their faces were full of happy smiles. I looked up and saw that the moon tonight was beautiful, big and round. Many people put Kongming lanterns on the square. They wrote their blessings on the Kongming lanterns and let them fly into the sky. I hope their best wishes can be realized.

  In the happy laughter, we had a wonderful Mid Autumn Festival!


  It's Mid Autumn Festival again. I heard my mother say that the Mid Autumn Festival is the reunion day. On this day, Dad came back from other places. We went back to our hometown to celebrate the festival with grandma.

  As soon as I entered the room, I saw grandma put many kinds of moon cakes on the table. My brother and I took a moon cake and ate it. My brother said while eating; This moon cake is really delicious. Our teacher said that whoever has moon cakes on the Moon Fairy night will go. My brother and I were looking forward to this evening and finally had dinner. Our family is enjoying the moon and eating moon cakes in the yard. The family is chatting about interesting things. The yard is full of our happy laughter!


  The Mid Autumn Festival is also called moon cake festival. My father took me and my mother back to my hometown for the Mid Autumn Festival.

  In the evening, we eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon. Mother said, "let's recite the poem of the moon!" As soon as the words were finished, my brother blurted out "the bright moon in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground". I could not wait to recite "raise a glass to invite the bright moon, and the shadow becomes three people". My brother was not willing to be outdone. "The moon is born on the sea, and the world is at this time.". Mother said, "you recite well!"

  We want to hold the moon, but the end of the month is too far from us. In the middle of the night, I had a dream that tiangong-2 would bring sister Chang'e back to the earth for the Mid Autumn Festival!


  The Mid Autumn Festival is on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. It is a symbol of reunion and a happy festival.

  In the evening, the big and round moon looks like a white jade plate. After dinner, our family enjoyed the moon and ate moon cakes with relish. This is why I asked my father, "why do we have to eat moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival?" Dad said: "because since ancient times, people have used moon cakes to express their reunion." At this time, I thought of a poem: the bright moon in front of the bed is like frost on the ground. Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around. Our family spent the Mid Autumn Festival happily.


  Once during the Mid Autumn Festival, I asked my mother, "Mom, why do people enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes during the Mid Autumn Festival?" Mother looked at the moon and said thoughtfully, "maybe it's because the Mid Autumn Festival is a day for people to get together!"

  Then we began to eat moon cakes. I saw my father eating very gracelessly. He chewed the moon cakes in a big way, as if someone wanted to eat them with him, causing many moon cake crumbs to fall on the table. I eat slowly, like slowly tasting the taste of moon cakes. And her mother ate very elegantly. She ate it in small bites, fearing that it would be a bit wasteful. She also wiped the corners of her mouth with her hands from time to time, fearing that the moon cake crumbs might get stuck.

  At this time, I only heard my father shouting: "look quickly, the moon is so round!" I quickly looked up at the sky. Yes, the moon tonight is especially bright, especially round and large. It looks like a beautiful and shy little girl. Wearing white and soft clothes, it looks warm and comfortable, giving people a very, very flexible feeling.

  Mid Autumn Festival is a day of reunion, a beautiful day, a happy and warm day!


  The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. My mother and I went to my grandfather's house with gifts. We came to my grandfather's house. The lovely little dog "Jingjing" wagged her tail, jumped to welcome us, and then jumped on me.

  At six o'clock in the morning, my grandfather, brother and dog were playing at the door. Mother and grandmother went to the fields to water the vegetables. The dog ran around chasing a grasshopper. It playfully pressed the grasshopper with its hands and then let it go. I think Jingjing will also love animals.

  At night, the moon rises, round and big, like a silver mirror. We moved out the tables and benches, and then put the moon cakes and fruits on the table. The dog also ran over and sat down obediently waiting for us to give it moon cakes. I divided the moon cake into two parts with a knife and gave it to my grandfather, my brother, myself and my dog. The dog licks the moon cake with its tongue and wants to eat it. A group of ants come and stop on Jingjing's moon cake. Jingjing is very angry and drives the ants away with her hands. However, the moon cake was photographed on the other side. It barked "woof woof". I hurriedly said, "don't be angry. I'll give you another piece." It seemed to understand what I said and stopped shouting. I opened another moon cake to eat.

  On the day of the Mid Autumn Festival, I was so happy and disappointed that my father didn't come back.


  I love the mid autumn festival for no reason. That romantic and sentimental fairy tale broke my heart. The white and bright disc fascinated me! The crisp and delicious moon cakes made my mouth water.

  The story of Chang'e running to the moon has been well known, but who has ever felt or thought of the tension and pressure of Chang'e in order to protect the fairy pill? He once thought about the experience of Hou Yi immersing himself in the sea of pain and confusion when he looked at his wife's figure on the moon! Because of this, I feel that this festival is sacred. Because it is sacred, I love the Mid Autumn Festival.

  The moon on the 15th is round and round! In the dark sky, a big jade plate was shining. It is the moon. It is the brightest light in the night. It is better to say that it is a pair of warm hands that can warm the heart in the cold night, holding the heart carefully in the palm.

  In this festival, we should pay attention to reunion. Every family gets together on the night of this day, bites a sweet moon cake, watches the bright moon, and spreads the wonderful myth of Chang'e running to the moon. What a happy and peaceful scene!

  This year will soon pass, Mid Autumn Festival, can you come quickly?


  I remember that when the Mid Autumn Festival was celebrated in previous years, there was no cloud in the sky. People often said, "the moon is especially bright when it comes to the Mid Autumn Festival". After a while, the moon sister showed a round smiling face. The moon's face was as white as jade. She sprinkled the bright moonlight on the Qingqing River, and the river became more white. The bright moonlight shines on the flowers again, making them more delicate. The moon shines on the willows again; It seems that the willows are covered with a layer of white. A dark shadow suddenly appeared on the moon. Oh, it was the osmanthus tree. Under the osmanthus tree, Wu Gang was drinking and writing poems, and Chang'e was singing and dancing!

  The full moon on the Mid Autumn Festival symbolizes reunion. Every family gets together for family reunion. When the moon rises, our family also eats moon cakes and watches the moon in the yard, enjoying the beautiful moon night and feeling the warmth and love of our relatives.

  I like the mood of Mid Autumn Festival. People are tasting festival food and talking about harvest. While appreciating the moon, I miss my relatives in a foreign land. In fact, it is the so-called "thinking twice of family in every festival"!

  The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I hope that this year's mid autumn moon will be more round and bright. I also hope that my relatives, teachers and classmates will be more healthy, my hometown will be more beautiful and rich, and I also hope that the motherland will be prosperous.
