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【#英语资源# 导语】想必大家都有自己的乐园吧!今天我们就来聊聊我的乐园——英语学习的乐园。在这个乐园里,我可以尽情地探索英语的奥秘,感受英语的魅力。在©文档大全网的帮助下,我的英语学习之路变得更加轻松愉快。让我们一起来看看下面的英语作文范文,感受英语乐园的无限魅力吧!

1.我的乐园英语作文范文 篇一

  Paradise, I believe everyone has it. Today I will talk about my paradise - the seaside, which is a beautiful and joyful place.

  The seaside environment, needless to say, is very beautiful. The azure sky was filled with leisurely white clouds, and the sea was as flat as a mirror, sparkling in the sunlight. The beach is golden and dazzling against the backdrop of the sea.

  I like to go there to pick up when the tide is low. Because when the seawater recedes, it leaves many "treasures" on the beach. Look! Here is a light yellow shell. The shell is fan-shaped, with thin stripes on it. My mouth was tightly closed, as if I didn't want anyone to know what was inside. Perhaps it was a pure white and smooth pearl! Look! There are many sea snails there. They come in different sizes and shapes, but their colors are very beautiful. Lift it up to your ear and you can hear the song sung by the sea. Is it a joyful symphony?

  I will also go to the shallow water to fish and see if there are any small starfish. Ah! What caught my right arm. Looking down, it turned out to be the pliers of a small crab. I couldn't lift the bucket with my left hand, and I couldn't swing it away. I was both angry and amused and said, "Naughty crab, go away quickly. It seemed to understand what I was saying, released its pliers, and walked sideways away.

  I like to look out at the sea and relax. The sea is constantly changing, sometimes happy; Sometimes sad; Sometimes sad; Sometimes angry

  This is my beautiful and joyful paradise - the sea. Do you like it?

2.我的乐园英语作文范文 篇二

  Where is my paradise? By the way, it's the countryside. Many people don't know about it, do they? Today I will take you into my paradise.

  In the countryside, there are mountains and water, and the air is fresh. It's really a great place! When I entered the village, I saw several towering trees, blocking the clouds. Going further, I saw a clear stream, heard the tinkling of its water, and a few small birds bathing by the stream. In the rice field, there are also several ducks playing in the field, and they move in groups from one side of the field to the other. There is also a tall orange tree next to our house. Whenever we are hungry and greedy, we will use a bamboo pole to beat a few oranges to eat.

  There is also a basketball rack in the village, where I play basketball every time I finish class. At first, I couldn't shoot, but later my uncle taught me a secret: "To shoot, you need to hold the basketball with one hand, hold the ball with the other hand, and then shoot towards the basket." I followed my uncle's method and it really worked. After pitching for a while, we began to learn how to cross the ball with the ball. My uncle told me, "To cross, you need to confuse the opponent, seize the opportunity to shoot." After playing for a while, I was already sweating profusely.

  This is my paradise, isn't it very beautiful and fun! I like my amusement park!

3.我的乐园英语作文范文 篇三

  When it comes to my paradise, it is not as grand as the luxurious backyard of a wealthy family, nor is it as interesting and overgrown as Mr. Lu Xun's Herb Garden. It is just a happy, simple study and a quiet small room that integrates a bedroom.

  My playground is in the small bedroom at home. There is a desk on the left side of the bedroom, which is snow-white and has books that I like to read. There is a small light next to the desk, which is like my good friend. Every night, we do homework and read together. There is a snow-white wardrobe behind us, which contains clothes that I like. There is a double bed next to the wardrobe. When I am very angry, I lie in this happy bed, I didn't get angry for a moment. When I am sad, I will talk to the doll by the bedside.

  My little bedroom has a snow-white ground. In summer, I like to lie on the ground because it's very cold underground, it's like being in ice.

  I enjoy drawing, reading, and doing homework in the park. Every Sunday, I will give my amusement park a thorough cleaning. Whenever I don't know how to do homework and feel angry, I lie down on the bed, which makes my heart calm. I enjoy reading on my desk, which helps me relax.

  This is my paradise, not very big and luxurious, but it brings me infinite happiness. There is both joy and a sad childhood inside, and I will take good care of it.

4.我的乐园英语作文范文 篇四

  There's really everything in my toy room! Not only are there excavators, but there are also teddy bears, and of course, my favorite building blocks are also indispensable. My building blocks come in various shapes, including rectangles, circles, squares, trapezoids, and triangles... My brother and I often compete to build blocks and compare who builds them quickly, high, and steadily? I first placed the blocks below and slowly built them up, while my younger brother calmly built several tall pillars. Just as I thought I was about to win, my younger brother immediately built a tall and sturdy house, while my house was crumbling. In the first round, I lost like this. My younger brother laughed triumphantly, and I was very unwilling, so I launched a second competition with him.

  In the second race, we were competing with a racing car to see whose car was driving fast and far. Before the game started, both of us were ready to go. At the command, we all tried our best to push the racing car out. As a result, my brother's racing car stopped due to insufficient power after driving for a while. And with that last bit of strength, I successfully overturned the situation. I won! I jumped up and down with joy.

  The room filled with toys is my paradise, where my brother and I have gained joy.

5.我的乐园英语作文范文 篇五

  There is a small garden to the north of the school, which is the paradise where I grew up.

  In spring, the garden is full of flowers and colors. There are yellow ones like gold, pink ones like rosy clouds, red ones like fire, white ones like snow, green ones like grass, and white ones with a hint of red in them, all in clusters, one after another, competing for beauty and beauty.

  In summer, I often play in the garden with my friends. A gust of wind blew, and the flowers and trees in the garden swayed as if dancing happily. At this moment, our friends will go to hide and seek under the flowers and trees, playing non-stop.

  In autumn, the leaves of the trees fall, putting a golden garment on the earth, which is extremely beautiful!

  In winter, the flowers in the garden have all withered, but the grass is still there. We all put on these beautiful clothes to add another unique scenery to this small garden!

  This is my paradise, a paradise where I grew up!
