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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语作为家喻户晓的英文学习教材,《新概念英语》在中国经久不衰,影响了好几代学习者。即使以今天的角度来看,这套出版于几十年前的教材无论是在编排体系,题材和题材,词汇还是语法上都有出彩之处,值得各个层次的人学习。®文档大全网为您整理了以下内容,仅供参考。希望可以帮助到您!如果您想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注®文档大全网!


      Multiple choice questions  P148


  1 Most people in the town would have regarded Dickie’s behaviour as eccentric on the day hevisited the shop because _____ .

  a. when he set out into the rain he did not take an umbrella

  b. he went to such lengths to show his dislike of snobbery

  c. he spent so much money on a watch

  d. he had not counted the pennies before giving them to the assistant

  go to lengths 竭尽全力

  2 When Dickie went into an expensive shop _____ .

  a. he wanted to shelter from the rain

  b. he did not look like a man who could afford a watch

  c. he had forgotten to bring his cloth bag with him

  d. he had been sent by his wife to buy a watch

  3 The press paid a great deal of attention to Dickie’s exhibition because _____ .

  a. it had taken him so long to prepare the paintings

  b. the critics admired Dickie’s ability to copy the work of famous artists

  c. no one had known that Dickie was a painter

  d. it became known that Dickie had succeeded in deceiving the critics


  4 They disregard social conentions and requite unaware _____ they are doing anythingextraordinary. (ll.2-3)

  a. that what b. of the fact that c. if d. when

  (of the fact可省略)

  5 As it _____ , he dumped it on the counter. (ll.14-15)

  a. was weighing b. weighed a lot c. weighed much d. had weighed much

  much多用于疑问句或否定句中,而肯定句中多用a lot; a great deal

  Eg.: He knows a lot about it.

  He doesn’t know much about it.

  Does he know much about it?

  6 _____ £300 worth of pennies in the bag. (ll.17-18)

  a. There were b. It was c. They were d. It had

  7 He insisted _____ the money before he left.(l.18)

  a. that the assistant should count b. the assistant to count

  c. to count d. to be counted

  8 He asked a number of important critics to come _____ his private… (ll.19-20)

  a. and see b. seeing c. see d. so they saw


  9 ----and returned carrying a large _____ . (l.14)

  a. cloth case b. clothes-basket c. sack of clothing d. bag made of cloth

  10 But dickie paid no attention to his _____… (l.15)

  a. question b. inquiry c. query d. demand

  11 The pictures were supposed to have been _____ by famous artists.(ll.20-21)

  a. worked b. made c. done d. designed

  12 Critics do not always _____ . (ll.22)

  a. mean well b. speak with understanding c. tell the truth d. takl sense

  talk nonsence 胡说


  【Key to Multiple choice questions】

  1. B 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. D 11. C 12. D

  Multiple choice questions 多项选择


  go to such lenghths 竭尽全力




  be quite unaware of the fact that... that 引导同位语从句,在非正式用法中 of the fact 可省略


  much 多用在疑问句或否定句中,而肯定句中多用 a lot;a great deal

  He knows a lot about it.

  He doesn't know much about it. Does he know much about it?








  talk nonsense 胡说八道 talk sense 说正经话


     【篇三】Lesson 32

      Key to Multiple choice questions

  1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. A

  Multiple choice questions


  1 Why had the salvage operation been a complete failure?

  a. They had failed to locate the ship they had been sent to look for.

  b. They had not succeeded in finding the Barents Sea.

  c. They hadfound the wrong ship.

  d. The captain had not understood his 包含uctions.

  2 In ordering as much as possible to be salvaged from the wreck, the captain _____ .

  a. expected to find some of the gold bullion

  b. hoped, among other things, to establish the identity of the ship

  c. thought he would find out that the ship had been a cruiser

  d. was looking for more information concerning the dead seaman

  3 The log book was the most important find because it _____ .

  a. helped to explain how the warship had come to be sunk in the Barents Sea

  b. contained a written account of how the Karen had been torpedoed

  c. provided vital information as to the ship’s whereablaots

  d. gave the Ministry of Defence information it had known nothing about


  4 The captain knew that _____ the only attempt.(l.5)

  a. it was not b. his had not been c. his would not be d. it had not been

  5 It was a ship which had been sunk many years before _____ in fact found. (l.11)

  a. what they had b. that they had c. had been d. which was

  6 They did not find _____ . (l.14)

  a. nothing of value b. a valuable thing c. any value d. anything valuable

  7 ---- parts of which _____ . (l.19)

  a. it could still be read b. it could still read c. could still be read d. could still read

  8 After the Elkor had returned home, a naval official _____ . (ll.21-22)

  a. had this later confirmed at the Ministry of Defence

  b. confirmed this at the Ministry of Defence

  c. at the Ministry of Defence confirmed this

  d. later at the Ministry of Defence confirmed this


  9 The ship’s captain had received 包含uctions to give up the search _____ a radio message fromthe mainland. (ll.3-4)

  a. on b. by c. with d. in

  in the letter / in the radio message / in the fax

  10 There were books, clothing and photographs, _____ letters … (ll.12-13)

  a. including b. along with c. added to d. beside

  11---- an unfinished letter which was _____ March 14th, 1943. (l.17)

  a. inscribed b. marked c. dated d. posted on

  inscribe 刻画

  mark 做标记

  12 ---- all the information that had _____ . (l.20)

  a. emerged b. alighted c. arisen d. surfaced

  arisen (原形是arise ) 出现

  surface 露出水面

  alight on 偶然发现

  My eyes alighted on the book.

  Multiple choice questions 多项选择

  1. 正确答案:A

  2. 正确答案:B

  3. 正确答案:A

  4. 正确答案:C

  5. 正确答案:B

  6. 正确答案:D

  7. 正确答案:C

  8. 正确答案:C

  9. 正确答案:D in the letter 在信中 in the radio message 在电报中 in the fax 在传真中

  including 表示包含、包括。它强调一个整体包含若干个部分,而这里是表示还有什么。


  together with = along with 表示还有 added to 表示被加上

  11.正确答案:C inscribe 刻画 mark 做标记

  12.正确答案:A come to light = emerge

  arisen 是 arise 的过去分词形式,是个不及物动词,表示产生、出现

  surface 露出水面

  alight 要与介词 on 连用,表示偶然发现

  My eyes alighted on the book.

新概念英语第三册:Lesson31-32 课后习题及答案.doc
