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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念系列教材的经典早已家喻户晓。其文章的短小精悍,语句的幽默诙谐,语法的全面而系统,历来被公认为是适合绝大多数朋友学习英语的资料之一。你或许还没有加入到学习中来,但是任何时候的学习都不会晚。快来学习吧!©文档大全网为您整理了以下内容,仅供参考。希望对您的学习有帮助!如果您想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注©文档大全网!

     【篇一】Lesson 35

  Multiple choice questions 多项选择

  1„ 正确答案:C take effect : 起作用


  2„ 正确答案:B expect them to be of most help (背熟这种表达方式)

  I expect you to be of most help

  3„ 正确答案:B 重点动词:ascertained 确定

  4„ 正确答案:

  However = no matter how

  5„ 正确答案:C

  6„ 正确答案:

  be tempted to do 被诱引去做某事

  7„ 正确答案:C 独立主格结构做原因状语

  8„ 正确答案:C

  介词 in 与动名词搭配,表示在什么的时候,在什么的过程当中。 在同他讲话当中,我发现他有点紧张

  In speaking to him, I found him nervous. While 确实可以引导从句,但是 while 引导从句,分词短语和介词短语,而不能跟动名词形 式搭配。在 while


  9„ 正确答案:A 侧重听到了这个结果。

  10„ 正确答案:D

  11„ 正确答案:B

  12„ 正确答案:D

  emerge (侧重于强调公布于众):come to light 本文表示出来

  come up : 意外发生

  【Multiple choice questions】


  1 In what circumstances may justice take effect outside the courts of law?

  a. When a judge has proved neither eminent nor wise.

  b. When it has not been possible to prove a man’s guilt beyond any doubt.

  c. When justice has been done without the interference of a human agent.

  d. When, for example, a man is caught and handed over to the police.

  take effect 起作用


  2 Why did the manager ring up the fire brigade?

  a. He thought that one of the chimneys was on fire.

  b. He expected them to be of most help in the circumstances.

  c. He had not realized there was a criminal on the premises.

  d. He thought whoever was stuck might be a member of the fire brigade.

  3 The fire fighters ascertained which chimney the man was in by _____ .

  a. deciding which of the many cries came from the right chimney

  b. listening for the man’s response th their taps on the walls.

  c. chipping through a wall which was eighteen inches thick

  d. cutting a hige hole in the wall



  4 ____ wise or eminent, judges arehiman and can make mistakes. (ll.5-6)

  a. Whether b. Either c. How much d. No matter how

  5 In our use of a phrase like ‘it serves him right’ _____ , in part, admitting … (ll.8-10)

  a. is b. it is c. we are b. and in

  6 The staff must have found it impossible _____ to say ‘it serves him right’. (ll.11-12)

  a. they were not tempted b. for them not to be tempted

  c. to be tempted d. not to be tempted

  be tempted to do

  7 _____ several times, she ran to tell the manager. (l.14)

  a. Repeating the cry b. While the cry was repeated

  c. The cry being repeated d. Having repeated the cry

  8 ---- admitted that _____ to break into the shop during the night, he had got stuck in thechimney. (ll.20-21)

  a. although he had tried b. while he has tried c. in trying d. it was he who had tried

  In speaking to him, I found him nervous.


  9 She _____ the cry several times, so she ran … (ll.14-15)

  a. heard b. listened to c. listened for d. earmarked

  10 They located the chimney _____ by tapping …(ll.16-17)

  a. on the right b. well c. right away d. correctly

  11 The blackened figure that emerged was _____ sight. (l.20)

  a. an ugly b. a sorry c. an apologetic d. a poor

  12 The sorry-looking blackened figure that _____ , admitted at once … (l.20)

  a. came to light b. came up c. went out d. got out

  emerge (侧重强调公布于众) : come to light


  come up 意外发生

      【Key to Multiple choice questions】

  1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. D 11. B 12. D


       【篇二】Lesson 36

     Multiple choice questions 多项选择

  1、 What would a modern reader find totally unacceptable in a novel today?

  答案 d—Having for a hero a man once presumed dead.


  2、 When Mrs. Bussman suggested that the workman might be Franz’s brother

  答案 c—Franz was so sure his brother was dead he did not take her seriously.

  3、 What did Hans Bussman do

  immediately after the war was over?

  答案 c—He inquired after his family’s where abouts but found no trace of



  4、 -his readers with a series of coincidences„wildly improbable.(lines 3-6)

  答案 b—which would be most

  5、 A long-lost brother, who was presumed dead, had not in fact died and„to

  bring about the hero’s downfall.(lines 8-12)

  答案 d—had been wickedly plotting.

  6、 He stopped„(line 25)

  答案 a—in order to talk to a workman

  7、 She sent a boy to ask the workman„(lines 25-26)

  答案 b—what he was called

  8、 Meanwhile his unit was lost and „had been destroyed. (lines 31-32)

  答案 b—every record of his (他所有的记录都被毁掉了)

  9、 -who was thought to have been killed twenty years„(lines 18-19)

  答案 d—previously

  previously: before 同义 完成时的标志

  10、Mrs Bussman told her husband

  that he and the workman„(lines 20-21)

  答案 c—looked very alike

  look 表示人的外貌\长相应该采用复数形式 look alike 看起来像

  11、-there was the „chance she might

  be right.(lines 24-25)

  答案 a—remotest

  remote 既表示"遥远\偏僻的",也表示"微弱的",特别用来修饰 chance

  12、 -how it had „that he was still alive. (lines 28-29) *

  答案 d—come about come about: happen 多用于疑问句,尤其是 How does it come about that?结构中

  【Multiple choice questions】


  1 What would a modern reader find totally unacceptable in a novel today?

  a. having for a hero a man once presumed dead.

  b. The happiness a hero might feel on being reunited with his mother.

  c. Any character beign so wicked as to plot against the hero.

  d. Two brothers, each presuming the other long since dead, meeting again by chance.

  2 When Mrs. bussman suggested that the workman might be Franz’s brother _____ .

  a. she was told for the first time that Hans had been killed

  b. Franz objected to the idea of being associated with a workman

  c. Franz was so sure his brother was dead he did not take her seriously

  d. they were both too shy to ask the workman if this was so themselves

  3 What did Hans Bussman do immediately after the war was over?

  a. He went to hospital to have his woulds attended to.

  b. He deserted his unit and walked back to his home town.

  c. He inquired after his family’s where abouts but found no trace of them.

  d. He settled in a village near his home, hoping his family would find him.


  4 ---- his readers with a series of coincidences _____ wildly improbable. (ll.2-4)

  a. mostly being b. most of which were c. most of them were d. which would be most

  5 A long-lost brother had not in fact died and _____ to bring about the hero’s downfall. (ll.5-7)

  a. wickedly plotting b. wickedly plotted c. been wickedly plotting d. had been wickedly plotting

  6 He stopped _____ . (ll.11-12)

  a. in order to talk to a workman b. a workman for a talk

  c. talking to a workman d. so that he talked to a workman

  7 She sent a boy to ask the workman _____ . (l.16)

  a. what was he called b. what he was called c. how he was called d. if he was called

  8 Meanwhile his unit was lost and _____ had been destroyed. (ll.20-21)

  a. each of his records b. all records of him c. all records of his d. every record of his


  9 he found a brother who was thought to have been killed twenty years _____ . (ll.10-11)

  a. ago b. back c. before hand d. previously

  previously ==before

  10 Mrs. bussman told her husband that he and the workman _____ … (ll.12-13)

  a. had a close look b. had the same look c. looked very alike d. looked the same way


  11 ---- there was the _____ chance she might be right. (l.15)

  a. remotest b. scarcest c. greatest d. lightest

  remote 既表示“遥远、偏僻的”,也表示“微弱的”,特别用来修饰chance, possibility

  12 ---- how it had _____ that he was still alive. (l.18)

  a. become b. arrived c. resulted d. come about

  come about: happen

  become of ==come about

  多用于疑问句,尤其是How does it come about that?结构中

  【Key to Multiple choice questions】

  1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. C 11. A 12. D


      【篇三】Lesson 37

      Multiple choice questions 多项选择

  Comprehension 理解

  1„ 正确答案:B by rail = by train

  2„ 正确答案:C

  at the speed of 以„的速度 express train


  3„ 答案正确:A

  complain about; complain of 抱怨

  注意句子:The train scheduled as an express train having in fact been a slow one.

  Scheduled as an express train 修辞 the train,做它的后置定语。

  Having in fact been a slow one 与 train 构成独立主格结构。


  Structure 结构

  4„ 答案正确:B expect 的用法: expect sth/sb to do

  5„ 答案正确:C

  注意:might 在 railway services 之前,是明显的倒装表示。 需采用倒装形式的几种情况:

  A) only 所引导的状语从句用在句首,句子必须倒装。

  B)if 条件句,如果 if 省略,were 要前置。 --Were it to snow = If it were to snow.


  6„ 正确答案:A

  in a mere hour and seventeen minutes

  在 1 小时 17 分钟内

  7„ 正确答案:D 因为 still, 所以答案为 d. 如果选择 a) before we had ,则应去掉 still to.

  即:before we had covered half the distance.

  8„ 正确答案:C

  十分有礼貌的表达方式,且与 asked 形式呼应。

  Vocabulary 词汇

  9„ 正确答案:D

  held up = delay halt 停止 retard 防止

  slow up 减慢

  10„ 正确答案:D

  as soon as I arrived = immediately on arrival

  11... 正确答案:B 注意:主句中 I 做主语

  a 选项,则 noting 与主句中的主语 I 不相符合。

  b 选项,sounding 是现在分词做状语说明修辞 I 的情况

  12„ 正确答案:A take another look 再看一眼

  review 复习 overlook 忽视,宽恕,检查,监督

  【Multiple choice questions】


  1 When the writer consulted his railway timetable _____ .

  a. he wanted to find out how long the express train to Westhaven took

  b. he wanted to know the quickest way of getting to Westhaven by rail

  c. he did not notice how many stations there were on the way to Westhaven

  d. he misread the information concerning the time the journey took

  by rail ==by train

  2 At what point did the writer realize that the train was not travelling at the speed of anexpress train?

  a. When the train had reached the station after Widley.

  b. When the train had been held up by signals.

  c. After the train had stopped at several small stations.

  d. After the train had covered a distance of thirty miles.

  at the speed of 以……的速度

  express train 特快列车

  3 When the writer went to the station master, he complained about _____ .

  a. the train scheduled as an express train having in fact been a slow one

  b. the lack of colour in the timetable

  c. the lack of any express trains from his local station to Westhaven

  d. the fact that the Westhaven express had been suspended from service

  complain about/of 抱怨


  4 We have learnt to expect _____ punctual. (l.1)

  a. trains being b. trains to be c. of trains being d. trains are going to be

  5 _____ exceptionally heavily might railway services be temporarily dislocated. (ll.5-6)

  a. If only it smowed b. Only in case it snows c. Only were it to snow d. Only when snow

  only所引导的状语从句用在句首,句子必须倒装, if条件句,如果if省略,were要前置

  6 The express train went direct from my local station to Westhaven _____ a mere hour andseventeen minutes. (l.10)

  a. in b. lasting c. a journey which lasted d. a journey of

  7 One hour and seventeen minutes passed _____ still to cover half the distance. (ll.16-17)

  a. before we had b. before having c. when we had d. and we had


  8 When he denied the train’s existence, I asked if I _____ borrow his copy. (ll.19-20)

  a. can b. may c. might d. was able to


  9 Even a mighty express train can be _____ by signals. (l.14)

  a. halted b. retarded c. slowed up d. delayed

  held up == delayed

  halt 停止

  retard 防止

  slow up 减慢

  10 I determined to lodge a complaint _____ on arrival. (l.18)

  a. firstly b. punctually c. straight d. immediately

  11 _____ , I told him that it was there in black and white. (ll.20-21)

  a. Noting my triumph b. Sounding triumphant c. On a triumphant note d. In my triumphantvoice

  12 Glancing at it briefly, he told me I should _____ . (l.21)

  a. take another look b. review it c. oerlook it d. have second sight

  review 复习

  overlook 忽视,宽恕,检查,监督

  【Key to Multiple choice questions】

  1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. B 12. A

新概念英语第三册:Lesson35-37 课后习题答案及解析.doc
