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【#五年级# 导语】通过期末考试,学生可以及时了解自己在一个学期内的学习情况,查缺补漏,下面是©文档大全网整理的《小学五年级下册英语期末练习题及答案》,希望对你们有帮助!

1.小学五年级下册英语期末练习题及答案 篇一

  People in the US usually eat three meals (餐) a day. They have breakfast in the morning, a light (清淡的) lunch at noon, and a big meal at night. They often have a quick(快速的) breakfast and lunch. For lunch they have some sandwiches or hamburgers and then they drink some fruit juice or coffee. Sometimes they have their lunch in a cafeteria(自助餐厅). They can get a quick lunch there. They have more time for dinner. They usually eat a big meal. They have soup, meat(肉), vegetables, salad and some bread. They also drink milk, fruit juice, coffee or tea. Some people also drink a little wine(啤酒). Then they have desserts(甜点): pie, cake or ice cream.

  (  )1. People in the USA usually have three meals a day.

  (  )2. They have a quick breakfast in the morning.

  (  )3. They have a big meal for lunch.

  (  )4. They have salad, vegetables and desserts for dinner.

  答案:1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T

2.小学五年级下册英语期末练习题及答案 篇二

  I'm Amy. Today is May, 6th. It's my mother's birthday. My family are all at home. What are they doing? Let's have a look. My father is watering flowers in the living room. My grandma is cooking long noodles for my mother. My brother is drawing a birthday picture for my mother. Where am I? I'm in the kitchen(厨房). with her friends. What am I doing? I'm making a birthday cake for my mother.

  ( )1. What's the date today?

  A. It's a sunny day. B. It's May, 6th. C. It's Saturday

  ( )2. Is grandma cooking dinner?

  A. No, she isn't. B. Yes, she is. C. No, he isn't.

  ( )3. Where is Amy's father?

  A. In the bed room. B. In the living room. C. In the study room.

  ( )4. What's Amy's brother doing?

  A. Listening to music. B. Playing computer games. C. Drawing a picture.

  ( )5. What is Amy doing now?

  A. Making a cake. B. Doing her homework. C. Singing and dancing.


3.小学五年级下册英语期末练习题及答案 篇三


  1、I _______ ________ _______ _______ (see) a film tomorrow.

  2、A: What _______ you _______ ______ _______ (do) next Saturday?

  B: I _______ __________ _______ ________(swim) with my parents.

  3、There ______ _______ (be) a party in our school.

  4、Mike _______ ________ (visit ) his grandparents next week.

  5、He ______ ______ _______ _______(buy)a bike the day after tomorrow.

  6、________ (fly)a kite with my father next week.

  7、He will not _________ (go) to school tomorrow.


  1. I'm going to _____ some chopsticks ____ Sunday afternoon.

  A. bought; on B. buy; on C. buy; on

  2. When are you going to Hong Kong? I'm going there ____ .

  A. this weekend B. by plane C. yesterday

  3. I'm going to____ my friends this weekend.

  A. visit B. visited C. visiting

  4. I'm going to____ homework tomorrow.

  A. does B. do C. did

  5. Are you going to take a piano class? ____

  A. No, we not B. No, I am C. Yes, I am



  1.am going to see

  2.are going to do am going to swim

  3.will be

  4.will visit

  5.is going to buy

  6.will fly



  C A A B C

4.小学五年级下册英语期末练习题及答案 篇四


  1. look! Chen Jie and Mike are ___________(sing)now.

  2. The small bear is ________ (climb) the tree.

  3. Mike is ________ (draw) picture.

  4. She is ________ (do) the dishes.

  5. My brother is ________ (make) kites.

  二、 选择正确答案

  1. Every one ____ to their teacher in the classroom.

  A. are listening B. is listening C. listen

  2. They are singing and ___ together at the party now.

  A. dance B. danced C. dancing

  3. Listen! The birds ____.

  A. is singing B. are sing C. are singing

  4. Look! The kite ___ in the sky.

  A. fly B. flies C. is flying

  5. They ____ riding a forse.

  A. is B. are C. am

  三、 根据中文填空。

  1. Sandy 正在弹钢琴。Sandy ______ ________ the piano.

  2. 听, 她们正在说英语。Listen, _______ are _______ English.

  3.我正在做家庭作业。I _________ _________ my homework.

  4.她正在写信吗? ________she _______a letter?

  5. Zhang Peng 和Tom 在树下下棋。

  Zhang Peng and Tom ________ ________ chess under the tree.

  6. 你们正在植树吗? _______ you ________ trees? Yes, we are.


  一、1.singing 2.climbing 3.drawing 4.doing 5.making

  二、 B C C C B

  三、1.is playing 2.they speaking 3.am doing 4. Is writing 5.are playing 6.Are planting

5.小学五年级下册英语期末练习题及答案 篇五


  1. Mike ___________ (do) his homework every day.

  2. There ____________ (be) some water in the glass.

  3. We like ____________ (play) basketball after class.

  4. I like singing. I often ____________ (listen) to the music in the evening.

  5. My grandma ___________ (watch) TV every day.


  1. ____Alice often play the piano. No, she _____.

  A. Do; do B. Does; does C. Does; doesn't

  2. ___ your penfriend __ in Beijing?

  A. Do; live B. Do; lives C. Does; live

  3. Tom and Mike __ very excited, they will take a trip.

  A. is B. are C. am

  4. I like ________ very much. What about you?

  A. dance B. danced C. dancing

  5. I can't find my pen. Let me __.

  A. go and ask her B. go and ask hers C. go and ask she


  一、 1. is doing 2. is 3. playing 4.listen 5. Watches

  二、C C B C A
