
时间:2022-07-21 08:15:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】暑假到来人轻松,紧张生活脑后抛。吹响快乐集结号,唱起快乐的歌谣。清清小溪洗个澡,高温炎热都赶跑。亲切问候要送到,祝福声声不可少。愿你暑假乐逍遥!以下是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  After a whole semester of intense study, today is the summer vacation! I came to school with a nervous and excited mood. I was excited that the summer vacation was coming soon. I was nervous that if I didn't do well in the exam, I would be in trouble.

  I came to the school and walked into the classroom. There was a happy atmosphere everywhere in the classroom. I sat in my position and waited for the teacher to come.

  After a few minutes, the teacher walked into the classroom, and the classroom instantly quieted down. The teacher told us that we had not taken class 2 (2) in this exam. Although we are very sad, we are still very happy that the graduation ceremony will be held soon. When the ceremony was over, I saw that other students received the certificate of merit, but I didn't, which showed that I didn't work hard, but it was about to have a holiday. These things should be regarded as floating clouds!

  The long summer vacation has come, and I have made it for myself. I want to go to bed early and get up early every day, read English and ancient poetry, and continue to practice writing and read extracurricular books every day, so as to enrich myself in this summer vacation. I also need to learn to do housework, help my parents share some, and let them have a rest.

  I want to let myself learn more knowledge in this summer vacation, let myself grow up, and make my parents happy and at ease.


  The summer vacation is about to end. Did you have a colorful summer vacation? What are you going to do on the last day of summer vacation? You ask me what I'm going to do? Hee, hee, actually I didn't think about it.

  What am I going to do on the last day of summer vacation? sleep no play computer games? no Watch tv? no Finally, I plan to take a cold bath in the swimming pool in my upstream bathing suit. "Ah, this swimming pool seems very cold." There are two little sisters muttering over there. I was thinking: is it really cold? Should I go down or not? Before I decided whether to go down or not, "plop", I was pushed into the water. What did mom say you were in a daze? Do you know that it's cool to stay in this water. "Hua La" when my mother jumped down, all the waves fell on my head. Wow, it's really cool. I don't know what those two little sisters were thinking just now. Obviously, the water is very cool. Because my mother just praised me with water, I want revenge. When my mother didn't pay attention, I suddenly praised my mother with water. When my mother didn't find out, I quickly ran away.

  I really enjoyed myself today. Gradually, the sun will set, and my mother and I will go home.

  Happy summer vacation, with beautiful and new things, there are also strings of crystal clear laughter bells that children bring to their parents when they are happy.


  Summer vacation has come, but whether I can have a happy summer vacation depends entirely on my performance. If I listen to my mother and finish my summer homework every day, then I can enjoy my own summer vacation.

  My daily study time is arranged in the morning, because my mother said that this is the most suitable time of the day to study. I have to finish my homework every morning, otherwise I can't watch cartoons in the afternoon. I remember once I went out to play without finishing my homework. Finally, I was severely criticized by my mother. I have finished my homework today, and the animation time in the afternoon has begun.

  First of all, I plugged in the TV, quickly took out the cold coconut milk in the refrigerator, stood on tiptoe and took away the delicious cookies on the refrigerator, turned on the fan, picked up the remote control, and enjoyed the infinite happiness of primary school students in the summer vacation.

  I sat comfortably on the sofa, drinking sweet coconut milk, eating delicious cookies with sugar, watching the summer popular mengxueyuan, a happy flower in the heart garden has bloomed, feeling that I am really happy. This afternoon makes me really happy, as if I have eternal happiness.


  Today, we took advantage of our summer vacation to go back to our hometown.

  After our family arrived at their hometown, we went to the North turntable to play.

  It's really lively here! Some sell melon seeds, some sell ice cream, and some sell barbecue At this time, beautiful dance music came from a distance. When I looked back, it turned out that it was a group of grandparents dancing in the square! They dance so well! I held the puppy ruby in my arms. At this time, I felt his whole body tremble. I asked aunt Ping. Aunt Ping told me that it was because Ruby heard the sound of whip dance in the distance, and he was afraid, so his whole body trembled. I held Ruby tighter, comforted him and said, don't be afraid, I will protect you!

  Then, we go to play bumper cars. Uncle Ping and I are in a group, and aunt Ping and uncle Ping are in a group. Before my uncle's car started, uncle Ping rushed up with me. With a bang, the two cars collided. Everyone laughed, so exciting! I accidentally touched my arm, which hurt a little, but I still had a good time.

  Finally, when we were going home, aunt Ping suggested that we all take a picture. We got home very late. Aunt Ping and I washed and went to bed. What a happy day today!


  Today, I, Liu Kun, Lai Yuhui and my mother soaked beans together to experience happiness.

  First, my mother took out a cup and handed it to me. I immediately filled half a cup of water and came to the first room. Liu Kun grabbed a handful of yellow beans and put them in the cup. I shook the cup and saw nine beans floating up. My mother said, "these are rotten." So I threw all these floating soybeans into the garbage can. A minute later, when we looked at the soybeans in the cup again, we were surprised to find that they were wrinkled, so we asked our mother, "Mom, what's the matter?" "Yes, yes, what's going on?" Mother said, "the skin of beans is soaked in water. If you inhale water, it will wrinkle." In order to see what beans grow fastest, we soaked black beans, red beans and mung beans. Finally, we found that the fastest wrinkle in the water is soybeans, black beans second, red beans third and mung beans last. Today is the first day of soaking bean sprouts. See what changes tomorrow!


  The surprise of this summer vacation is to have your own pet dog.

  I have always liked dogs very much. Every time I go home and see many people walking with dogs in the community, I envy them very much. I really hope to have my own pet dog. After finishing my homework that day, I said to my mother, "Mom, I want to buy a puppy, can I?" My mother said, "as long as you are obedient and sensible at ordinary times, my mother will naturally meet your requirements. Recently, you have studied hard and made progress in all aspects. I'll buy it for you as a reward." I heard a burst of cheers.

  Come to the kennel selling dogs, wow! Many dogs. Two rows of three-story glass kennels are neatly placed near the walls on both sides. Cats and dogs are divided into glass houses one by one. They are excited to see someone coming. I looked at them one by one. They were all too cute. I asked my aunt, "aunt, do you have a small dog here?" Aunt introduced us to Teddy dog, Pomeranian dog, Hydrangea dog, saying that these are small dogs. They are extremely cute. When I hesitated, I saw a black-and-white Hydrangea dog nearby waving its tail at me. Its small black glass eyes were looking at me as if they liked me very much. I immediately bought it and named it Xiaoguai.

  The summer vacation with Xiaoguai is full of surprises. What a happy summer vacation.


  In mid July, I went back to my hometown in Hubei with my mother, and a happy summer vacation began.

  After a night's long journey, the sleeper of the train was transferred to the intercity bullet train, and I sat for half an hour. I was dazzled when I got home. Fortunately, I moved to my new home and didn't have to run too far, otherwise I would definitely throw up.

  As soon as I entered the house, I couldn't wait to open the refrigerator and find the ice cream I dreamed of. This is the custom of every summer vacation. Grandpa would prepare a refrigerator full of ice cream for me; This year, my cousin shared it, and my grandfather specially prepared more. Who calls us his sweetheart!

  Although the delicious ice cream is delicious, the two-year-old little cute sister is even more intoxicating. She can accompany me, dance, hide and seek, go downstairs to play with the rocker and slide, climb onto my bed when sleeping, and jump on the bed with me. After more than half a year of separation, we can't get together in half a day. After all, sisterhood is deep.

  Compared with the busy school life in Shenzhen, the summer vacation in my hometown is much more comfortable. My grandparents always pull me: for a while, I grow much taller, for a while, I get sunburned. I can't eat all the delicious food in my hometown and chat all the local dialect in my hometown, which reminds me of my childhood memory. What I can't give up is my kinship with my parents. Now I can finally go to school with them in Shenzhen, but what I owe is the kindness of my grandparents' upbringing!

  The short holiday is passing day by day, and the happy childhood is gone forever, "I don't want to... I don't want to grow up..." but people should learn to grow up and face the wonderful life in the future bravely!


  The happy holiday is coming to an end, and school will begin soon. I'm very happy that my birthday happened to be spent during the holiday. It happened to be yesterday.

  In the morning, my mother ordered a big fruit cake in the store. The birthday gift my aunt chose for me was a sniper water cannon I had been looking forward to for a long time. The moment I received the gift, I was so happy that I almost jumped up. At noon, my mother prepared a rich lunch for us and cooked a full ten dishes, all of which are my favorite! After lunch, my mother said, "if you are so full at noon, you can eat the cake in the evening, OK?" I lowered my head and touched my stomach. I was quite full and burped! So I had to reluctantly agree. Then I played with my cousin and brother.

  In the evening, my mother took out the birthday cake, put on a birthday hat for me, and lit a birthday candle with the number "10" on the cake. At this time, my mother turned off the light and said to let me close my eyes and make a wish. I silently made a wish in my heart, and then blew out the candle. My brother turned on the light, and my mother cut the cake and gave us a dozen pieces to eat. After we got the cake, some wolfed it down, some chewed it slowly, and some wanted to eat it in one bite. At the end of the meal, our mouths were all dirty with cream. Mother laughed and said, "what are you doing? Don't exaggerate! No one robbed you, there are still many!"

  This is my birthday, and it's also my happiest birthday.


  During the summer vacation, many things have been blurred by the flowing time, but there is one thing that I can't forget.

  One day in the summer vacation, my father took us to Shenzhen Xiaomeisha to play. Walk into the beach of Xiaomeisha and stand high to see the vast sea, which is boundless. You can't see the edge with a telescope. Although the beach is large, there are not many empty seats to stand here. If you are not careful, you will bump into the people next to you.

  On the sea, my brother and I were "competing" with the waves. As soon as the waves rushed, we closed our eyes and rushed through their "bodies". At the moment of crossing, it was so cool! The waves sneaked at me. They rushed at me and made my eyes water. Learning to swim in the sea is simply looking for a needle in a haystack! From morning to night, for such a long time, I was drawing water with a bamboo basket - nothing! I was tired. A wave washed me up on the beach, and the bright sun shone on me. I lay on the beach and didn't want to move any more. But my father said, "go and learn to swim. I'll teach you."

  I practiced in the sea for several hours, drank the sea water full of my stomach, and finally learned to master some swimming skills, but I still couldn't swim for a while and sank.

  At nine o'clock in the evening, we took the car and walked on the way home. I thought to myself: you can't learn a skill until you work hard. I have to continue to work hard and learn to swim. I hope I can swim freely in the sea one day.


  On August 12, my mother and I went to Aunt Wu's vineyard to pick grapes. I heard that the grapes there are big and sweet, and they taste very good. I've long wanted to pick them myself and taste them myself.

  We started from the urban area, after half an hour's drive, we came to where Aunt Wu's vineyard was located. As soon as we got off the bus, we saw a large vineyard far away, green and overcast. As soon as I entered the orchard gate, I saw three varieties of grapes on a table for everyone to taste, one is rose fragrance, the other is Jufeng, and the other is bought from the supermarket for comparison and comparison. As a result, when eating rose grapes, the mouth is full of rich rose fragrance, and it is very sweet, so we are ready to pick rose fragrance. Further inside, the whole vineyard came into view, covering an area of about 300 mu. There are about ten clusters of grapes on each vine, and there are more than 60 grapes on each cluster. The grapes are covered with white paper. Some people may ask why, because birds like to eat grapes, so it is wrapped with a layer of white paper. Aunt Wu's grapes are expensive, 35 yuan a kilo! It's so expensive because it's sweet. I only bought three. It costs 125 yuan to process. It's really expensive!

  But this time I experienced the life of picking grapes, gained insight, and was so close to nature. It was really comfortable.
