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【#英语资源# 导语】12月25日是圣诞节,圣诞节并不是中国传统的节日,它是西方国家一年中最盛大的一个节日,相当于我国的春节。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。

1.高中生圣诞节英语作文 篇一

  Looking forward, looking forward, looking forward to December 25, why? It was Christmas! You can get Christmas presents again! I remember that last year I wanted a pair of "Nike" brand sneakers. One morning after that, I actually received a gift. I jumped three feet high with joy.

  Finally, on the night of Christmas Day on December 25, I lay in bed and said to myself, "Today is Christmas. What gift should I ask Santa Claus for?" "Want a computer? No! Dad won't let me. Want an encyclopedia? It's long time ago! Want some toys? Mom will confiscate them. Alas! What do you want? Oh! By the way, I want a composition book most. Composition can not only be read, but also improve my composition level and enrich my knowledge. How wonderful! OK! I want a composition book.

  okay! The wishes have been made. Now let's make a wish! I silently read my wishes once in my heart. Now that all my wishes have been made, it's time to make preparations.

  Just do it. I took my sock and hung it on the head of the bed. Then I put a note inside: Santa Claus, I want a composition book for primary school. Thank you. When I put it inside, I slept soundly.

  In the early morning of December 26, when the first ray of bright sunshine came into my room, I got up, put on my clothes, and after washing, I couldn't wait to open my socks. Ah! A new Complete Essay of Primary School Students was presented to me. I can't believe I received the gift from Santa Claus again. It's so wonderful!

  This Christmas, I had a very good time, because I once again received a gift from Santa Claus. Although the gift is not very precious, I cherish it very much. Because it is this small gift that makes my Christmas beautiful and colorful. I want to say, "Santa, thank you!"

2.高中生圣诞节英语作文 篇二

  Christmas is also known as Christmas, translated as ";Christ mass";, western traditional festival, every year in December 25th. Mass is a kind of church service. Christmas is a religious festival, because regard it as to celebrate the birth of Jesus, named ";christmas";

  Most of the Catholic Church will be first in the 24, Christmas Eve, i.e., the early morning of December 25 at midnight mass, and some Christian will be held caroling and on December 25 to celebrate Christmas; Christian another branch of Orthodox Christmas celebration in the annual January 7.

  Christmas is a public holiday in the western world and in many other regions, such as Hongkong, Macao, Malaysia, and Singapore in Asia. The Bible actually did not record the date of birth of Jesus, Christmas is a public.

3.高中生圣诞节英语作文 篇三

  This month is December. I like December a lot, because Christmas Day is on December 25th. Oh, Christmas Day is coming. I will do many things and get some presents. I think I will very happy.

  On Christmas Day, I often play with my friends and go shopping with my parents. But, this year, I will do some other different things. In the morning, I want to listen to music and eat some good food with my sister. In the afternoon, I will go to my English school to have a good party with my classmates. Next, happy time is coming, the moon goes up. I will meet my friends in my house. We will play some happy games. We can dance, sing together and play with Father Christmas. We can also eat cakes, hamburgers and chicken. Health is important for us. So, we do some funny sports. We can jump, hop, turn around and so on…And this day is my best friend —— Ren Yun’s birthday. I will feel happy.

  Oh, my Christmas Day life is very colorful, busy and happy. I love Christmas Day.

4.高中生圣诞节英语作文 篇四

  You know what? Christmas is one month away. You must want to get a favorite gift. Like you, I am looking forward to a surprise. I have made a wish in my heart many times: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, give me an electric balance car quickly!

  Why do I want an electric balance car? It also starts from last year's International Children's Day. That day, Grandma said she wanted to give me a balance car. I am very excited, and I will choose with her on Jingdong. I finally chose a two wheel balance car, because it is not as difficult to control as a unicycle. It runs steadily on the ground and I can quickly "get on my feet".

  This electric balance car is 28cm high and 80cm long, made of aluminum alloy. The shape is similar to the ordinary skateboard, but the weight is 8kg! The speed reaches 20 kilometers per hour. If you keep sliding day and night at this speed, you can go around the earth in 83 years and reach the sun in 856 years.

  If you want the balance car to slide forward, you should lean forward. If you want to turn right, step hard on the left side of the balance car. If you turn left, step hard on the right side. Whenever I ride a balance car on the road, the wind blows through my ears. It seems that I am sitting in an open car, or I have become a Batman. It's very windy!

  Speaking of this balance car, there is still a history! In 1985, Japanese scientists developed a two wheel electric balance car, but it can only go straight, not turn. According to the experience of predecessors, in the 21st century, the United States, Switzerland and many other countries have developed electric balance vehicles that can both go straight and turn. They are faster than ordinary balance cars, and the speed is up to 30 kilometers per hour. Some have also been applied to the military field.

  It's a pity that my beloved balance car has a fault and can't be charged. Looking forward to the stars and the moon, Christmas is finally coming. Will Santa Claus give me a brand new balance car? The answer will be revealed in a month.

5.高中生圣诞节英语作文 篇五

  Today is Christmas. The multimedia classroom is holding an activity. Ten people from each class are selected to participate. I was a little depressed because I was not succeeded. But the activity in the afternoon drove my unhappiness out of the sky.

  In the afternoon, the teacher wiped the blackboard clean, hung a colorful ribbon on the blackboard, and asked Kuang Xiang, Tang Yijie and Jiang Huimin to sit at the same table and draw on the blackboard. The teacher refused us to write the four characters "Merry Christmas" first and then draw what we want. We unanimously recommended Tang Yijie to write. Tang Yijie wrote "Merry Christmas" in four different colors of chalk. The blackboard suddenly looked very lovely. We used colored chalk to draw on the blackboard, and the blackboard produced a beautiful picture.

  After painting, the teacher asked us to guess riddles. The teacher even gave us a few riddles. Later, the wise Kuang Xiang had a brainstorm and suddenly came up with several riddles. The teacher rewarded him with a mechanical pencil and a box of refills. I answered two riddles incorrectly, and the teacher awarded me a notebook.

  After guessing the riddle, the teacher asked the students to perform on the stage. I performed a joke poem, "Sunshine censer gives birth to purple smoke, and the toilet is in front. Xiao Li's flying knife changed Kuang Xiang into a little eunuch in a moment." The students laughed, and even the teacher couldn't help laughing. Zou Qi went on stage to sing a song, "I also rode a horse to scout.". We'll come back when he heads together and he sings. Loud singing filled the whole classroom. We are like a group of noisy skylarks flying in the Christmas sky.

  When I returned home, my mother sent me a green Christmas tree, with many small gifts hanging on it, and many shiny strawberry lights. I jumped together happily.

  In the evening, I put my socks under my pillow and waited for Father Christmas to give me a gift. The next morning, I found a small snowman knocked in one sock, and a stationery box with a bookshelf knocked on the other sock. I was amazed. I thought: Is this really a gift from Grandpa Christmas? It's amazing.

  I am very happy this Christmas, and I can be very happy in the Happiness Bank!

6.高中生圣诞节英语作文 篇六

  The annual Christmas Carnival is coming again! Each student happily changed into gorgeous clothes and prepared to celebrate the lively Christmas.

  The Christmas Eve Meeting is now beginning, ladies and gentlemen, guests and friends.

  Merry Christmas and Christmas Eve! Today we get together at the time of Christmas. First, we meet old friends, and second, we make new friends! Christmas blessings always go with Santa Claus's gifts. Let's treasure our blessings in our hearts, keep our gifts in our hands, and let's experience this extraordinary moment brought to you by Christmas.

  Because we got together, let's share this happy time, because the romantic Christmas let us carry endless blessings. Dear friends, I sincerely wish: Marry Christmas! Merry Christmas! May Santa Claus fulfill all the wishes we have made tonight. In the new year, I wish you all the best of luck, five blessings, six or six blessings, colorful life, exquisite appearance, enduring prosperity, perfection, high career and peace!

  An elegant princess and a handsome prince appeared in our class, as well as lovely tree spirits, powerful magicians, cool faceless men, kind wizards and ancients. Everyone's clothes were carefully designed and really excellent. Our sweet teacher Tian dressed up as Santa Claus and welcomed Christmas with us. After finishing dressing up, we gathered in the playground.

  This year's Christmas Carnival has arranged many wonderful performances, including the fancy rope skipping team! Their performances brightened my eyes. There were also lively and lovely kindergarten children on the rostrum, who brought us wonderful dances. Some of the popular songs and dances brought by the sixth grade made me crazy. The performance festivals were more and more wonderful. This Christmas celebration was really lively and the last Christmas in my primary school life, I will put this beautiful and unforgettable memory into my childhood memory box. Let's raise our glasses and wish: Mary Christmas! Merry Christmas!

  Thanks to the teacher who always encouraged us to participate in many activities, which made our childhood full of laughter, so that I could always harvest my bags from these activities, and gave me many precious memories.

7.高中生圣诞节英语作文 篇七

  Every winter, people unconsciously think of Christmas. Indeed, Christmas, a beautiful and illusory holiday, really fascinates me. Children always look forward to this day, the annual Christmas.

  I remember that every December, I always hold my parents' hands and ask, "Mom and Dad, will Santa Claus come this year?"

  "Yes, he will. He will put the gift in your smelly sock. You will see it when you wake up at Christmas!"

  "I want a car, I want Altman, and I want candied haws!"

  "Well, there are! Santa Claus will satisfy you." Mom always said so.

  So, with a secret desire, I quietly waited for the gift of Santa Claus. On Christmas Eve, my mother came to my bed and said to me that as long as I slept quietly, Santa Claus would come to give me gifts. Later, my mother would say, "OK, baby, go to sleep quietly. My mother will take your dirty clothes to wash, and they will be clean tomorrow."

  When I open my bleary eyes on Christmas Day, I always see a small sock hanging on my bed, which looks heavy. There are all kinds of gifts. Although they are different every year, they are all in line with my wishes.

  Every time I receive a Christmas gift, I always find various labels on it. I think Santa Claus must know what I like. Go to the store and buy it for me.

  But one Christmas Eve I was dreaming and suddenly woke up. At this time, I heard the door of the room was turned, and I quickly closed my eyes, only narrowing a slit. My mother appeared at the door, holding a sock in her hand, carefully entered my room, hung the sock on the bed, and then crept out again.

  I understand. I understand everything. The original gift was not given by Santa Claus, but by my parents. Many years of gifts are given by parents. On Christmas Day, I still carried a sock as usual, ran excitedly to my parents and said, "Mom and Dad, Santa Claus has sent me a gift again!"

  "Really? Santa Claus really likes our baby!" Dad smiled and said to me.

  I also smiled happily. Because I know that Mom and Dad are doing this to fulfill my wishes. Their starting point is love, their deep love for me

  Now I still look forward to this day, the annual Christmas, a beautiful winter, a beautiful fairy tale.

8.高中生圣诞节英语作文 篇八

  Will he send gifts to children on Christmas Eve? My classmate said, "Not at all. It was bought for us by Mom and Dad." I asked my mother again. She smiled and said, "If you believe, there will be Santa Claus; if you don't, there will be no Santa Claus!" Every Christmas, I can receive my beloved gifts, so of course, I believe it.

  Last night, it was Christmas Eve. I put my Christmas stockings by my pillow early and soon fell asleep. This morning, I just woke up and felt a hard round thing under my sock. Yes, yes, my gift is a turtle lamp, the same as the one I saw last time in the Confucius Temple. At that time, I thought it was too expensive to buy it. I was so happy to get it today! I immediately sat up and turned on the turtle light. Wow! There are many stars on the ceiling, and they can also change colors! After school in the afternoon, I went to my mother's office to do my homework as usual.

  During the break, I accidentally opened my mother's cabinet door and suddenly saw a big blue box on the top of the cabinet. What was that? I stood on the chair and looked carefully. There was a turtle lamp on the box. Eh, is this the box for my turtle lamp? How did Santa put the box here? Isn't the turtle lamp from Santa Claus? I wanted to continue to do my homework with doubts, and saw my mother's colleague also handed her daughter a turtle lamp. I'm more suspicious: Is it Mom

  When I got home in the evening, I told my mother about my doubts. Mother smiled. She thought for a while and said, "Do you want to hear the truth?" I said, "Of course." "Well, Mom tells you that my father and I gave you this turtle lantern. Last time I went to the Confucius Temple, I knew you liked it very much." It turned out that there was no Santa Claus in the world. I was very disappointed and said to my mother, "So, the Christmas gifts were not given to me by Santa Claus before?" Mom nodded: "Well, every year we will prepare a Christmas gift that you like to give you a surprise."

  It turned out that it was true. My parents were my Santa Claus. They were so kind to me, and my disappointment was swept away. My mother asked me, "Daughter, will you still believe that there is Santa Claus in the world?" I thought for a moment and said, "Yes!" As long as there are good wishes in your heart, Santa Claus will appear in your world.

9.高中生圣诞节英语作文 篇九

  Since I knew that there was a Christmas in foreign countries and I would get a gift from Santa Claus on the holiday day, I was looking forward to getting a gift from Santa Claus - a gift that surprised me. But Santa Claus is so nice. He comes to my house every year. But the Christmas before last year I learned that Grandpa Christmas was a "copycat".

  On the night of December 24 the previous year, I hung Christmas stockings on my bed just like Christmas before, so that Santa could carry presents. Then I made a wish for a whole year - a box of chocolates. Finally, he took off his coat, got into the quilt which was heated by the electric blanket, and went to bed. I slept like a drunken man. I fell down and didn't open my eyes until dawn.

  On the morning of December 25, I got up early and couldn't wait to see my Christmas stockings. ah Christmas stockings are bulging! I hastened to reach for it. Oh, it's a big apple with a bow tie. Once more, it was still a big apple with a bow knot... "Alas, why are all apples?" I muttered dejectedly, "Chocolate, where have you been?" In spite of this, I am still not reconciled to the loss: "There must be more!" After I found another handful of candy, I finally found a greeting card and the gift I had always dreamed of - chocolate. I was overjoyed and beamed as I opened the card. Ah! No, why is Grandpa Christmas the same as Mom?! Absolutely impossible! It can't be from my mother! I hurried to ask my mother. Mother smiled and said, "What do you think?" Oh, it's really from my mother! That "Santa Claus" is also her!

  It turns out that Mom and Dad have been using this thief like way to achieve my wishes, and not to break the idea that I have Santa Claus in my heart! I was very moved.

10.高中生圣诞节英语作文 篇十

  "Merry Christmas!" Parents said in unison. Today is Christmas. Everyone gets together for dinner. My parents and I came to Angkor Hotel hand in hand. Angkor's food is very delicious, including Mapo Tofu, braised chicken wings, duck tongue. And dessert: green tea cake. After entering Angkor and arriving at the private room, I heard the voice of "Lin Maohe is coming". I knew it was Duan Jingchun who was speaking without looking.

  After looking at the table, I found that this time the parents have spent a lot of money on it. There are many dishes that I have never eaten before, not to mention before. These dishes give off a charming fragrance, which makes people drool. I really want to eat them immediately. The parents immediately stopped me and said that they would not eat until everyone arrived. A closer look shows that there are indeed a few people missing. Xing Zhe, Yang Ziyu and Quan Yucheng have not come yet.

  When everyone arrived, we sat together and had a good time. With these words, an uninvited white bearded visitor suddenly came in. The visitor was wearing red boots, a red coat, and a red hat, all red, just like Santa Claus. "Dad, what are you doing?" Xing Zhe knew at a glance that Santa Claus was his father.

  "Santa Claus" ignored, took out the gift from the bag in his hand and said, "Merry Christmas!" He turned and walked away. I looked at the gift in my hand and said in surprise, "Isn't this the King of Beasts?" The Beast King is my favorite book. Usually I want to buy it, but my mother won't let me buy it. Now she has bought 5 books for me at one go! We all got our favorite gifts. I don't know how many stores and websites parents visited to buy these beautiful gifts in order to meet our wishes.

  How much parental love is hidden in this Christmas gift!
