
时间:2023-03-26 04:49:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】植树节定于每年的3月12日,是中国为激发人们爱林、造林的热情,促进国土绿化,保护人类赖以生存的生态环境,通过立法确定的节日。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。



  Spring returns to the earth, the grass grows and the warbler flies, and the grass is green again. In this thriving and vibrant spring day, we ushered in the annual Arbor Day. Planting trees and greening homes is a major event for the benefit of generations and an obligation of every citizen. When we enjoy the pleasure brought by the beautiful urban environment, we also have the responsibility and obligation to make our modest contribution to the beautification and greening of the city.

  To this end, we have issued the following initiatives to teenagers and parents in the city:

  1、 Plant green. Consciously fulfill citizens' tree planting obligations, actively participate in voluntary tree planting activities and jointly build a green home. I hope that you and your parents can use your spare time and weekends to go into the community and the countryside, holding hands and planting a piece of green hand in hand.

  2、 Protect the green. Care for green life, actively participate in greening, beautification and purification activities in public places, consciously protect every plant and tree around you, do not trample on the lawn, do not climb branches and flowers, timely dissuade uncivilized behaviors, and be a "Green Guardian" of green protection.

  3、 Green. Enhance environmental awareness, try not to use disposable plastic bags, disposable chopsticks and other disposable products, reduce white pollution, reduce the waste of daily paper, and cherish and protect the green resources of the earth's home.

  Let's take positive action, practice the concept of environmental protection, advocate low-carbon life, start from our side, sow green and civilization, and make our own contribution to the construction of a green home!

  Thank you!


  Dear students

  good morning!

  First of all, I want to test you. Do you remember the song "Yongliu" by he Zhizhang? OK, let's recite this poem together. "Jasper makeup is as tall as a tree, and ten thousand green ribbons hang down. I don't know who cut the thin leaves. The spring breeze in February is like scissors." Yes, what a beautiful spring! But this year's spring in Beijing is late. It's already April. The wind is still mixed with yellow sand and flying all over the sky. Is that beautiful spring really gone forever?

  Look at today, when we human beings rush to the 21st century, our earth has a heavy burden and unbearable suffering. Today's top ten environmental problems in the world, namely climate warming, destruction of the ozone layer, reduction of biodiversity, spread of acid rain, sharp decline of forests, land desertification, air pollution, etc., of which 9 are directly caused by the destruction of green vegetation.

  Human beings are also increasingly polluting and damaging the environment. Forests are the main body of terrestrial ecosystems. The most fundamental way to improve the ecological environment is to plant trees and grass and increase green vegetation. If the green project is not done well, there can be no good ecosystem. Therefore, afforestation is the goal of the world.

  Early spring is the best season for tree planting. Today last month was the tree planting day stipulated by the Chinese government, although we can't help. So what should we do on arbor day?

  That's the love tree! Take good care of every plant and tree in Beijing and every flower and leaf in the community. They grow with us. Now the branches and leaves are whirling and dye the whole capital green. Now the flowers and leaves are luxuriant, which brings us fresh vitality and creates a beautiful and comfortable learning environment for us.

  Our home is so large that the number of trees and flowers that can be planted has reached the maximum. If one branch is injured, one tree will be damaged or even dead. In this way, the flowers and trees on the campus will be reduced and the green environment will be damaged. Every plant, flower and leaf in the campus has condensed the sweat and hard work of many people, which is hard won. We should cherish it.

  Thank you!


  Good afternoon, everyone!

  I'm XXX from XX Department. I'm honored to stand here as a representative of young volunteers.

  "The plan of the year lies in spring". Spring is a good season for afforestation. Today, we are going to plant trees, too. How happy it is! Now we gather here to plant Memorial trees and express our feelings for the school from the bottom of our hearts; It can be said to be of great significance and full of emotion.

  Afforestation has many benefits and is of great significance. Trees can not only prevent wind, fix sand, preserve water and soil, but also beautify our campus environment. It uses its unique color to put green new clothes on our XX. This loyal guard has really done a lot of "work" in order to beautify nature! It can not only protect and improve the environment, but also conducive to the development of social production. It can directly provide us with wood and forest by-products.

  Today we go to plant trees, there is a deeper significance. This year, we will celebrate the XX anniversary of the college. In order to express our cheers for the glorious history of the college and our wishes for a better tomorrow, we specially plant a class Memorial tree.

     Planting Memorial trees is not only greening the campus and beautifying life, but also expressing our blessings and hopes; It also represents our gratitude and dreams. At the same time, it is also the memory and witness of our youth!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is: arbor day. We look forward to green water and green mountains.

  Today is March 12. It is a special day to create a green environment, look forward to green waters and mountains, and call on people to take care of the environment - arbor day.

  On this special day, I hope the world can be surrounded by green. Because there is green, there is fresh air; With green, there is beautiful nature; With green, we can have a beautiful home, make the barren earth vibrant, have animals and have humans. I want to praise green. Green nature is not only the treasure of human wealth, but also the source of human beauty and art.

  Students, China is a country with low green area, less than half of the world average. However, the amount of timber felling in China is the first in the world. Seeing the continuous reduction of forest area, the continuous outbreak of mountain torrents and mudslides, and various natural disasters one after another.

  Therefore, we should cherish green life, love greening, start from ourselves and small things around us. We should not only save paper and use less disposable chopsticks, but also beautify the environment and greening the motherland.

  As a middle school student, what else should we do? Can we plant a small tree on the campus, add a flower to the flower bed and pour a basin of water on the turf? The answer is yes, we should do our part to protect the beautiful environment of the campus.

  I hope students can start from me, from small things, from around us, and from now on. I firmly believe that our campus will be more beautiful and our city will be more beautiful! The future of our motherland will also be more beautiful!

  This is the end of my speech. Thank you!


  Teachers and students:

  hello everyone!

  Spring has come, bringing the recovery and prosperity of all things in nature. Today is Arbor Day on March 12 again! It's a good time to plant trees again. Students, do you know why we plant trees?

  There is a complex relationship between human beings, organisms and environmental conditions such as climate, soil and water in nature. The various organs and functions of the human body are in balance. Once a certain link loses balance, people will get sick. The same is true of nature. Once the ecological balance is lost, all kinds of adverse consequences will occur.

  Forest is the guardian of ecological balance. With forests, the ground is not afraid of wind and rain, and soil erosion is not easy. The strong wind will be greatly weakened when it meets the shelter belt; Rainwater flows slowly to the ground along the trunk and is blocked by dead leaves, grass roots and bark. It can penetrate into the ground without flowing away quickly. In the rainy season, some of the water stored underground will form streams, flow out of the forest and nourish the farmland. Some will return to the air through the absorption of tree roots and the transpiration of leaves, turn into rain and then fall down. Forests make the climate stable and normal.

  The practice of forest protection in many countries shows that when the national forest coverage accounts for more than 30% of the total area of the country and is evenly distributed, the country will not have major natural disasters such as wind, sand, drought and flood. Unfortunately, China's forest coverage is only XX%, which makes us deeply anxious!

  Everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment, but now we are only students and can not make a great contribution to the environment of all mankind. However, we can start from the environment around us and from protecting the environment of the school. For example, we can abide by the regulations on the prohibition of littering all kinds of wastes, throw the wastes into designated places or containers, and avoid the use of disposable beverage cups, lunch boxes Plastic bags are replaced by cartons, which can greatly reduce garbage, reduce the pressure of garbage disposal, take good care of flowers and trees, give less New Year cards, and keep the campus clean.

  Dear students, stretch out your hand and my hand. Let's sow green together. Let's publicize the green initiative and let mother earth have more green!

  Thank you!

