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【#英语资源# 导语】转眼间事,暑假就过完了。下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  The long-awaited summer vacation has arrived. Our family went to Shenzhen to travel in a happy mood. The weather in Shenzhen is different! But it's too hot. Even if the air conditioner is blown, it can't relieve the heat.

  However, when we entered the happy valley, we felt much cooler because there were trees and fountains in the place where we avoided the shade. There were two worlds outside and inside. There are so many people inside. There are so many people and there are so many people.

  Our first step was to take a small train to visit some places in happy valley. The statue of Happy Valley is full of vitality, and the fountain sprays up like a water column. Those entertaining games are really exciting and high-end. People who play roller coasters, with panic cries; People who play merry go round giggle; People who play jumping machines are scared to faint; People who play bumper cars bump into each other; Playing on the water and getting wet; The man who broke into the haunted house slipped out of the house in fright before he entered. Wow, my feet are soft and I dare not look any more. However, these entertainment games could not resist the temptation. I still played a very exciting roller coaster. After playing this roller coaster, I was scared silly and was about to cry. I don't dare to play other entertainment games anymore. I just watch others play and play some games of throwing circles.

  I'm very happy in this trip. I hope I can play more exciting entertainment games than roller coaster and jumping machine next time!


  During the summer vacation, I saw many things.

  For example, there are three Roast Duck restaurants in our street, but the one at the gate of the vegetable market does business. Why? Because that store not only has a good location, but also sells well. Every day, I use the radio to say how good the roast duck is. It tastes delicious and crispy. It is served on a first come first served basis. Only 120 ducks are caged every day, and each person is limited to 2. The roast duck is also of good quality. People who have eaten it will come back to buy it. There are also gifts. Buy a roast duck and send a bottle of iced black tea to attract people to taste the sweetness.

  The farmer's market here is very popular. There is a row of grapes, and all of them are Dashi grapes. But one of the aunts has a very good business. Why? After careful observation, it turned out that this aunt's grapes are not only full of grain and attractive in color, but also taste sweeter than sugar. Auntie is kind to people, never short of weight, and the price is fair. No wonder people like to buy from her.

  Another day, my mother asked me to buy ice cream. I was getting ready to buy ice cream before I came to the canteen. Suddenly, a little boy came running. He held a red 100 yuan bill in his hand and said to the aunt in the canteen, "I'll buy ice cream." Aunt asked, "who gave you this money?" "It's mom." "What's your mother doing?" "Sleeping." The aunt frowned and said, "your money is too big. Aunt can't find it. Go back." Auntie let her business go. Is it really because the money is too big to open? No, it was because Auntie was afraid that he would steal her money.

  I saw so much in the summer vacation that I can't say enough.


  This summer holiday, I went to Hong Kong to play, not to mention how beautiful it was! Like a colorful painting, it embellishes our great motherland.

  We came to Taiping mountain, which is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Hong Kong. Once there, it's refreshing. We circled up the winding mountain road. Taiping mountain is really strange! It is exquisite and beautiful. It is like a bonsai carefully made by a skilled craftsman. According to the tour guide, the rich people in Hong Kong all live there. There are also stars, such as Jackie Chan, Stephen Chow and Li Ka Shing, who all live on the Taiping mountain. Overlooking Victoria Harbour and Kowloon Peninsula from the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the Repulse Bay, buildings and mountains in Hong Kong. Countless high-rise buildings are in front of you. What a pleasant feeling!

  Next, go to Ocean Park. Ocean Park is one of the amusement parks in Hong Kong. It is a must visit place for mainland tourists and foreign tourists. Some people can use cranes and ocean trains to travel to and from various scenic spots in the park. Through the glass equipment, many marine creatures can be seen. Various performances have attracted countless children to watch, not to mention how fun it is!

  The scenery of Hong Kong is not enough for me. I hope you can come to Hong Kong to enjoy this beautiful scenery!


  During the summer vacation, we often feel happiness, happiness, sadness and heartache... But no matter it is happiness or sadness. They all have a common feature - they are unforgettable.

  Summer vacation is coming. This summer vacation, I spend most of my time doing my homework. I can only play in the afternoon. Although not as free as before, although a little tired, but enriched their lives, learned a lot of knowledge.

  Today is a Saturday in the summer vacation. I did my homework for a while and felt a little tired. So I found children of the same age to play with. Finally, we decided to go fishing by the river. First, we caught earthworms and then fishhooks. We went to the river happily. We put the hook in the water. One minute passed, five minutes passed, ten minutes passed. After a long time, no fish was caught. We began to feel a little frustrated. We took out our snacks and ate them. We put the fish hook aside and ate. Suddenly, a kitten passed by me. I seemed to have an understanding -- I remembered the story of kitten fishing. Then he called on the little friends to continue fishing. Finally, the time paid off. After less than 20 minutes, some fish finally caught the fish. Then, other little friends also caught fish. After more than an hour, our bucket was full. Looking at the fruits of our own work, it seemed that our friends forgot the hard work of fishing and laughed happily.

  After that, I finally understood the truth that a drop of water can penetrate a stone. Whenever I was discouraged, I would think of this unforgettable fishing to encourage myself to continue.


  During the summer vacation, I accompanied the tour group to the beautiful Qingdao with "red tiles, green trees, blue sea and blue sky".

  The beauty of Qingdao lies in its sea. I walked barefoot on the fine sand beach and enjoyed the boundless sea. When the sea is calm, it looks like a transparent and transparent glass mirror; When the sea is rushing, it is like rows of orderly sentinels solemnly walking in front of the rostrum; When the sea roars, it looks like a roaring lion, rolling up thousands of waves and rushing toward the beach.

  Seagulls fly high and low on the sea, adding a beautiful style to the beach. The beach attracts many tourists. Some play beach bathing in the sun, some swim in the blue sea water, fight water battles, and some dig sand castles and wash their feet. What's more interesting is that some people swim happily with dogs in the sea, which makes me open my eyes and know what is called Dog gouging... Watching others play so happily, I can't help picking many colorful shells on the beach, Sometimes the sea water jumped on my face when I wasn't aware, making me laugh. I also played sandcastle. I walk in the sea water, the sea water constantly beats my little feet, one wave after another. Leaving a string of footprints on the beach, a wave hit, and the string of footprints disappeared

  The beauty of Qingdao lies not only in its sea but also in its mountains. There is Laoshan Mountain, one of the birthplaces of Taoism. It is surrounded by the sea, with undulating mountains and green mountains. From a distance, the peaks seem to be covered with a layer of gauze, like a fairyland. We mainly visited the Taiqing palace, which has three main halls: the Sanqing hall, the three palaces and the three emperors hall. There are many strange trees here: for example, three in one tree, three different tree species merged into a tall tree; Yellow lotus tree, ginkgo tree, camellia tree, and the legendary itch tree. When you touch the trunk, the leaves move; The dragon head tree is said to bring good luck. I touched it several times... There are many unknown trees. There are many grotesque stones on the mountain. Some look like a monk from a distance, and some are particularly interesting. They look like turtles, but they look like mice

  The beauty of Qingdao lies in its environment. The environment here is quiet and elegant, the streets are clean, the air is very fresh, there are almost no impurities in the air, and there are many flowers, plants and trees.

  The beauty of Qingdao lies in its economic takeoff. There are Haier Group, double star group and Tsingtao beer.

  "Red tiles, green trees, blue sea, blue sky" beautiful Qingdao, I love you!


  One day during the summer vacation, my grandpa and grandma came to the famous beach in Shenzhen - Dameisha.

  That morning, we arrived at Dameisha by car. Seen from afar, the momentum of Dameisha is very magnificent and boundless. Look at the waves in Dameisha. The waves are like thousands of horses galloping toward the sea. The children are scared to croak and the adults are happy to laugh!

  When you come to the beach of Dameisha, the sand on the beach is so fine. I guess its square is only 0.01 square millimeter. The sea water is so clear and blue, washing the fine sand clean and smooth. There are not only spun yarn on the beach, but also several angels about several meters high, including red, blue, yellow... Colorful, really beautiful. There is also the large pavilion. The space in the pavilion is very large, and dozens of people can gather for meetings without feeling crowded.

  Let me introduce the surrounding environment and water scenery of Dameisha. The scenery around Dameisha is a noble five hotel. The facilities in the hotel are high-grade, luxurious and grand. It would be beautiful to stay for one night. In addition to the hotel, there is an iron cable bridge. The iron bridge is very strong and should have a history of thousands of years. I heard there is a story.

  My favorite thing is to play in the sea. It's fun to run with the rushing water. There are many airships on the sea. I heard them say that they drive to an island opposite. Each airship can seat six people, and they all need to wear life jackets. Every time they set out, they will bring waves of screams and cheers. It is too exciting for me to play. There are fishermen fishing at sea far away from the sea. They often cast nets and catch fish. I also know that there are submarines deep in the sea, which are specially used to deal with sharks in the sea and protect people's safety.

  This is one of my experiences this summer. Very happy, very happy, I will remember you - Dameisha!


  I remember it was a day in late July. At about 11 o'clock that morning, I was doing my homework. Suddenly, my mother called and said, "I have something to do at work today and I will come back later. You should do your homework first and cook for you when I come back." Then he hung up the phone. I think: mom works so hard every day, and she has to cook after work. I might as well take this opportunity to try my cooking skills.

  I'll do it as soon as I say it's done. After I've done it, I'll pour the rice into the electric rice cooker, and then pour water into the electric rice cooker cup by cup. After pouring it to the depth of two fingers, I'll stop. Then, I'll turn on the electric rice cooker, press the trip button on the cooking surface, and then I'll just wait until the rice is cooked. Next, it's time to stir fry vegetables. I opened the refrigerator and looked at it. I listed a menu in my mind: stir fry green vegetables and tomato egg soup... First, I peeled off the leaves of cabbage one by one and soaked them in water to wash them; Then put the pot on the stove, after the pot is hot, pour the oil into the pot, then pour the cabbage into the pot, and turn it back and forth with a spatula. In a short time, the cabbage is cooked, and then pour a little MSG and salt into it; Finally, put the cabbage on a plate. Then I made tomato egg soup and pepper fried meat. When my mother came back, she was very happy to see the delicious food on the table. She kept praising me for my good cooking. I enjoyed the meal very much because I bought it with my own labor.

  I think: in the future, I will make more use of holidays and weekends to do something within my power for parents, so as to make my holidays more enjoyable and meaningful.


  Summer vacation life is rich and colorful, full of flavor and endless aftertaste. The most interesting thing is learning to swim in the swimming pool.

  I remember that on the 10th of August, when I could not swim, I was very happy when my friend said that the swimming pool of Wantai hotel was open. As soon as school was over, I ran home at a fast speed and told my mother. When she heard this, she said, "OK! Your father and I will take you there tomorrow."

  The next morning, we changed our clothes and brought some useful things to the swimming pool. WOW! The water is really blue! Looking at those big brothers and big sisters walking freely to the water, but when their feet touch the water, they shrink back, thinking: if I can't swim, if I accidentally fall into the deep water, I will be doomed!

  I first do a good warm-up exercise, put on diving goggles, wear an upstream swimsuit, and then learn to swim. The blue water gradually overflowed my knees and finally reached my waist. When I came here, I stopped slowly for fear that I would be drowned. Dad said to me, "stretch your legs!" He supported me with his strong arm, and I seemed to float on the water. Dad said, "push your legs back hard and draw your hands to both sides..." I will swim a little in a short time When dad saw that I was making rapid progress, he wanted to make a joke. He let go of my hand and who knew I was "plop!" He sank and choked several mouthfuls Only then could I stand up. I felt my nose was sour and my ears seemed to be blocked by something. I felt very uncomfortable.

  With the help of my father, I finally learned to swim, but I can only swim more than ten meters a minute. It seems that swimming is really difficult!


  My summer life is rich and colorful. Tourism, competition and learning have also declined.

  One day in July, my father took me and my mother back to Dongzao port. The dragon bridge in Dongzao port is worthy of its reputation. The bridge is 1280 meters long and 4 meters wide. It twists and turns in the shape of a Dragon God. Looking around, it is a boundless sea. The blue sea surface is full of snow-white waves. The sea breeze blowing in the face is so cool. It is hard to smell and salty. It also has the smell of the sea and the smell of the sea. We are enjoying the sea with interest. Suddenly, I heard someone shouting, "the tide is out!" My father and I joined the treasure hunt together. Eh? Why is there a big hole? It's brother crab's home! We dug left and right on the beach with our hands. After a while, it was already a small bucket full. It turned out that there were so many little treasures in the sea that retreated! I want to play again next time.

  I still remember the Olympiad math competition in the summer vacation. On August 18, my mother took me to Haimen school to participate in the Olympiad math competition. I confidently walked into the examination room, and soon, "Ding Ling Ling!" The competition bell rang, and I quickly began to answer the paper. The pen "brushed" on the paper. In a short time, five or six questions had been finished. I think: This Olympiad math problem is just like this. Then I continued to answer the questions. Suddenly, a difficult problem lay on my test paper. I was so nervous that I knocked my head with a pen, took out a piece of paper, and drew on it. The time went by, but I didn't think of it. Forget it, write the following questions first. "Ding! Ding!" It's time, but I haven't finished writing yet. I thought: it seems that we should practice more in order to get good results.

  This year's summer vacation really makes me unforgettable.


  Today, my mother and I were going to go shopping in RT mart, and we got into the free car to RT Mart. On the way, I witnessed such a funny thing.

  After getting on the bus, there were not many people. My mother and I sat on the seat by the door. In the middle of the train, a childish question came from the silent carriage: "has anyone lost money?" The passengers on the bus turned their eyes to the voice maker - a little girl in a dress.

  As soon as the little girl's voice fell in front of the little girl, the uncle immediately shouted: "I lost the money. I lost it." "How much money have you lost?" Asked the little girl. "100 yuan." Uncle said without hesitation, and the little girl shook her head. "Oh, I just bought a cigarette and got it back. It's only 50 yuan." The uncle immediately changed his words and the little girl shook her head again. "30 yuan, it must be 30 yuan!" Uncle still said without changing his face. "None of them!" The little girl gave a crisp answer. Uncle's face turned red.

  "Then... 20 yuan, this time must be right?" There was a flash of confusion on uncle's face. The Xi'an girl smiled with her head down, and the passengers were laughing. "Stop playing tricks with me and give me the money!" The uncle was angry and ashamed of Chengdu, and immediately said fiercely.

  At this time, the mother next to the little girl patted her on the shoulder to signal her to stop making trouble. The little girl had no choice but to take out the fifty cents she had pouted in her hand and give it back to the uncle. Uncle took it with a red face. The little girl also made a face at him angrily.

  In an instant, the carriage was calm again, but can people's hearts really be calm?

  I got out of the car and looked at the girl's back. I had mixed feelings.
