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【#英语资源# 导语】暑假的故事就像是天上的星星一样繁多,在这个漫长的假期里,我度过了一个快乐的暑假。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  One day in the summer vacation, I came to my sister's house. That day, my sister let me, my brother and sister watch her perform magic. What kind of surprise will my sister give us? I never thought that my sister brought us into a magical world with a pair of ordinary playing cards.

  My sister took out a pair of playing cards from the drawer, divided them into two stacks, and confidently said to us, "take one card out of a stack of playing cards and insert it into another stack. No matter how you shuffle the cards, I can find that one." I think: my sister must be talking big. How can she find out so many cards? Unless she is a fairy.

  The performance began, and we were silent. My sister asked me to draw cards. Before I walked over, my brother and sister stepped forward and stared at my sister intently, lest she should do anything. I drew a card and showed it to my brother and sister. It was plum blossom 10. Then I put the cards in another pile and washed them casually. My sister asked my sister to wash it again. My brother was still worried. He suspected that we were entrusted by my sister. He asked for the cards and washed them over and over again several times.

  My sister took the card, spread it on the table, and looked for it carefully. Um... Not found! I secretly like: haha, I can't find it. Now my sister is going to make a fool of herself. It depends on how you step down. Just when I was gloating, my sister held up a card high. God, the plum blossom at the right time is 10! We were stunned. Did my sister have a pair of magical perspective eyes? Immediately, the scene was like a frying pan, and everyone talked about it for a time.

  My sister gave us the playing cards for performance. Let's spread out the two stacks of cards and study them to see who first discovered the mystery of playing cards. My brother and sister racked their brains, but got nothing. I am not reconciled. I observe and compare the two stacks of playing cards over and over again. Suddenly, my eyes lit up: "ah! I see! One pile of cards is odd, and the other pile is even. Put an even card into the odd pile, and then find out this card. Isn't that the lice on the bald head - it's obvious." My sister gave me a thumbs up.

  Magic is magical, but there are always rules to follow. As long as we try to observe and think carefully, we will be able to discover the mystery.


  What is summer vacation like? Have happiness, have trouble; There is sweetness and distress; It is the sour and sweet of ice cream and the thick and solid of summer homework; It's an endless story under grandma's PU fan, and it's the loneliness and boredom of being alone at home. My summer vacation was busy and helpless.

  Summer vacation is just in summer, with scorching sun and scorching sun. The sun is burning the earth, the water in the river is drying up, and even the dog is hot enough to stick out his tongue. The flowers and grass were also wilted by the sun. I had to hide at home with my brother and didn't dare to come out. If I put my hands on the concrete floor for a long time, I might get sunburned. The summer sun is really terrible.

  There are sixty days in the summer vacation, during which there is a lot of homework. Pile up your exercise books, enough to fill the drawers of the small wardrobe. During the holidays, my parents will sign up for many interest classes for me. There are calligraphy classes, composition classes, English classes, go classes... These interest classes make me dizzy and have no time to play at all. Half of the summer vacation passed quickly, and those interest classes were all over, and their homework was almost finished. So, mom and dad are going to take us to Changzhou to play. I thought that in these days, I can rest and play at ease. Don't mention how happy I am. But when I arrived in Changzhou, I saw the scenic spot crowded with people, which surrounded the scenic spot. So many people, where else to play? Even the bus is packed with people, and there is no place to sit at all. When we arrived at the hotel, the rooms in the hotel were gone.

  You see, my summer vacation is busy, right? There is no room for rest at all. Even going out to play is so bad. My summer vacation is really helpless!


  Time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon are fleeting.

  Time passed too quickly. In a blink of an eye, the holiday of more than a month ended. Looking back, it seemed like yesterday

  One evening in the summer vacation, after dinner, my father said to my mother and me, "it's so hot, shall we go swimming?" I thought: this can exercise and eliminate the fatigue of the day. It is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone, so we immediately drove to Hekou.

  We came to the river. My mother sprinkled some water on me and said it could prevent cramps. And put on my swimsuit. In order to make me brave, my mother told me to hold my breath and swim into the water. At first, I didn't dare. Then I gritted my teeth, stamped my feet, closed my eyes, held my breath, and plopped down. I pulled my mother's hand up, and my head suddenly surfaced.

  At first, I couldn't swim. My father asked me to hold his hand and swim in the water with him. Suddenly, my hands and Dad took off and left, which made me very scared. I was dancing in the water, hoping my father would come to me as soon as possible. At this time, my parents quickly swam over, picked me up, and my mother taught me how to swim. First of all, the swimmer should relax his body, put his feet flat, paddle forward with his left arm from left to right, and then paddle with his right arm from right to left. Kick back and forth. I practiced several times, a little afraid of water, and I can move forward a little every time I swim. It was really instant. Finally, my father asked me to swim to my destination from a place close to the shore. Accompanied by my mother, I swam desperately to the destination and finally reached the destination. I practiced a few more times and found that the speed of swimming increased a little.

  After practicing basic swimming, my father and I went to catch my mother. When we were about to catch her, she suddenly dived to the bottom and disappeared without a trace. I was tired and wanted to sit down and have a rest, but as soon as I sat down, I came across a round thing. At that time, I was both afraid and frightened. "Ya Ya" screamed, and I was particularly timid. I thought I had encountered something terrible. Then, my mother surfaced and said, "ah Jing, how can you sit on my head with * shares?" My father and I laughed when we heard it, and the laughter echoed in the valley.

  It was dark, and I reluctantly left the estuary. I thought, "my swimming skills are not sophisticated yet. In the future, I will often work with adults to make my swimming skills more sophisticated.".


  During the holiday, my father took me and my sister to the park.

  The scenery in the park is so beautiful! The grass is full of vitality, and the faint fragrance of cherry blossoms is everywhere. A burst of spring breeze blows over the cherry petals, which fall in the air, and then slowly fall down. It's very beautiful!

  Walking, we see several green mushrooms, like small mushroom guards, protecting this green grassland. It's so cute! I couldn't help but sit on it all at once, just like feeling the taste of a small mushroom. But I haven't had enough, dad is going to take me away. I had to leave little mushroom reluctantly.

  We then walked forward. Far away, I saw a children's Park, and ran quickly. There are all kinds of slides, some are circular, some are straight, and some are S-shaped. I can't wait to play all the slides again. Playing, I found a swing next to me and sat on it. My father pushed it hard. The swing was high and low for a while. I seemed to become a fairy, flying up to the sky and falling down again, which was particularly exciting.

  Then we went to the exercise area and went home after a while.

  I'm so happy today. How wonderful it would be if I could go to the park every day!


  During the summer vacation, my father and mother took my sister and I to Dalian to travel. In the torrent adventure palace in Xinghai Park, my brother and I had a good time!

  My sister and I got on the exploration ship with great interest and began to move forward. The boat rushed forward with the speed of the water. Suddenly, the boat turned a corner and entered a dark cave. There were no fingers in it, and sometimes terrible bat calls sounded. Our boat rose to a height of sevenoreight meters. When it reached the peak, it immediately dived down and splashed fourorfive meters high. The ship continued to move forward, and a weak light appeared in the depths of the hole, and countless monsters loomed and flickered. When the boat approached, we were surprised to find that it turned out to be many lifelike dinosaurs. If you don't look carefully, you'll really be surprised. These dinosaurs all looked terrible with their mouths open. The flow of water accelerated. After a sharp turn, we came to the "ape man world". In the dense forest, we can see the vivid figure of human ancestors. Some of them sit on the grass and watch around a round thing, some hang on the tree and play, and some wash their faces and feet by the water. Suddenly, a huge crab was lying on the water, blocking our way. The clever sister shrunk her head and just passed. I also bowed my head and tried, but I couldn't. I just squatted at the bottom of the cabin. Hey, it was really successful.

  We just passed an obstacle, and suddenly the water stopped, so we had to row by ourselves with oars. My sister and I worked together and rowed hard. About 20 minutes later, we arrived at the end of this exciting and interesting adventure tour.


  During the summer vacation, my aunt and I went to Quanzhou, Fujian Province to visit grandma, Grandpa and grandma! Grandpa and grandma's house is very close to the West Lake. In the evening, there are many people there. There are many beautiful kites flying in the sky, like colorful butterflies... I'm already ready: fly kites and play tennis.

  I like flying kites very much. My grandfather said that I fell in love with kites when I was 4 or 5 years old, and several kites have been worn out. I used to fly kites in the West Lake. It's windy and cool here, and the kite also flies high. Sometimes, it seems to be pulled by it to run. It feels good!

  This time, it's my pleasure. The strong wind also means that the kite flies high. When we arrived at the West Lake, my grandfather and I took out the kite from our bag and began to assemble it: there were two holes on both sides of the kite. Tie a black handle into the holes on both sides, tie the rope in the two holes, and the kite will be assembled. We're going to fly a kite. We'll fly the line first and fly it for a long time. I ran to the open space in front of me and flew it with a little run-up. I flew up at once, flying higher and higher... My grandfather and I had several more viewers beside us, and continued to fly the line in our hands. Before long, the line was almost flying. The audience said that my kite was really high, and I was a little proud!

     It was getting dark. I was a little reluctant to take up the string, and it took a lot of effort to slowly pull the kite back. Because I took up the string too fast and tied the knot, Grandpa helped me untie the knot, and I went to play tennis

  I haven't played tennis for a long time. The ball tied to the rubber band is very flexible and difficult to master. This time, I hit 16 records. My skill is to play in the sky and wait for the ball to bounce twice on the ground, so it's easier to grasp!

  Usually exercise less, play very tired, but very happy! Hope to visit West Lake again next holiday!


  During the summer vacation, some people enjoyed the magnificent ocean; Some people climbed majestic mountains; Some people went to the magnificent scenic spots; Some people have learned Chinese traditional culture in different places. This kind of thing is not unforgettable in my mind. The most unforgettable thing for me is the noon when I caught shrimp and mussels at Grandma's house.

  There is a trickling river behind my hometown. Which River do I want to catch "wild goods" in the summer. Along the way, morning glory nodded to everyone frequently, and the dark purple skirt fluttered and danced in the wind. Floret greets everyone, the tree warmly welcomes everyone's arrival, and the sun is guiding everyone. It will arrive soon.

  The clear and translucent stream reflected colorful brilliance under the sunlight. Everyone chose a secret place as the address. Grandma used a bamboo basket to take a dip in the dark water, areas not exposed to the sun, and areas with many kinds of plants. Hey, the shrimps were successfully "caught". Because I tried, hey, my heart is too anxious. Gradually, I caught more and more shrimp, and the bamboo basket was almost full.

  Everyone went to catch clams. An old lady nearby taught us how to touch: first grab a handful in the water, and then carefully identify these mussels. If so, grab a lot. Thus, everyone will work together. I touch, mom chooses, grandma catches shrimp. Most of the mussels are not big, only three big ones were caught. I asked my mother, "Mom, why don't mussels move easily?" My mother responded to me: "the clam is actually moving, but it is relatively slow. It doesn't swim fast like a fish. It exercises by axe feet. You can observe it carefully, and you will find it." I watched carefully, and that's it.

  Unconsciously, the sun went down quietly. Everyone returned triumphantly with the ingredients, accompanied by the sunset all the way. Under the sun, everyone's figure is longer and longer

  Holiday life is simply colorful!


  When it comes to summer vacation, I will be particularly excited, because there are so many happy things in summer vacation. In retrospect, they are replayed in my mind like movies.

  That day, I went to my sister-in-law's house for dinner, and her sister-in-law invited me, so there were a lot of people. After eating, I was bored, so I said to my cousin he Ling, "he Ling, let's go to the roof to have a barbecue, OK?". She was stunned at first, and then said to me, "tell sister Wu Ting that she can go if she agrees!" I quickly found my cousin Wu Ting and told her that she had promised readily.

  We first came to the vegetable market and bought six ham sausages, a handful of cabbage, a cucumber... Of course, there are also bamboo sticks. Oh, by the way, I also bought half a kilo of lean meat. I bought a lighter when I went home.

  As soon as we got home, the three of us slipped into the kitchen. Wu Ting sliced the cucumber, I sorted out the cabbage, and he Ling sliced the meat. I washed the potato again, shaved it, and cut it into pieces. Then we also prepared a large bottle of water and barbecue seasoning, and walked upstairs.

  When I got upstairs, I began to look for firewood and finally found some sticks. Wu Ting found a few bricks to build a simple stove, which was covered with several wires. He Ling lit the waste newspaper, put it in the middle of the brick, and then put a stick on it. After a while, the fire was burning vigorously, and I couldn't help thinking: how wonderful it would be if it was already baked now! I can keep sending food to my mouth.

  I first put potatoes on the fire, and then put water spinach on it. I rinsed a layer of oil first, roasted it for a while, and put some seasonings such as salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, etc.

  It was not easy to bake, and the saliva flowed out. I ate a bunch of potatoes, so light! Wu Ting said that she put too much cabbage and pepper. Obviously, the seasoning is not put evenly. He Ling said he always felt almost something. It turned out that there was no pepper.

  The second time, we roasted ham sausage and cucumber. This time, I learned the lesson of the last time. When roasting, I was very careful to sprinkle seasoning on each string. After roasting, I tasted it. It tasted great, in sharp contrast to the last time. I've never eaten such delicious food before. I want to have a second bite after eating one bite.

  With the first failure and the second success, we continue to sum up our experience, and we don't know how delicious the baked food is

  The barbecue that day was so interesting.


  My summer vacation life is rich and colorful, among which the most impressive is the scene of cooking by myself.

  It was a summer morning, and the bright sunshine playfully shone through the glass in my room. I stretched reluctantly and rubbed my confused eyes. Why didn't someone wake me up? I wondered in my heart. I wanted to stay in bed, but I couldn't stand the rumbling of my stomach. So I got up.

  I looked in each room and made sure there was no one at home. Where has the family gone? I thought for a moment: my parents must have gone to work, and my grandparents may have gone shopping. I can't help it. I'll find something to go to the bottom first! He found it at home. There was no leftovers in the kitchen, and there were only a few biscuits lying alone in the box on the tea table.

  It seems that you have to cook by yourself. I recall grandma's cooking process. I carefully washed the rice first, and then added an appropriate amount of water to the electric cooker and covered it. What kind of food do you cook? I can only make scrambled eggs with tomatoes. I took three eggs, beat them in a clean bowl, added a little salt, and stirred them with chopsticks. When the eggs are ready, I wash the tomatoes and put them on the chopping board. I take out my knife and prepare to cut them. But the kitchen knife seemed to have a grudge against me. I couldn't hold it steadily, and I was more afraid of cutting my hands. It took a lot of effort to finally chop the tomato, no matter whether it was big or small. Finally, I'm going to scramble eggs. First, I put the oil in the pot. When the oil temperature is high, I gently pour the egg down the side of the pot, then pick up the pot and let the oil run gently along the egg. In this way, the eggs will not paste in the pot, and will be heated evenly, and the color will be very good-looking. When the eggs are almost ready, I put down the tomatoes and stir fry them several times. In this way, the delicious and beautiful scrambled eggs with tomatoes are finished.

  Finally, I could eat. I opened the lid of the electric cooker. Ah, a smell of rice came to my nostrils. I quickly filled a bowl with scrambled eggs with tomatoes and ate them with relish. Ah, it's really delicious!


  Summer vacation life is fleeting. It has been several weeks since school began. Although this summer vacation is similar to previous years, and the prepared travel plan has been cancelled, I have also had a full time, which is divided into five parts in total.

  The first part is the accumulation of extracurricular books, which is like eating watermelon. In hot summer days, watermelon is the most thirst quenching. A bite of it will be cool and sweet, secrete people's heart and spleen, and nourish people's heart. The accumulation of extra-curricular books can cultivate people's willpower. If you persist, it can enrich the language, expand thinking, lay the foundation for writing, and you will also taste the joy of success.

     The second part is English. The cool and sweet watermelon is my father's favorite, and the crystal clear English of grapes like pearls is my favorite. In the scorching summer, which ice grape is handy, put it into my mouth and allow it to be sucked, and the sweet juice immediately dried my thirsty throat and immediately felt endless aftertaste. When you go to the "little star English" school to tutor English, you will feel the feeling of eating ice grapes. Air conditioned classrooms, small class teaching, relaxed teaching atmosphere, learning in games and growing up in sweetness are really fun!

  The third part is the secret garden style mathematics. Although learning mathematics is a little bitter, you have broken through a new difficulty, which is equivalent to you breaking into a secret garden, where you can enjoy the magic of mathematics. Learning mathematics is like drinking traditional Chinese medicine. After the bitterness, what you wait for is warmth.

  This is my simplicity. Real summer vacation life, read the books I want to read, learn English and Mathematics I want to learn, play the games I want to play, and have a happy and fulfilling summer vacation.
