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【#英语资源# 导语】放暑假了,同学们应该怎样度过这个暑假呢?以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  During the summer vacation, we often feel happiness, happiness, sadness and heartache... But no matter it is happiness or sadness. They all have a common feature - they are unforgettable.

  Summer vacation is coming. This summer vacation, I spend most of my time doing my homework. I can only play in the afternoon. Although not as free as before, although a little tired, but enriched their lives, learned a lot of knowledge.

  Today is a Saturday in the summer vacation. I did my homework for a while and felt a little tired. So I found children of the same age to play with. Finally, we decided to go fishing by the river. First, we caught earthworms and then fishhooks. We went to the river happily. We put the hook in the water. One minute passed, five minutes passed, ten minutes passed. After a long time, no fish was caught. We began to feel a little frustrated. We took out our snacks and ate them. We put the fish hook aside and ate. Suddenly, a kitten passed by me. I seemed to have an understanding -- I remembered the story of kitten fishing. Then he called on the little friends to continue fishing. Finally, the time paid off. After less than 20 minutes, some fish finally caught the fish. Then, other little friends also caught fish. After more than an hour, our bucket was full. Looking at the fruits of our own work, it seemed that our friends forgot the hard work of fishing and laughed happily

  After that, I finally understood the truth that a drop of water can penetrate a stone. Whenever I was discouraged, I would think of this unforgettable fishing to encourage myself to continue.


  It's finally a holiday. After a busy semester, the summer vacation finally arrived.

  It's great to have a holiday. I didn't open my eyes until after eleven in the morning. Don't worry about your parents' urging. I thought summer vacation was much more interesting than school, but... Every day I don't sleep and eat, sleep and live like a pig. "Xinxin, do you want to go to your aunt's house?" After hearing this, I thought to myself: finally get rid of it! Wow ha ha ha. However, things are often different from what we think. First of all, it was not smooth to go to my aunt's house in Longhua. I started at 11:00 in the evening and arrived at 11:30. ok I admit it's not long, but my stomach can't bear it! I thought I was having fun at my aunt's house, but I didn't expect... My aunt has a little daughter for more than eight months. I understand why my mother wants me to come. That is: take care of my little sister. It's hard to live. For the sake of my little sister, I helped her take away her pants stained with poop.

  But my aunt is very kind to me! I believe everyone knows KFC! It seems to be called Bo Dongdong in Longhua. My aunt took me to eat and ordered a whole family bucket. Ha ha... Little belly, you're lucky! No, I'm lucky! I've been staying at my aunt's house for several weeks. I'm really reluctant to go back! But I will come again!

  The summer vacation passed in the blink of an eye. Here I would like to say to my friends: enjoy yourself! Because the summer vacation will soon pass, but you also have to write your homework!


  On the first day of summer vacation, my father and I went to Hualian Supermarket to buy snacks at 9:30 in the morning. After I bought it, I walked into the corridor and was surprised to find a lovely kitten. It is not big, like a newborn kitten.

  I looked at the little cat carefully. The whole body was mainly black and gray. The black hair was about 2 cm wide, like a black ribbon. The rest was all gray! Look at its round head. It's really cute and cute. Its six whiskers, about 3cm long, are used to measure mouse holes and can accurately catch mice. Its two eyes are very special, one is yellow, the other is blue. Ah! It turned out that it was a rare Persian cat. I couldn't help but pick it up, and I found it very light.

  I can't wait to take it home. Just at this time, my father just paid the money and walked out of the supermarket and saw the scene in front of me. I happily said to my father, "Dad, I have found a lovely Persian cat. Can I take it home for raising?" my father hesitated for a while and said, "have you ever thought how worried the owner of this cat would be if he found it missing! We can wait for its owner here. If no one claims it, we will adopt it together. "I nodded happily.

  5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes... When we were just about to leave, a young aunt ran over anxiously. It turned out that she was the owner of the Persian cat. I reluctantly returned the cat to my aunt, who politely said to us, "thank you."

  This matter has passed for a long time, but now, I still miss that lovely Persian cat very much.


  During the summer vacation, I saw many things.

  For example, there are three Roast Duck restaurants in our street, but the one at the gate of the vegetable market does business. Why? Because that store not only has a good location, but also sells well. Every day, I use the radio to say how good the roast duck is. It tastes delicious and crispy. It is served on a first come first served basis. Only 120 ducks are caged every day, and each person is limited to 2. The roast duck is also of good quality. People who have eaten it will come back to buy it. There are also gifts. Buy a roast duck and send a bottle of iced black tea to attract people to taste the sweetness.

  The farmer's market here is very popular. There is a row of grapes, and all of them are Dashi grapes. But one of the aunts has a very good business. Why? After careful observation, it turned out that this aunt's grapes are not only full of grain and attractive in color, but also taste sweeter than sugar. Auntie is kind to people, never short of weight, and the price is fair. No wonder people like to buy from her.

  Another day, my mother asked me to buy ice cream. I was getting ready to buy ice cream before I came to the canteen. Suddenly, a little boy came running. He held a red 100 yuan bill in his hand and said to the aunt in the canteen, "I'll buy ice cream." Aunt asked, "who gave you this money?" "It's mom." "What's your mother doing?" "Sleeping." The aunt frowned and said, "your money is too big. Aunt can't find it. Go back." Auntie let her business go. Is it really because the money is too big to open? No, it was because Auntie was afraid that he would steal her money.

  I saw so much in the summer vacation that I can't say enough.


  I saw something in the street during the summer vacation. I'll tell you about it.

  It was a Wednesday morning. My father drove me to the cram school. When we walked to the Chinese medicine hospital, I saw such a traffic accident. Two men riding trams collided. One of the two cars fell to the ground. The young man covered his eyes and cried. The middle-aged man was lying on the ground with blood on his knees. I heard that the young man was full of alcohol. I heard that the middle-aged man asked the young man to lose money. The young man was very helpless and angry. He had to call 120 to call the doctor. The doctor came to treat him in a hurry, The ambulance opened the rear compartment, pulled out the stretcher, and then carried the middle-aged man onto the stretcher and inserted oxygen. At this time, the middle-aged man took out his phone and called his family to let them come. After his family came, he went to talk with the young man and talked for a long time. Finally, he said to the young man, "there is no need to pay for it, as long as you take out the medical expenses". The young man agreed. At this time, 120 closed the back door and left. Although this incident was not very serious, it caused us to think that men should not drink.

  I looked at the far away ambulance and thought that if everyone obeyed the traffic rules and did not drink, things would not happen.

  I suggest that you don't drink while driving and don't drive while drinking. As long as everyone obeys the traffic rules, the accident will not happen naturally.


  During the summer vacation, the weather was so hot that the hot sun shone on the earth, as if to melt everything. So, the drinks in our fridge are fast.

  On this day, I drank up a bottle of drink left in the refrigerator. However, looking at the white sunshine outside the window, I really want to have a cold popsicle.

  "Selling popsicles! 50 cents a piece, little bean popsicles!" Suddenly, a shout came from outside the window. "What a great Savior!" This time I came to my senses, picked up 1 yuan and ran downstairs. When I ran to the front, I was shocked. It was a boy younger than me. I found his lips dry and cracked and his voice hoarse. I gave him the money, and he took it and gave me one. I turned around and hurried home, thinking while running that I could give him 50 cents more to eat.

  I was thinking about it when he shouted, "sister, wait a minute." I had to stand there and say to him, "keep the change. Here is the money." Unexpectedly, his face turned red and he put the money into my hand and panted, "it's not my money. I don't want it. Don't look down on people. I have more money for the new year than you." "Then why did you come out to make money?" I asked curiously. "That's because our school has held a 'hand in hand, show love' activity. I'm going to donate this money to those poor children." He said stubbornly and turned away. When I saw him go away, I found that the popsicle had melted away. Although I could not eat the popsicle, I felt sweet.

  Now, whenever I hear the cry of selling popsicles, I can see the scene in front of my eyes.


  This summer holiday, the most unforgettable thing for me is the trip to XX. In XX, my father and brother tasted many famous snacks of XX and visited many scenic spots.

  When we first arrived in XX, the people near the high-speed railway station jostled one after another. We first climbed the Great Wall. People said, "you are not a hero until you reach the Great Wall". So when I arrived in XX, I shouted that my father would take me to the great wall; How many people come to X city for sightseeing! We first took the cable car, and then began to join the large force of climbing the Great Wall. While climbing, we watched the scenery on both sides of the city X. The Great Wall of XXX was winding and winding, the trees on both sides were lush and green, the mountains were vertical and horizontal, and the beacon tower stood proudly under the blue sky and white clouds. In ancient times, there were no modern instruments, let alone advanced tools, but mankind still built such a grand project. How great!

  In addition to the Great Wall, the Tiananmen Palace Museum is also a must to visit in XX. On this day, we went to Tiananmen Square to watch the national flag raising ceremony in the early morning. The national flag raising was originally a solemn thing, but people took photos and recorded videos with their mobile phones, and flashed flashlights everywhere. I think people should not do this. Children should pay tribute to young pioneers and adults should pay attention to them. In the morning, we came to the Forbidden City, ah! It's really fashionable here. The palaces here are beautifully decorated and magnificent. The palaces I saw on TV are now in front of me, which makes me feel particularly shocked.

  I like this trip to XX very much, and it also left a deep impression on me.


  Summer vacation life is rich and colorful, full of flavor and endless aftertaste. The most interesting thing is catching clams in the countryside.

  One day, I saw that the big white geese in my aunt's house were always shouting "Oh, oh, oh" with their long necks stretched out, so I asked my cousin, "Why are these big white geese always shouting 'Oh, oh, oh', haven't they eaten enough?" My cousin said, "they are so greedy!" "What do they want to eat?" "What they like most is small mussels." "Oyster! Where can I find it?" "There are some in the brook. I don't want to catch them." "Alas! Are you going to catch me? I just want to be happy!" My cousin couldn't twist me, so he had to promise to take me.

  We came to the mountains under the scorching sun and the scorching heat. We saw a clear river hidden in the green shade, a few small fish playing around by the water and grass, and a few sparse pebbles lying on the soft beach by the river. But we did not see any mussels. The beach was empty and there were only some small holes. I was wondering, my cousin suddenly jumped over and magically took out a clam as big as a table tennis ball. "Why don't you go to the clam?" At this time, I did not care to answer him, but just said: "Wow! Such a big clam, are you doing magic?" "What? You can find it on the beach!" I was half convinced and thought, "there's no harm in trying. Maybe I can find it!" I saw some relatively large stones on the beach. I thought that the mussels were hiding under them, so I pushed the stones with all my strength. I thought there were a large number of mussels under them. I searched for them for a long time, but only found a small mussel with a large thumb nail. With this experience, I continued to carry stones and really caught a few small clams. Just as I was about to show off to my cousin, he had already achieved a lot. I said sheepishly, "how can you catch so many? Pass on the experience?" "Mussels like water and sand. Look, there are some small holes in the sand near the water. The mussels are there." After listening to my cousin's words, I suddenly realized. I hurried to the water to find a small hole. I pulled hard. A clam emerged and I caught it. After a while, I also caught a lot of clams. I was so happy that I couldn't close my mouth.

  At sunset, we returned home triumphantly with two large bags of clams.


  On a hot day, we came to the place where my father was born - "Wangjiapo".

  "Wangjiapo" is the name of my father's grandfather's father's generation. It is also the territory of our Wang family. I first came to the gate. There was a big white dog. I slowly moved forward. I saw it get up and rush in my direction. It shouted at me, as if saying: "who are you? Where are you from?" I was so frightened that I stepped back a few steps and thought: hoo, it's lucky that there is a chain to tie it, otherwise I would be ruined. Finally, my father took me in.

  We first came to Grandpa's house. It was all wooden houses built by them. I looked left and right. I saw that there were spider webs everywhere, dirty everywhere, and there were many insects. I walked every step carefully for fear of encountering anything. I also looked up from time to time for fear of insects falling down. This really made me tremble!

  In the afternoon, my brother came and we went to the backyard. My brother said to me, "I'll make you a toy with bamboo later." I was very happy. I saw bamboo forests and banana leaves all around. With my brother's arrival, I had forgotten all my previous fears. It was really wonderful! Just as I was dancing with excitement, my brother suddenly found a colorful spider about the size of a cup. He said: "Wang Fanyun, look at what this is, but you haven't seen it!" I looked in the direction of my brother's finger, and immediately cried out: "kill it, kill it." But my brother didn't kill me. He said, "spiders can eat mosquitoes. Keep them!" "No, kill him." At this time, my father heard it and ran over. He kicked the spider to death. I was so scared that I didn't dare to walk there. My hair was about to stand up. My heart was like 15 buckets of water - seven up and eight down. It really scared me to death.

  After a while, my mood just calmed down, but a red beetle with a length of about ten centimeters and a width of one centimeter reappeared in front of me. I was so scared that I jumped directly on my father and dared not go down again. It was really terrible here!

  Finally, on the way home, I thought: I don't want to go back to Wangjiapo anymore, because I'm still not used to it, so it's not suitable for me to stay long!


  Summer vacation is coming, and my nerves are finally relaxed. Even so, it's not good to be too relaxed. Today is the first day of the summer vacation. My mother assigned me less than 2 hours of homework, but I just played and didn't finish it well. For this, my mother was very angry and talked with me all night.

  Mom, I was wrong. When you assigned your homework, I promised, but I didn't finish it on time. This kind of behavior is a performance of not keeping promises. As the saying goes, "a gentleman's word can never be recalled." But what about me? As a student, learning is my duty. It's very hard for my mother to arrange and check my homework every day during the rest time, but I have not lightened my mother's burden, but I have broken your heart for me. Mom, you often say to me, "people's self-awareness is the most important thing. Learning is your own business. Why do you want others to drive you behind with a whip?"

  Mom, I was wrong. Although I ranked second in the class in the final exam, you said that an exam would not mean anything after all. It can be seen that there are many strong players in front of me, and many students who follow me closely. Therefore, I have no reason to be complacent. On the contrary, I should take this as a driving force to launch an impact on higher goals. People should have lofty goals and should not be affected by temporary success or failure. Therefore, I can't play around in the room. I should seize the time to make up for my lack of study.

  Mom, I was wrong. In this summer holiday, I won't let you worry about me any more. I will consciously do everything I should do. Mom, at the end of your conversation with me, you sent me a sentence: "as long as you work harder and harder, you will become better." I will, I will remember your repentance, and I will make you proud of having such a son as me. I will definitely.

  Mom, I'm wrong. I sincerely ask you to forgive me. I will keep in mind a sentence in the Analects of Confucius that you asked me to recite: "... Therefore, heaven will impose a great responsibility on us. We must first work hard, strain our muscles and bones, starve our bodies, and empty our bodies..."

  Mom: finally, I would like to send you a message: during my holiday, please relax yourself and pay attention to rest. Your son has grown up.
