
时间:2022-11-15 01:19:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都接触过作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The protection of children's traffic safety should be incorporated into the scope of legal jurisdiction as soon as possible, and legislation should be made to protect children's traffic safety. Learn from the successful experience of foreign traffic management and children's traffic safety, formulate corresponding laws and regulations, and establish traffic laws and regulations based on the principles of people first, pedestrians first, children's right to life first, and motor vehicles to avoid children.

  The children's traffic safety education system shall implement targeted, detailed and humanized traffic safety education that conforms to the characteristics of children and adolescents; Secondly, we should regulate the behavior of children and teenagers riding bicycles, motorcycles and other means of transportation, and at the same time, we should clarify strict legal responsibilities and punish violations. In addition, the special performance of traffic environment facilities around schools and kindergartens should be clarified, and the "safe route to school" project should be promoted to ensure the traffic safety of children.


  Traffic safety concerns the lives of each of us. Once you violate it, you may pay your life. Life is precious, and we should abide by safety laws and regulations. Especially when crossing the road, remember to look at the lights, the lines and the traffic flow.

  I remember that one weekend in the last semester of the second grade, Xiaoming and I were playing catch game in front of the rockery. When it was Xiaoming's turn to catch people, he quickly went to the opposite side of the road to catch people. Just in the middle of the road, an electric car passed by Xiaoming, and Xiaoming was knocked down. We were scared out of our wits. We stood aside and paused before regaining our consciousness and running to Xiaoming. At this time, Xiaoming had already stood up, but fortunately, he had only scratched it and was not injured. Fortunately, the electric vehicle is relatively slow. If it is a fast car, what will happen? Can't imagine

  Through this incident, we were told that even if we stopped for three minutes when crossing the street, we would not seize that second. We should not cause a lifetime of pain because of a one second car accident.

  We only have one life, please cherish it!


  The City Express reported that at about 8:10 pm the day before yesterday, a major car accident occurred on the North Central Road of Xiaoshan. A car collided with a motorcycle, on which an adult and three children were killed and injured. With the rapid development of economy, there are more and more vehicles and traffic accidents occur frequently. The scenes of traffic accidents made our hair stand on end. Security is an eternal topic, which involves every one of us. Every little rule is a respect for life. Ask yourself, did you cross the street and take the sidewalk? Did you fasten your seat belt when driving? Who doesn't want to breathe fresh air every day; Who doesn't want to return home safely every day; Who doesn't want to have a healthy and happy family. I hope everyone can consciously abide by the traffic regulations.


  The city is now full of cars and people. The economic level of the society has improved, and people's life is getting better and better. The number of people running traffic lights on the highway is also increasing. I want to invent a "traffic safety device", also called "parking meter". He also wants to invent a "traffic safety device", also known as "traffic barrier". The parking meter can turn off the car that wants to run the traffic lights. As long as the red light is on and hits every car, the car will stop immediately. The "traffic barrier" can make people who want to run the traffic lights stop their progress. As soon as the pedestrian red light is on, a row of railings will quickly emerge from the ground to prevent pedestrians from moving forward.

  If it can be realized, there will be no more traffic accidents. So, I will study hard!


  When it comes to transportation, people always associate it with safety, because it is closely related to our life. With the development of society, transportation has provided convenience for social production and people's life. At the same time, the endless "road war" also threatens the safety of life and property around us, and traffic accidents have become a major social problem.

  Because some people have a weak sense of traffic safety, they staged a human tragedy in the field on the flat riding track and sang a song about life. Friend, when you see innocent creatures die in the car, when you hear the cry of heartbreak when you hear the loss of a loved one, who is not sad? They bring harmony, happiness and joy, while the left is disaster, pain and thought.
