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【#高二# 导语】高二变化的大背景,便是文理分科(或七选三)。在对各个学科都有了初步了解后,学生们需要对自己未来的发展科目有所选择、有所侧重。这可谓是学生们第一次完全自己把握、风险未知的主动选择。®文档大全网高二频道为你整理了《高二英语下学期知识点整理》,助你金榜题名!



  1. 表特指

  所谓表特指,就是说此时的what 在用法上大致相当于the。如:

  What possessions I have are yours.=The possessions I have are yours. 我的所有的财产都是你的。

  2. 表“微量”


  What ideas he has are his wife’s. 他仅有的一点想法都是他妻子的。

  What friends she has are out of the country. 她有的那些朋友全在国外。


  What few friends she has are out of the country.=The few friends she has are out of the country. 她仅有的几个朋友都在国外。

  What little free time he had was spent with the family.= The little free time he had was spent with the family. 他仅有的一点空余时间都是与家人在一起度过的。


  whatever引导主语从句时,意义相当于anything that,通常译为“……任何东西(一切事情)”“……所……的一切(所有)”“无论什么……都”。如:

  What ever she says goes. 一切她说了算。

  What ever I have is yours. 我的东西都是你的。

  What ever she did was right. 她做的一切都是对的。

  What ever I have is at your service. 我所有的一切都供你使用。

  What ever you want is fine with me. 无论你要什么对我都合适。

  注意,不要与whatever引导让步状语从句(=no matter what)时的用法相混淆。如:

  What ever happens, I must be calm. 不管发生什么事我都要镇静。

  What ever you say, I won’t believe you. 不管你说什么,我决不相信你的话。







  The man who is talking with Mr. Brown is an eye Specialist和布朗先生谈话的那个人是个眼科大夫。(关系代词who在从句中用作土语,它的先行词是man)

  He is the comrade whom you have been looking for他就是你要找的那位同志。(关系代词whom在从句中作宾语,它的先行词是comrade,whom在口语中一般可省去)

  The old man whose son is in the navy used to be carpenter.儿子在海军的那位老人过去是个木匠。


  The film which I saw last night is about a young teacher.我昨晚看的那部电影说的是一个年轻教师的事。(关系代词which在从句中用作宾语,先行词为film, which在口语中可省略)

  This is the plane that will fly to Tokyo in the afternoon.这是下午要飞往东京的飞机。(关系代词that在从句中用作主语,先行词为plane)


  1.Nobody knew that it was going to be different from other planets going to be different from other planets going round the sun.

  going round the sun 为现在分词短语定语,表示一般的动作。 Eg: Men breaking the law will be punished. 现在分词短语,也可表示进行的动作

  2. Weather life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.

  for millions of years to come 中不定式to come 作定语,与前面的名词有逻辑上的主谓关系。

  Eg: She is the last person to tell lies.

  3.The problem was that the earth became violent because it was not clear whether the solid shape was to last or not.

  The problem was that …, that 引导表语从句,that 只起连接作用,无意义,但不能省略。 Eg: The trouble is that we are short of money.

  4.As the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.

  as conj. 随着,在…期间;由于,因为;尽管,即使;当…的时候;像…一样 5. That made it possible for life to begin to develop.

  it 是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式to begin to develop. Eg: He thinks it’s his duty to help others.


  still, quiet, silent

  (1) still用作形容词,意为“静止的,不动的,平静的”。

  keep (stay) still 保持不动

  lie (stand) still 躺着(站着)不动

  a still lake / evening



  be still busy 仍然很忙

  win still greater success 取得更火成功

  (2) still 侧重“一动不动”,quiet指“安静”,其反义词是noisy (吵闹的、喧哗的);

  silent 指不出声,不说话。

  对比:sit still 坐着不动

  Be quiet, and the class will begin.


  Hearing the answer, he was silent for a minute ormore.

