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【#小升初# 导语】海阔凭你跃,天高任你飞。愿你信心满满,尽展聪明才智;妙笔生花,谱下锦绣第几篇。学习的敌人是自己的知足,要使自己学一点东西,必需从不自满开始。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《小升初英语双语阅读【三篇】》 供您查阅。


1. On Wednesday, we go to my uncle's farm. Did Clifford leave his rubber mouse there?

  星期三我们去了叔叔的农场。Clifford 有没有把橡皮鼠丢在那儿呢?

  2. There are mice in the barn, but none of them is Mr Squeaky.

  粮仓里有不少老鼠,但是他们都不是 Squeaky 先生.

  3. Next we go to the gym. No rubber mouse, either. Oh where is he?


  4. How about the town dock? Clifford looks through the boats. Clifford looks under the boats. No rubber mouse! We are very sad and go home.

  会丢在镇上的码头了么?Clifford 往船里瞧瞧,又在船底找找,都没有找到橡皮鼠。我们很不开心地回家了。

  5. Dad has a surprise for Clifford — a new rubber mouse! It is a nice mouse, but it isn't Mr Squeaky.

  爸爸给 Clifford 一个惊喜:一只新的橡皮鼠玩具!新橡皮鼠不错,但那不是 Squeaky 先生。

  6. Grandma asks why Clifford looks so sad. I tell her about the rubber mouse. She says,"Is this Mr Squeaky? You left him here last Sunday."

  奶奶问为什么 Clifford 看起来那么伤心。我告诉她橡皮鼠的事,她说:“这是 Squeaky 先生么?你们上周日把他落在这儿了。”

  7. "I knew we could find him!" I say. Clifford thanks Grandma. I thank Grandma, too. My Grandma is the best!“

  我就知道我们会找到他的,”我说。Clifford 谢谢奶奶,我也谢谢奶奶。奶奶是最棒的!


1. Hi, I'm Emily. This is my dog Clifford. The circus is coming to our town. A small sign says the circus needs help.

  嗨!我是 Emily。这是我的狗狗 Clifford。马戏团要来我们镇上演出了,一张小告示上说马戏团需要帮手。

  2. The circus owner says everything is going wrong. I tell him Clifford and I can help him. He doesn't think a little girl and her dog can be much help. But I say, "The show must go on."


  3. The first problem is the lions and tigers. They don't listen to the trainer. Clifford gives them a command. They listen to Clifford. How strange it is!

  第一个麻烦是狮子和老虎,他们不听训兽师的话。Clifford 给它们发号施令,他们都听Clifford的,你说奇不奇怪!

  4. The clowns also need help. Clifford puts on some costumes. He enjoys being a clown. He wags his tail. That makes the act even better.

  小丑们也需要帮手。Clifford 穿上演出服装,他当个小丑很开心,他摇摇尾巴,演出变得更精彩了!

  5. The tightrope walker has a sprained ankle. Clifford tries to walk the tightrope. He is pretty good. But he can't get off to the ground.

  走钢丝的演员脚踝扭伤了,Clifford 尝试着走钢丝。他走得很棒,但他下不来了。


1. One day, Clifford goes to visit his family. I go with him.


  2. Clifford's mother still sees him as a puppy. She checks his teeth and ears.


  3. Clifford's sister, Claudia, lives nearby. She is taking her owner for a walk. We go to the park with them.


  4. A taxi is on the crosswalk. Clifford takes care of that.


  5. Clifford's other sister, Bonnie, is a farm dog. She works hard for her owner.


  6. Next we find his brother, Nero. Nero is a rescue dog. While we are there, the alarm rings.


  7. We run after the fire truck. Nero runs into the building. Clifford helps him. Nero is very brave.


  8. Next we visit Clifford's father. There are a lot of kids playing in the yard. Clifford's father looks very happy.


  9. Clifford wishes his family could come and live with us, but they can't. So he hopes the next visit will come soon.


