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【#翻译# 导语】锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。备考也需要这样持之以恒的精神。©文档大全网为您提供了“2019年catti一级口译试题:中国的军事战略”,通过做题,能够巩固所学知识并灵活运用,考试时会更得心应手,快来练习吧!

  中国的国际政策和军事战略始终是积极防御,这是中国根据自己的国际关系准则和外部安全环境作出的基本战略选择,也是优秀的中国 军事传统在新时代的延续和升华。

  China's international policy and military strategyhave always been those of positive defense. This isthe basic strategic choice China has made accordingto its norms governing international relations and toits external security environment. It also reflectsthe continuation and distillation of China'soutstanding military tradition in the new era.

  中国 军事传统的基本特色是谋求和平。对内主张坚决维护国 家统一,反对民族;对外一贯奉行睦邻友好的方针和防御战略,以“非攻”球和睦,以自卫保安宁。万里长城所象征的就是这种防御观念。中华人民共和国自建立之日起,就始终坚持在统一中求强盛,在强盛中求和平,在和平中求发展。随着时间的推移,人们越来越清楚地看到,中国有决心和能力保卫自己多国家安全利益,中国是维护地区与世界和平的重要力量。

  China's military tradition is characteristically one of seeking peace. Under this peace-seekingpolicy, internally, we resolutely defend national unity and oppose to any attempt at nationalseparation; externally, we follow a good-neighborly policy and a defensive strategy, seekingfriendly and harmonious relations through what is known as the “non-offensive” approachand securing peace through self-defense. The Great Wall is symbolic of such a defensiveconcept. Ever since its founding, the People's Republic of China has been consistently seekingprosperity through unification, seeking peace through prosperity, and seeking developmentthrough peace. With the passage of time, it will be even more apparent to the world that Chinais determined to defend its national security and is capable of doing so, and that China is animportant force in safeguarding regional and global peace.

  中国的社会主义制度和独立自主的和平外交政策,也决定了中国奉行积极防御的国防政策和军事战略方针。中国不搞霸权主义,不搞强权政治,不对外搞军事扩张。中国的战略疆界不会超出其自然疆界,中国 军事力量的发展也不会超出防御和自卫的需要。中国多次进行裁军,充分显示了中国 军事战略的和平宗旨和防御性质,同时也反映了在和平与发展的时代主题下,中国的理性战略思维和新的安全观念。

  Meanwhile, China's socialist system andindependent foreign policy of peace havedetermined the country's national defense policyand military strategy to be one of active defense.China doe not seek hegemony and power politics,neither does it expand its military influenceoverseas. China's strategic frontier will not gobeyond its natural borders. Likewise, China'smilitary force will not develop in excess of its needto defend the country. China's repeateddisarmament has fully demonstrated to the world thepeaceful orientation and defensive nature of China's military strategy, as well as China'srational strategic military thinking and updated concept of security under the theme of ourtimes, that is, peace and development.

  中国的裁军决策是由中国主动作出的,不是屈服于任何人的压力而被 迫作出的;是自觉的,不是盲目的;是以对中国的发展、亚太地区安全以及世界持久和平高度负责的精神而采取的建设性举措。中国的裁军行动是单方面的,没有设置任何前提,不与他国相联系,不把裁军作为迫使他国同时裁军的筹码或先决条件。中国的裁军不是象征性的,而是实质性的,是大幅度的。中国以自己多裁军实际行动表达了中国不参加军备竞赛、努力缔造和平的诚意。

  China's disarmament decision is made out of its own will, rather than under any externalpressure. It is a conscious act, rather than a blind move; it is a constructive act taken out ofa high sense of responsibility for China's own development, the security of Asian-Pacific regionand the sustainable world peace. China's disarmament act is unilateral, carrying noprerequisite, having nothing to do with any other country. China has no intention whatsoeverto use disarmament as a means or prerequisite to force other countries to reduce theirmilitary troops with China. China's disarmament is not symbolic, but actual and substantial.China has shown to the world with its initiative in disarmament, its non-engagement in armsrace and its sincerity in building a peaceful world.

