I am totally wiped out. Time to hit the sack/I just want to crash out.
我太累了, 想睡觉。
wipe out 两个意思,消除或者太疲惫了。
sack:本意袋子,引申为睡袋和床的意思。hit the sack 就是睡觉。
注解:hit也很常用哦:hit the road:出发,启程 (不是打路,哈哈), hit me up:没事联系我哦,说再见的是用
hit the shower:洗澡(这个表达过时了,貌似年轻人不太用)
crash out: crash 本身有撞击的意思,可以临时夜宿:比如
We crashed out at Ike's place last night.
Ten more minutes and then it's beddy-bye.
I haven't been getting enough sack time lately.
There is some cookie. If you snooze, you lose.
snooze:小睡一会,打盹的意思。比如午睡:an afternoon snooze;
If you snooze, you lose. 可以作为固定表达来记,如果你走神就会错失良机哦。