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【#英语资源# 导语】】端午节,又称端阳节、龙舟节、重五节、天中节等,是集拜神祭祖、祈福辟邪、欢庆娱乐和饮食为一体的民俗大节。端午节源于自然天象崇拜,由上古时代祭龙演变而来。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and zongzi Festival. Every Dragon Boat Festival, we can buy sachets of various shapes in drugstores and make them ourselves. Grandma said that hanging sachets on their bodies can repel insects and prevent diseases. Many people hang a bunch of wormwood at their door. It is said that this can also repel mosquitoes and flies and eliminate viruses.

  There is another story about the Dragon Boat Festival. There was a poet named Qu Yuan in the state of Chu. On the fifth day of May, he jumped into the Miluo River because of injustice. In order to prevent fish and shrimp from eating him, the people threw rice while boating on the river. In order to prevent rice from being eaten by fish and shrimp, rice is wrapped in Zongye, so eating zongzi and Dragon Boat Racing have become the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival. On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, many places will hold dragon boat races. The drums are noisy and lively.

  On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival last year, grandma began to be busy early in the morning. The table was full of glutinous rice, red dates and soy sauce meat prepared the day before. Thinking of the delicious zongzi, I rolled up my sleeves and washed my hands. With great interest, I pulled up my grandmother and began to make zongzi. Grandma is very professional in making zongzi. I haven't seen the steps clearly. She has finished making one. I followed my grandmother's example, first rolled the Zongye into an awl shape, then filled the glutinous rice into the awl until it was paved, sandwiched a piece of fat and thin soy sauce into the glutinous rice, and finally wrapped the Zongye and tied it into a triangle with cotton rope. Making zongzi is much more difficult than eating zongzi. I hurriedly wrapped the first one. I looked up and saw that Grandma had wrapped several well. Grandma encouraged me and said, "you're great. Your father doesn't have to look good like you!" After listening, I was actually quite proud.

  After wrapping the last piece of rice dumpling leaves, the glutinous rice and soy sauce were just used up. Grandma put all the rice dumplings into the pot and cooked them. Slowly, the fragrance began to come out. I looked eagerly at the steamer and waited for the delicious rice dumplings to come out.

  There are many customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, but what I remember most Or eat the zongzi made by myself. It not only makes me enjoy delicious food, but also realizes the value of labor.


  On the Dragon Boat Festival, early in the morning, you can hear "sachet! Sachet!" The sound of selling, the fragrance of zongzi fills your nose. Seeing the busy adults, I can't sit still anymore. Let's go and ask my classmates to make "zongzi" together!

  On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, I played with my friends. Watching some adults holding zongzi, I couldn't help feeling inspired: "it's almost the Dragon Boat Festival, let's make zongzi, too!" My proposal was unanimously agreed by everyone. Go ahead and get ready with me!

  How can you make zongzi without Zongye? But where can I find the bigger leaves? We were thinking hard. I don't know who said "look, there are a lot of Zongye!" We followed her finger to find "Zongye". It is an unknown plant with large leaves, which meets the standard of making Zongye. We hurried over and pulled it out. "One, two, one, two, one, pull, pull! Pull!" We shouted slogans, tried our best to feed, and didn't break from the root. "I don't believe it!" Classmate Li stepped on the stem of the plant, blushed and pulled it out hard, but the leaf was very stubborn, just constantly. "I'll come!" Cao stepped on the stem above the leaf and pulled the leaf down without much effort. It seems that you have to use ingenuity to do anything!

  With Zongye, what's the filling? The next goal is to find earth to make zongzi stuffing. After a while, we have all the materials ready. Finally, we are going to make zongzi.

  We also learn from adults. First roll the "Zongye" into a funnel shape, fold the corner up, add stuffing, and then wrap it with "Zongye" in turn, and wrap it on the line. A realistic and fragrant zongzi is ready.

  "The dew is sinking! The dew is sinking!" Classmate Li took her zongzi. "Classmate Cao, can you get me some more stuffing? My dumpling baby is exposed! " She startled us. Fortunately, it was just revealed.

  Soon, we made a lot of zongzi, which makes people salivate!

  Although we did not carry out formal procedures such as wearing sachets and inserting Wormwood Leaves, we realized the happiness of making zongzi and the happiness of folk customs!


  Today is the fifth day of May - the Dragon Boat Festival.

  In the morning, my grandparents, parents and younger sisters and I got up to take a walk in Shuangta mountain. There were many people on Shuangta mountain, some with Artemisia annua on their heads, some with flowers in their hands, some with paper gourds in their hands, and some hawked on the roadside: "selling zongzi!" I feel that people's performance is different from usual.

  I asked the master curiously, "Grandpa, why is people's performance so special today!" Grandpa said: "it is said that on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in AD, the patriotic poet of the state of Chu, after hearing the news that the Thai army had broken the capital of the state of Chu, was filled with grief and anger, and his heart was like a knife, so he resolutely wrote" Huai Sha " , he threw stones into rivers and died for his country. People along the river led boats to salvage them, summoned souls along the water, and threw zongzi into the river to prevent fish and shrimp from swallowing his body. Now people do this in memory of this patriotic poet. " "Oh, so it is." I said with a smile.

  Back home, grandma brought us two plates of zongzi, one is yellow rice and the other is jiangmi. I added a zongzi and put sugar on it to eat happily. Oh, zongzi is so sweet and fragrant!


  Hi, it's the holiday again. That's the Dragon Boat Festival. However, the exam is coming soon. Let's play, think about the exam, read and want to play. What can we do well?

  On Friday, I carefully wrote down all my arrangements for the rest day.

  1. Finish my English homework on Friday, eat and sleep.

  2. On Saturday, after finishing my math and Chinese and all my homework, I read, eat and sleep.

  3. Ha ha, you can finally have a good time for two days! On Sunday, I ate snacks at home, watched TV (appropriate), and went downstairs to play with my friends in the afternoon. Eat and sleep.

  4. Next is Monday, which is also the last day of our holiday, so my sister took me to the movies, ha ha... I'm so happy. On that day, I'll play outside all day, because school is about to start. Relax.

  This is my "rest schedule", which writes down my rest time below, because it allows me to finish it better.

  The arrangement is finished, and then I have to do it. On the first day, that is, Friday afternoon, because of my English, I finished it without effort. The next day on the ground, I did it according to my schedule, but it was too much beyond my imagination, because I didn't need so much time at all, so I read more books. On the third day, I finished according to the schedule. My mother bought me a lot of snacks, and I didn't eat too much. I just ate half of them, ha ha... It's four days and my last day. Although this day has not come yet, I can already imagine how beautiful tomorrow is!

  My Dragon Boat Festival ended with homework and entertainment, but I was very happy.


  There are many traditional festivals in China, including spring festival, Tanabata Festival, Qingming Festival and Lantern Festival, but the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of May is my favorite.

  It is said that the Dragon Boat Festival is set in memory of the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Early in the morning, I was awakened by bursts of noise. Hey! I have to leave the warm quilt. I put on my new clothes and found that my mother took out a pile of zongzi from the pot. It was hot and a glutinous fragrance went straight into my nostrils. It reminded me that today is the Dragon Boat Festival!

  After breakfast, I came outside. The adults were busy. I guess they must be preparing for the dragon boat race. I hurried to the water to watch the game. "Come on! Come on!" Bursts of cheering came into my ears. I saw the players rowing their oars with great efforts, and the rhythmic drums were exciting. They won't let me, I won't let you, and they even tied!

  In the evening, I took out the small paper boat I made in the afternoon, took it to the river, took out candles, lit it and put it in the small paper boat. So many boat lights make the dark night look like day. However, the Dragon Boat Festival reflects the more beautiful night. I sat on the chair, eating the zongzi made by my mother and watching the exquisite boat lights in groups. The bright lights flushed people's faces. I thought: "Qu Yuan in the water must feel that the outside world is very bright!"

  Look, how lively the Dragon Boat Festival is! I can't wait to think about the next Dragon Boat Festival.


  Today is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It is the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, the afternoon Festival, the May Festival, the AI Festival, the Duanwu Festival, the Double Ninth Festival, the afternoon day and the summer festival. Although the names are different, the customs of people everywhere are the same. The Dragon Boat Festival is an old custom in China for more than 2000 years. On this day, every family hangs the image of Zhong Kui, hangs wormwood leaf calamus, races dragon boats, eats zongzi, drinks realgar wine, swims all kinds of diseases and wears sachets!

  In the morning, my family began to make zongzi and was ready to feed the "roundworm" in my stomach. When it comes to the Dragon Boat Festival, you must not know the knowledge of the Dragon Boat Festival. Let me, a great doctor, tell you the knowledge of the Dragon Boat Festival!

  Speaking of the Dragon Boat Festival, we have to ask a poet to help us start talking about him, but who is this person? He is the famous patriotic poet - Qu Yuan! Qu Yuan was a scholar who went abroad during the Warring States period. He became an official around the king of Chu and made his country rich and strong by his image. The confused king of Chu listened to his ministers and dismissed Qu Yuan from his post and exiled him. In exile, Qu Yuan heard that the capital of the state of Chu was occupied by the enemy and the people suffered great grief and anger. On the fifth day of May, he came to the Miluo River, hugged a stone and jumped into the Miluo River. The people who went abroad were very sad when they heard the news of Qu Yuan throwing into the river. With tears in their eyes, they rowed a boat to salvage Qu Yuan and threw zongzi into the river to feed the fish, hoping that the fish would not hurt Qu Yuan's body. This is the origin of making Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival in May.

  Let's talk about the story of dragon boat race in the Dragon Boat Festival. At that time, Chu people were reluctant to give up the death of their virtuous minister Qu Yuan, so many people rowed to catch up with the rescue. They scrambled to catch up with each other and disappeared when they reached Dongting Lake, which is the origin of dragon boat racing. Later, they rowed dragon boats on May 5 every year to commemorate it. Use a dragon boat to disperse the fish in the river so as not to eat Qu Yuan's body. The practice of racing is popular in Wu, Yue and Chu. In the 29th year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, dragon boat races began in Taiwan. At that time, the governor of Taiwan, Jiang Yuanjun, presided over the friendship race in the half moon pool of fahua temple in Tainan City. Now, Taiwan holds dragon boat races on May 5 every year.

  Well, this is the Dragon Boat Festival knowledge I collected. Now you have a certain understanding of the Dragon Boat Festival. Should you feel sorry for the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan? If it weren't for the king of Chu's stubbornness, I think Qu Yuan would bring us many immortal poems, but Qu Yuan jumped into and cleaned people's hearts. What he left is not only tragic poetry, but also the spirit of self-improvement! I believe that the great patriotic poet will remain in people's hearts forever!


  With the fragrance of zongzi, I came to my favorite Dragon Boat Festival. Many customs of the Dragon Boat Festival in our hometown are the same as those in other places. The Dragon Boat Festival is a very lively Festival. Every family makes zongzi, eats zongzi and inserts wormwood, which is an inevitable custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that there is another story. It is said that a long time ago, there was a great patriotic poet named Qu Yuan. At the beginning, he was full of loyalty to serve the country, but was killed by * ministers. He threw himself into the urgent and wide Guluo river. People know that for fear that the fish and shrimp in the river would eat Qu Yuan's body, he wrapped a lot of delicious zongzi and threw them into the river, so that the fish would not eat Qu Yuan's body. It happened to be the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. In order to commemorate Qu Yuan, kind people designated this day as the Dragon Boat Festival to show their condolences.

  On this day, the sky was gray, but our family's mood was just the opposite. The light as cotton wind floated across my cheek, which was very comfortable! Early in the morning, my parents and I rode to grandma's house for the Dragon Boat Festival. Grandma also fried sugar bags and vegetable horns. It must be delicious. However, on the way, due to the rain the day before yesterday, there were many muddy roads and potholes, which made it difficult for our car to ride forward. However, we had to park the car at the home of our passing classmates and move forward alone! We dragged along with heavy steps, step by step, with mud on our shoes. Finally, we got to grandma's house under many difficulties, which really tired us. I collapsed on Grandma's bed and turned on the TV. The picture was showing the indispensable custom of the Dragon Boat Festival - dragon boat racing. On the broad river, three or four dragon boats were put down, and more than a dozen people rowed the oars. One sat on the dragon's head and struck the Gong, and the other sat on the boat and played the drum. The crowd shouted, "one, two", "one, two", and their array was comparable to the rough waves. I immediately lost my fatigue and clapped my hands. Several dragon boats were like fierce axes, breaking the river and had already fought to death. What a spectacular scene!

  At this time, grandma gently came over and gave me zongzi, sugar bags and vegetable horns in her hand, so that I could eat them while they were hot. While eating delicious food, I watched the spectacular picture of the dragon boat race. It was the best of both worlds! The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown is as popular as the customs in other places!


  There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring Festival and Dragon Boat Festival... But my favorite is the Dragon Boat Festival.

  On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, the three of us were preparing to make zongzi at home. It was my first time to make zongzi. I was curious and excited. I saw my mother take out the already prepared raw materials: Zongye, glutinous rice, red dates and so on. The Zong Ye is big, long and green. And the glutinous rice is fragrant, sweet and white. The red dates are big, round and red. Just looking at these things has made my mouth water. When everything was ready, my father began to wrap it. I saw that he fluently rolled the Zong leaves into a funnel shape, then stuffed the glutinous rice and red dates into the Zong leaves, and then folded the above leaves to form a triangular object. Finally, wrap it with a rope, and a zongzi was ready.

  I read it and said, "it's so simple. Let me wrap it." My mother asked her to give me guidance. I shook my head and said, "no, no, I already know how to pack. Just look at me!" I first learned from my father to roll the rice dumpling leaves into a funnel shape, but this baffled me. I couldn't do well in any way. When I stuffed the glutinous rice and red dates into the rice dumpling leaves, I didn't know that the rice dumpling leaves didn't listen to me and jumped open at once. The glutinous rice and red dates immediately spilled all over the ground. I was very disappointed and said angrily, "I won't wrap them." My father said to me earnestly, "who just said simple things there? Why did you retreat so quickly? When you encounter difficulties, you want to escape. When you do something, you should do it seriously. If you can't do it well at the beginning, it's normal. As long as you stick to it, there will be good results." Hearing what my father said, I was very ashamed and my face was as red as a red apple.

  I walked back to the table, sat down and wrapped it up. With the help of my mother, the first zongzi I wrapped came out. Looking at it, I felt full of a sense of achievement. Yes! Seriously, the dumplings are beautiful! Mom and dad laughed, and so did I.

  Last year's Dragon Boat Festival was unforgettable! I not only learned to make zongzi, but also understood a lot of truth. This year's Dragon Boat Festival is still expected.


  Eat cake on the first day of each month; Eat Zongzi on the second day of each month; Eat snails in the third grade; The fourth day of junior high school was held. Eat one day on the fifth day of each month.

  Singing this discordant children's song, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming again.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival. Putian has such an inharmonious children's song. It began the Dragon Boat Festival on the first day of May. From the first day of this month, every family is busy preparing for the Dragon Boat Festival. Although there are few articles, the most striking natural thing is the delicious food of the Dragon Boat Festival.

  When it comes to the Dragon Boat Festival, zongzi should be the first thought. Zongzi is delicate and lovely, salty and sweet. I'm not interested in meat zongzi, but I especially like glutinous rice zongzi, especially the big red dates. I always make it big by myself. The smell of glutinous rice mixed with the smell of egg grass leaves is refreshing. Take a bite and put it in your mouth. The more you chew, the more delicious it will be. Every Dragon Boat Festival, grandma always makes zongzi for my greedy cat. People are shouting everywhere in the street, but the dumplings sold are much smaller than those sold at home, but the price is very expensive and the dates in the dumplings are not big, so two peanut sized dumplings seem to be enough. Sometimes, if you are greedy, you can buy one on the street to satisfy your desire, but there is no fragrance left.

  In addition to delicious zongzi, wearing new clothes is also a great beauty. Make a big pot of hot bath with five herbs, and then change into new clothes, which will make you look fresh. Although I still wear clothes that have been worn n times, the fragrance is still irresistible.

  We can't see the dragon boat race here, which is a great pity of the Dragon Boat Festival. But we soon found new fun? Hold an egg smashing competition. The eggs of the Dragon Boat Festival are no longer used to eat, but to smash things, or collide in pairs, which is more difficult than others, or used as bullets, aiming and shooting. When the egg smashing competition ended, only the ground was covered with sores and a bad smell. It's really interesting.

  On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, my mother carefully weaves baskets with string. According to past custom, she weaves eight layers. Grandma boiled the eggs and took out the three smoothest ones. There is one at the bottom and peaches at the back. Each type has 3 layers and 6 layers are used. On the second floor is a step tiger, who is responsible for looking after these things. Finally, it was hung at the door. According to the elders, it was to commemorate Qu Yuan. When she took it off, she packed the basket and put it in a box to reunite with her sister who was born before her.

  But on the fifth day of enjoying delicious food, the Dragon Boat Festival ended successfully.


  The fifth day of May is an important festival every year. It is the Dragon Boat Festival. On this day, every family should eat zongzi, drink realgar wine, hang Wormwood Leaves, and race dragon boats in some places to commemorate Qu Yuan.

  Today, an expert in making zongzi came to our family, that is my grandmother. We prepared Zongye, glutinous rice, streaky pork, bean paste, thread, etc. first, grandma soaked the glutinous rice in water for half an hour, then took it out and dried it, added salt, monosodium glutamate, wine and soy sauce, and began to make zongzi when everything was ready.

  First, take a piece of zongzi leaf, fold it into a cone, then put in glutinous rice, streaky pork and glutinous rice, and then fold it into four corners. Finally, tie it on the line, so that a zongzi is wrapped. I think it's so simple for grandma to make zongzi. I also want to learn it. My dumplings are either six corners or a reunion. I can't wrap them well. I don't want to wrap them twice. My grandmother said, go and play! Mother said, "as long as you have deep Kung Fu, grind an iron pestle into a needle." Under the guidance of my grandmother and my insistence, I finally wrapped the zongzi. Eating their own dumplings, I feel happy.

  This year's Dragon Boat Festival, I learned to make zongzi and had a meaningful day.

