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【#英语资源# 导语】端午节又被称作端阳节、龙舟节、重午节、天中节等,是集拜神祭祖、祈福辟邪、欢庆娱乐和饮食为一体的民俗大节。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It is a traditional Chinese festival - the Dragon Boat Festival.

  Early in the morning, I smelled the fragrance of zongzi in my bedroom. I got up quickly and came to the table. WOW! Today's breakfast is zongzi! Mother said, "there are many kinds of zongzi today! There are red bean zongzi tied with red thread, clear water zongzi tied with white thread, and spiced beef zongzi tied with flower thread!" I couldn't wait to pick up a Spiced Beef Dumpling, cut the thread and tear off the leaves. I saw that the glutinous rice was full and swollen like pearls. I took a hard bite and felt fragrant and sweet! Maybe I ate so fast that I didn't even see the shadow of beef. Looking at my mother's red bean dumplings, red beans are like rubies embedded in glutinous rice balls, with peanuts inside! Suddenly, my father said, "what is my clear water zongzi like?" I said, "like a pagoda!" So my father stuck white sugar and I bit off the tip of the pagoda with one bite. Our family ate three mouthfuls with relish, My father also told me: "the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Because the imperial court was decadent at that time, Qu Yuan was unable to be framed by his ministers and threw himself into the river with hatred. After people knew that, in order not to let fish and shrimp eat Qu Yuan's body, they rowed into the river and threw zongzi, salted eggs and other food to feed fish and shrimp. Therefore, every Dragon Boat Festival, people ate zongzi, salted eggs and even rowed dragon boats."

  Today, I not only ate sweet zongzi, but also increased a lot of extracurricular knowledge. I will remember the Dragon Boat Festival with fragrant zongzi.


  It will be the Dragon Boat Festival in a few days. It happens that today's outdoor class also has several activities related to the Dragon Boat Festival. One of the most impressive activities is making zongzi.

  Before making zongzi, an old woman came to the table to be our "coach" for making zongzi. She first picked up two green Zong leaves and told us, "be sure to turn the curved veins down!", Then cross the two Zong leaves and nest them into a shape like a funnel. Then she put some mung beans, glutinous rice, streaky pork and salted egg yolk inside. She picked up two Zong leaves and wrapped them on the mouth of the "funnel". Finally, she took out a thread and tied it to the zongzi, and one zongzi was made!

  I learned from her and finally made the last step. I accidentally released my hand. I only heard a "crash" and the glutinous rice flew out. Later, I decided to make a zongzi. At that last moment, I succeeded and jumped around happily.

  When I grow up, I must pass on this custom!


  Today, the teacher took us to Wanjiang to experience the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival. There are dumplings, kites and realgar wine. One of my most profound is making zongzi.

  Aunt let us take two Zongye and taught us to make a "nest" in it. She put glutinous rice, mung beans, meat and egg yolk in the "nest", wrapped the stuffing, sewed both sides with two Zong leaves, and wrapped one zongzi. I think it's easy to make zongzi. After a while, it was time for me to show my skills. I learned to fold a "nest" like my aunt, put some glutinous rice, some mung beans, a piece of meat and an egg yolk, wrap the stuffing, and then get the Zongye back, but I failed. I don't believe I can't do it. I continued to pack it again. Because after my failure, I became aware, so I made some super good-looking ones. I was very happy. I continued to do it, always insisted on the package, and finally defeated myself.

  Today, I learned the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival and learned a truth from making zongzi: as long as you insist, you will succeed, because failure is the mother of success.


  There are many traditional festivals in China: Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Tanabata Festival, Lantern Festival Among them, I like the Dragon Boat Festival best, because I can eat fragrant and delicious zongzi.

  Every year during the Dragon Boat Festival, grandma always makes zongzi for us to eat. She first bought high-quality glutinous rice, then found Zongye, soaked the glutinous rice, and then boiled the Zongye in a pot. According to grandma, leaves can smell when boiled. All preparations continued, and the zongzi began to be wrapped. Grandma took a piece of zongzi leaf and folded it into the shape of a funnel. Then she put the rice into the leaves, and then wrapped the remaining zongzi leaves around her head, so that the glutinous rice could not leak out. Finally, she tied the zongzi tightly with thread. Such a zongzi is wrapped. So, one, two, three Until it's all wrapped up

  Finally, grandma put the zongzi into the pot to cook. A few hours later, the sweet and delicious zongzi finally came out of the pot. As soon as the zongzi came up, I picked up one, cut the thread, untied the Zongye, put the glutinous rice ball in the Zongye into a bowl, and took a pair of chopsticks to eat. The chopsticks in my hand kept waving between the bowl and my mouth. After a while, a zongzi entered my belly. It's delicious! The rice dumplings have the fragrance of glutinous rice, the fragrance of Zongye, the sweetness of peanuts and the sweetness of honey dates. These flavors are mixed together to give people endless aftertaste.

  I love the traditional Dragon Boat Festival!


  Early in the morning, I woke up from my dream and looked at the calendar. Ah! The long-awaited Dragon Boat Festival has finally arrived! Then I jumped out of bed, ran out of the room and shouted: today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Let's finish breakfast quickly. Let's go and make zongzi!

  First, we washed all the glutinous rice, red dates and Zongye. After washing, we soaked the glutinous rice, red dates and Zongye for several hours. Then, we picked up the Zongye and folded it. The Zongye is like a beautiful little house. Then put the soaked glutinous rice and red dates on the Zongye, as if someone lived safely in a small house. Finally, wrap the Zongye, and the beautiful little house closes the door. We wrapped zongzi with rope and put them in a pot to cook. After cooking, I went to the kitchen from time to time and kept asking my grandmother: are you ready? Are you ready? The waiting time is always long. Finally, the dumplings were cooked, the lid of the pot was opened, and a fragrance came to my face. My eyes glowed and my mouth watered. I can't wait to get a zongzi. Untie the rope and you can see white glutinous rice and red dates. I took a bite. It's sticky and sweet. It's delicious! In the process of eating, my mother told me the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival in memory of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

  This year's Dragon Boat Festival is the best one I've ever had!


  Today is the fifth day of may in the lunar calendar. It is the annual Dragon Boat Festival. Our family ate zongzi at home to celebrate the festival.

  Mother brought steamed dumplings. I saw zongzi wrapped in green leaves into a triangle. I took off their "green clothes" and the meat was exposed. Oh, it smells good! I took a bite at once. It's delicious! Soft and fragrant! There are peanuts, Platycodon grandiflorum and minced meat in it.

  Suddenly, I remembered something. Ask my father: why do you eat Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival? My father told me that there was a great patriotic poet named Qu Yuan in ancient times. On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, HanHen jumps into the Miluo River. In order to salvage him, people were afraid that big fish would eat him, so they threw a lot of zongzi into the river and used boats such as dragon boats to compete for the salvage right. Later, in memory of him, people agreed to eat zongzi and row dragon boats on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year.

  After listening to Dad's story. Finally understand the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, but also understand why to eat zongzi. It was to commemorate the Chinese patriotic poet Qu Yuan!

  This year's Dragon Boat Festival is really meaningful!


  Chinese traditional culture is rich and colorful, including tea ceremony, paper cutting, ancient painting, calligraphy and so on. But my favorite is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is one of the traditional festivals.

  Every time on the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, every family is ready to make zongzi. Why do you make zongzi? That was to test the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. It is said that there is another beautiful story about the Dragon Boat Festival!

  Once upon a time, there was a country where there was a minister named Qu Yuan beside the king. He was very smart and often offered advice to the king to defeat foreign countries and let the people live a peaceful life. But it didn't last long. One day, a minister next to the king said to the king, "your majesty! Your majesty! Great things are bad! Great things are bad!" The king hurriedly asked, "Aiqing, what's so urgent!" The minister said quickly, "Your Majesty, Qu Yuan betrayed you and joined hands with foreign countries to kill you." When the king heard this, he was stunned and quickly sent someone to chase Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan ran to the front of a river and was desperate. He jumped into the river and died. Later, the king knew that Qu Yuan had been wronged, so he asked everyone to make a food called "zongzi" and throw it into the river to prevent fish from hurting Qu Yuan's body. It was also to apologize to Qu Yuan. So now every family has to make zongzi at this time of year, which is handed down from that time. Since then, the folk custom of eating zongzi, racing dragon boats, drinking realgar wine and wearing fragrant bags has continued to this day.

  I like traditional festivals and the Dragon Boat Festival. I prefer Qu Yuan in the story of the Dragon Boat Festival.


  The Dragon Boat Festival falls on May 5 of the lunar calendar. As may coincides with the alternation of spring and summer, the advent of plum rain season and heavy moisture, mosquitoes and bacteria are easy to reproduce. In the past, people thought that because of this, there would be all kinds of naming customs. Hanging wormwood, Changpu, drinking realgar wine and carrying sachets on the body can achieve the purpose of expelling insects and evil spirits.

  Everyone should know the story of Qu Yuan's death in the Miluo River. He was a minister of the state of Chu in the Warring States period. He was full of patriotic enthusiasm and worried about his country all the time. However, the king of Chu disagreed with his reform policy, and Qu Yuan was exiled by his ministers. Finally, I finally embarked on the road of throwing myself into the river! In memory of the patriotic poet, people were afraid that his body would be eaten by fish and shrimp in the sea, so they wrapped rice in bamboo leaves and threw it into the river to feed the fish and shrimp. In the future, on May 5 every year, everyone will go to the river to commemorate him. The tense situation of rowing with gongs and drums in those years has gradually evolved into the Dragon Boat Race in today's Dragon Boat Festival.

  What will we do on the Dragon Boat Festival? In addition to making zongzi at home, our parents will also prepare wormwood and Changpu to let us avoid poison and evil spirits. Put wormwood and Changpu on the door to form a special landscape of the Dragon Boat Festival; And drinking realgar wine, but children can't drink it. Parents dip their hands in the wine and write the word "King" on their forehead, which also has the function of detoxification; And at noon of the Dragon Boat Festival, we will also try to set eggs. It is said that people who can stand eggs upright at noon of the Dragon Boat Festival will have good luck this year!


  The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. Every family will hang wormwood on the fifth day of May of the lunar calendar. If they live by the river, they can also see a rare dragon boat race. There is another custom during the Dragon Boat Festival: eating zongzi.

  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. At noon, we all smiled and congratulated each other on the happy holiday. We raised our glasses first and then ate vegetables. Aunt asked me, "Xie Zhe, do you know the name of the original zongzi?" I meditated for a moment and then replied, "it's Jiaoli!" The adults nearby laughed: "silly boy, read millet (SH ǔ), No, l í! " I scratched my head and said, "I see!" The aunt asked again, "then why do you eat Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival?" I hurriedly replied, "of course, it's in memory of the famous doctor Qu Yuan!" The aunt smiled, stroked my head and said, "yes, I'll reward you with a zongzi!" I held the zongzi wrapped with green and fragrant zongzi leaves. I was not happy. I carefully tore open the zongzi leaves and took a bite. The delicious taste of the meat zongzi immediately spread in my mouth. It's delicious. Then I grabbed the zongzi in my mother's hand and ate it.

  When the adults saw me eating zongzi again, they pointed to me and laughed. Even the sister next to me laughed. I looked at my sister and she laughed even more. I thought to myself, "hum, what are you laughing at me? Don't you eat faster? You must have it when you were a child!" On the Dragon Boat Festival, there is the freshness of meat zongzi, the sweetness of jujube zongzi and the fragrance of white rice zongzi. It's really delicious!


  May 5 is the Dragon Boat Festival, with wormwood leaves, sachets, zongzi, sugar and dragon boat launching. The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the three traditional festivals in China, also known as the Double Ninth Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival.

  It is said that in ancient times, there was a great patriotic poet Qu Yuan who was loved by people. For some reason, he threw himself into the river, so the people spontaneously rowed a dragon boat to rescue him and threw zongzi into the river. Let the fish, shrimps and crabs eat enough and don't bite Qu Yuan's body. Later, on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people would race dragon boats and eat Zongzi to commemorate this great patriotic poet.

  Whenever this day comes, people always tie red, yellow, blue, white and black silk threads to children's necks, wrists or ankles, which is called long life strand. I think it's to make children live a long life! Each family should insert wuduan, Acorus calamus, wormwood, pomegranate flower, garlic and dragon boat flower.

  No wonder grandma went to the vegetable market to buy a lot of wormwood and mashed garlic on the Dragon Boat Festival. She put them in the sun at 12:00 noon. She said that wormwood and mashed garlic could be disinfected and cooked with wormwood at home. I think: there are so many customs of the Dragon Boat Festival!

