

时间:2022-05-19 22:01:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】好酒清清淡淡,越久越醇;好朋友简简单单,越久越真;好缘份久久长长,地老天荒。真诚的友谊叫人终身难忘,祝端午节快乐!以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival. The school organizes us to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival collectively. The teacher asks the students to bring two zongzi each from home, and the students can exchange food. How lively!

  At lunch, our whole class tasted zongzi together. Zongzi is so delicious! The teacher also showed us videos about the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, which let me know that in addition to eating zongzi, there are also the customs of rowing dragon boats and aerobics.

  This is a Dragon Boat Festival I had. Today's zongzi was eaten. It's really an unforgettable Dragon Boat Festival!


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. My family went to grandma's house to eat zongzi. The zongzi made by grandma is delicious.

  I eat a lot. When I bite the gravy, it smells delicious. My tongue seems numb and fascinated by the smell. After eating one by one, even I who don't like zongzi suddenly seem to open my stomach. When I eat the third one, my stomach really can't hold it, but my mouth still wants a lot of zongzi.

  I can't eat any more. It's funny to see my brother gobbling up. He holds a zongzi in one hand and a zongzi in the other hand. He bites one zongzi and another zongzi. That's lovely!

  A happy Dragon Boat Festival has passed, and I look forward to the arrival of another Dragon Boat Festival!


  Today, I saw a lot of zongzi at home.

  I like to eat dates and zongzi best. I took a bite. It's sweet and sticky. It's delicious. I asked my mother while eating: "why do I eat Zongzi today?" Mother said, "today is the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of May. Eating zongzi is to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan. There are places to hold dragon boat races to commemorate him."

  I eat delicious zongzi. Understand the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival.


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. My mother bought me delicious zongzi. Zongzi is wrapped with green leaves, just like wearing a beautiful green dress. The shape is like a triangle. There are many glutinous rice in it. There are delicious bean paste in the glutinous rice.

  It tastes sweet and tastes like honey. Dad also bought me two sachets like zongzi. The fragrance can repel insects, so I'm not afraid of annoying mosquitoes. I'm so happy.

  I had a very unforgettable Dragon Boat Festival.


  On the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, there are a lot of people on the road. I'm very happy, because today is the day to commemorate Qu Yuan.

  We're going to grandma's house to eat a cake cone this noon. I was looking forward to it in the morning. Why isn't it noon yet? Finally, at noon, my mother and I came to my grandmother's house. I saw a cake tube and Zongzi on the table, which made my mouth water.

  Finally, I could eat. I ate with great relish. After I finished eating, I had a rest. I'm very happy, because what a happy holiday it is today!


  The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival. Every family will wrap brown seeds and hang Wormwood Leaves.

  This year, I went to grandma's house for the holiday. As soon as I entered the door, a burst of brown fragrance came to my nose. When I looked on the table, there was really a plate of brown seeds. My brother and I rushed up, because I had long hands, so I got the big palm first than my brother. I peeled the palm leaves and the snow-white glutinous rice appeared in front of me. You see, the palm is more like a baby sleeping in a green quilt. One bite, salty but not greasy, I ate several at a time!

  After dinner, I was walking in the village. Suddenly, there were several cow barks in the distance. I walked over and saw that it was a small buffalo looking for my mother. Listen, its cry is more like "Mom, mom..."

  I really hope the Dragon Boat Festival next year will be more colorful than this year!


  When the annual Dragon Boat Festival comes, there is an atmosphere of joy in every family. In the composition class, the teacher will take us to make purses. The teacher sent materials to each student. There were wormwood, tassels, mahogany balls, leather ropes and calico, which smelled thick and fragrant.

  When I started making, I thought it was very simple. First, I put the mahogany ball on the leather rope and tied a dead buckle. Next, get ready to thread the needle. However, I spent some time looking for thread ends. Then, I had to start sewing. I folded the calico in half. The calico was always out of alignment. After continuous efforts, it was finally sewn. Finally, I put Wormwood Leaves into the cloth and made it in a seam. I thought it was easy. Now I know it's so difficult to make a purse.

  A happy composition class passed, and I learned how to make a purse. The purse also contains a wisp of spring breeze, raindrops, summer rain, three autumn leaves and four winter snow, which makes people have endless aftertaste.


  Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival. Every family has to eat brown seeds and hang wormwood leaf calamus

  Early in the morning, my mother woke me up and said, "go and eat Zongzi!" As soon as I heard it, I jumped up happily, dressed quickly and went downstairs to eat Zongzi with my mother. Downstairs, the fragrant zongzi was once placed on the table. I can't wait to sit on the chair and start eating zongzi! I first peeled off the green "clothes" of zongzi, and then ate the "meat" outside. It was fragrant, sweet and delicious! I ate several small rice dumplings without choosing food. I didn't go out to play until my stomach was full.

  Zongzi is so delicious. Have you eaten zongzi, students?


  May 5 of the lunar calendar is the Dragon Boat Festival. There are still a few days to go to the Dragon Boat Festival. However, I have eaten delicious zongzi this noon, which makes me feel the festive atmosphere in advance.

  On this day of the Dragon Boat Festival, we will not only eat zongzi, but also hold dragon boat races. My parents are very busy at work. They don't have time to make zongzi for me. They go out and buy them for me to eat. How I wish my mother would make zongzi for me to eat this year's Dragon Boat Festival!

  Today, I asked my mother, "Mom, can you make zongzi for me this year's Dragon Boat Festival?" Mother said, "OK! I'll wrap you a big pot of zongzi this year's Dragon Boat Festival. What flavor of zongzi do you want?" I said, "original." Mother said, "OK, I promise to give you original zongzi this year."

  I'm looking forward to the Dragon Boat Festival coming soon, so I can eat delicious original zongzi!


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. My mother promised to teach me how to make zongzi. My mother said, "be patient when making zongzi!" I said, "teach me quickly. I can't wait!" Mother said, "first soak glutinous rice and red beans in water for 8-10 hours. At the same time, put Zongye into water. After soaking glutinous rice and red beans, wrap glutinous rice and red beans into triangles with Zongye and tie them with white thread.

  I learned from my mother's appearance, but I couldn't do it well. My mother taught me patiently and finally made the first one. It's still ugly, but I didn't give up and studied patiently. Finally, I did it as beautiful as my mother did. I'm very happy!

  Then put the prepared zongzi into the pot and cook for an hour. In this way, the sweet zongzi is ready.

