【#英语口语# 导语】钱的英文有很多种说法,用得普遍的就是money。”Money”是一个广义词,既可以指不确定的数目的钱,也可以表达一个概念。以下是由®文档大全网整理的与金钱相关的英语口语,大家千万别错过。
1. balance the books 结账、结算
determine that accounts are in balance, bring the two sides into equilibrium, settle an account by paying what is due
The accountant says he can't balance the books till our last check clears.
2. bring home the bacon 养家糊口
earn a salary, make money for your family
When our parents died in an accident, and my sister and I remained alone, I had to leave college and bring home the bacon.
3. go dutch 各自付账
share the cost of something
When I wanted to settle the bill, she insisted on going Dutch and pay for her meal.
4. gravy train 钱多活少的好差事
a source of easy money, a job that pays a lot with little work
My brother took up a job in a beach restaurant and hoped to get on board the gravy train, but in fact he had to work more than in a factory.
5. nest egg 储蓄金
savings, money kept in reserve
Don't worry about the job you lost. We have a little nest egg to live on until you find another.
6. cook the books 做假账
cheat in accounting, manipulate financial records
Nobody noticed that one of the managers was cooking the books until the company got totally bankrupt.
7. golden handshake 解雇费
a (large) sum of money paid to an employee when he/she leaves the firm
Grandfather didn't really want to retire too early, but he couldn't resist the golden handshake that the company offered.
8. cheapskate 守财奴
somebody who doesn't like to spend money
We would need a new fridge, but my husband is such a cheapskate that I don't think we'll buy one before the other completely falls apart.
1. smart money 精明的投资者,搞经济的专家
Smart这个字有好几个解释,比如说,聪敏,伶俐,漂亮,还可以解释为厉害等。在smart money这个习惯用语里,smart是指聪敏。大家恐怕也不难猜出smart money的意思。Smart money是指那些有经验的投资商或善于赌博的人经管投资的钱。有的时候,smart money可以直接指这些人。下面就是一个例子。这是一个人在对朋友说经商的前景。
例句1: Do you think the economy is heading up or down? The smart money seems to think that business will get better so maybe it's time to put some money into the stock market.
例句2: In the past, interest from my bank account was a good source of income to have after I retire. But interest rates are so low these days that I have to let those smart money people who handle mutual funds take care of my money.
2. mad money 备用/急用的钱
Mad这个字可以解释为发疯,也可以说是快气疯了。但是在这里mad是指非常生气。那么,钱怎么会生气的呢? 最开始的时候,mad money是年轻女子跟男朋友一起出去玩的时候自己身上藏的一点钱。万一她跟男朋友生气了,或吵架了,那她至少自己有钱叫出租车回家去。
现在,mad money的含义已经扩大了。Mad money是另外放出的一小部份现金,准备在紧急时候用的。我们来举一个例子吧。这是一个丈夫在说话。
例句3: The other day we ran out of gas sixty miles from home. I had forgotten my wallet. But we were lucky - my wife remembered she had her mad money, so we were able to buy gas to get back home.
例句4: Last Saturday, my daughter was invited to a dinner party and planned to buy a cake on her way. In the bakery, she found out that she'd forgotten her purse. Fortunately, she had her mad money in her pocket to pay for the cake, so it turned out all right.
1.cash 现金,资金
指带在身上的现有的金钱。相关短语有pay cash(支付现金),in cash(以现金的形式),cash back(现金返还,现金折扣),cash card(现金卡,自动取款卡)等等。
How much cash do you have on you? 你身上带着多少现金?
Customers are offered a 10% discount if they pay cash. 顾客若付现金,可获九折优惠。
2.bill 账单,钞票
指日常生活中的电话费/电费/煤气费等账单,也指普通钞票。常用短语有to send sb. a bill for sth给(某人)开账单,发账单,pay the bills(支付账单)等等。
She always pays her bills on time. 她总是按时支付账单。
a ten-dollar bill 一张十元的账单。
Let’s ask for the bill. 我们结帐吧。
3.coin 硬币
金属货币的统称,也可以指各种国家法定货币。相关短语有be coining money(暴富,发大财),to coin a phrase(用老话来说)等等。
He fished up a coin from his pocket. 他从口袋中掏出一枚硬币。
The magician palmed the coin and suddenly produced it from a boy's mouth. 魔术师把硬币藏在掌中,然后突然从一个男孩的嘴里把它变出来。
4.note 纸币
We only exchange notes and traveller’s cheques. 我们只兑换纸币和旅行支票。
5.change 零钱
He changed a five-dollar bill for five single ones. 他把一张5美元的钞票兑换成5张一美元的钞票。
Just keep the change. 不用找钱了。