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【#新概念英语# 导语】学习新概念英语并不难啊。你还在为英语成绩低拖后腿而烦恼吗?不要着急,®文档大全网小编为大家提供了“新概念英语第2册重要句型语法lesson31~33”。相信加入学习当中的你,很快便不再受英语的困扰!还在等什么?和小编一起来学习吧!



  used to do

  本课侧重的是过去习惯的表达used to do。如:

  ...as a boy he used to work in a small shop.


  Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me

  about his experiences as a young man.

  1)tell sb. about sth.,告诉某人某事。 2)experience用作经验时,是不可数名词;用作经历时,是可数名词。 3)as a young man,作为年轻人,其实就是指他年轻的时候,可以替换为:when he was a young man。

  Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company,

  but as a boy he used to work in a small shop.

  1)retire,退休。 2)head,本义为头、脑袋,在此表示首脑、经理,相当于manager。 3)a business company,商业公司。 4)注意but前后两个分句的开头before he retired和as a boy的对比与呼应。

  It was his job to repair bicycles

  and at that time he used to work forteen hours a day.

  1)句中的it是形式主语,其实际的逻辑主语就是后面的to repair bicycles。一般来说,当主语过长时,英语里就会采用形式主语的形式来避免整个句子在结构上的头重脚轻。 2)注意区分job(可数)和work(不可数)。 3)a day,相当于every day,每天。

  He saved money for years

  and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own.

  1)save有两个主要意思,即“节省”和“拯救”。 2)for years,多年。 3)workshop,车间、小铺。 4)of one's own,自己的。

  In his twenties Frank

  used to make spare parts for aeroplanes.

  1)in one's twenties,在某人二十几岁时。 2)spare part,零件、备件。其中,spare表示备用的、闲置的,part表示零件、部位。

  At that time he had two helpers. 1)at that time,那时。可提问此处的that time是指前文提到的什么时间(in his twenties)。 2)helper,帮手、助手。源自动词help。

  In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory

  which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people.

  1)in a few years,几年之后。 2)factory,工厂。 3)employ,雇佣、利用。注意其常见的派生词有employer(雇主、老板)和employee(雇员、员工)。其动作的名词形式为employment(就业),反义词为unemployment(失业)。

  Frank smiled when he remembered

  his hard early years and the long road to success.

  1)smile,微笑。注意与laugh(大笑)的区别。 2)remember,记住。反义表达为forget。 3)hard early years,早期的艰难岁月。 4)the long road to success,通往成功的漫漫长路。

  He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in.

  She wanted him to repair their grandson's bicycle.

  1)when the door opened,注意此处的open用作了不及物动词,表示门开了。open作为动词,大多用作及物动词,后面一般要接宾语的,比如open your mouth。 2)want sb. to do sth.,想要某人做某事。


  注意用不同的形式来表达过去发生的事情,如一般过去时、过去进行时、过去完成时以及used to do等。






  He is as tall as Tim.

  He works as hard as Tim.


  He is taller than Tim.

  He works harder than Tim.

  3)级的基本结构为:the most…in/of…,如:

  He is the tallest in the class.

  He works the hardest in the class.


  People are not so honest as they once were. 1)同级比较的否定结构为:not so/as...as...。 2)honest,诚实的。注意h不发音。 3)once,曾经。 4)本句话可作为常用句型套用,如:People are not so hardworking as they once were.

  The temptation to steal is greater than ever before - especially in large shops. 1)temptation,诱惑。源自动词tempt。the temptation to do sth.,…的诱惑力。 2)more than ever before,比以往任何时候都更...。 3)本句话可作为常用句型套用。如:The temptation to make more money is greater than ever before. 4)especially,尤其是、特别是。

  A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Monday mornings. 1)detective,侦探。源自动词detect。 2)well-dressed,穿着入时的。 3)who引导的是定语从句,修饰woman。 4)on Monday mornings,总在周一上午。morning加复数表示频率,即经常在上午

  One Monday, there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in, so it was easier for the detective to watch her. 1)one Monday,某个周一。one在这里表示某个,注意与a的区别。可参考教材滴152页中难点部分的解释。 2)more... than usual,比往常更…。 3)it is +adj. + for sb. to do sth.,其中it为形式主语,指代后面的逻辑主语to do sth.。

  The woman first bought a few small articles. 1)first,一开始。 2)article,物品。

  After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible. 1)注意choose的过去式和过去分词为chose和chosen。 2)hand sth. to sb.,把某物递给某人。 3)who引导定语从句,修饰assistant。 4)wrap up,打包、包裹。 5)as quickly as possible,尽可能快地。as...as possible,尽可能...。

  Then the woman simply took the parcel and walked out of the shop without paying. 1)simply,仅仅。源自形容词simple(简单的) 2)without doing,(表伴随或方式)没有做某事。

  When she was arrested, the detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter. 1)arrest,逮捕。 2)find out,查找、弄明白。

  The girl 'gave' her mother a free dress once a week. 1)gave加了引号,起到反讽作用,其实就是偷。 2)once a week,每周一次。


  People are not so honest as they once were.和The temptation to steal is greater than ever before.可以作为常用句型套用,通过更多的例句来操练。




  本课侧重的是表趋向的介词的用法,即:to/from;into/out of;for;towards;at。


  Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her. 1)nearly,几乎。后面一般接数量或表数量的成分。注意与almost的区别,意思相同,但almost后面一般接表程度的成分。 2) nearly +一段时间+ passed before...,表示“在...之前,几乎已经过了多长时间了”。 3)be able to do,此处表示“费了好大劲才得以”。 4)explain,解释。其名词为explanation。 5)what had happened to her,作为explain的宾语从句,其中的what相当于all that。可提问学生为什么此处的happen要用过去完成时(因为女孩能够解释整件事情的动作已是过去,而在此之前发生的动作就是过去的过去了)。

  One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm. 1)one afternoon,一天下午。注意one在此表示“某个”,相当于a certain。 2)set out,出发、动身。也可以用set off。 3)coast,海岸。 4)be caught in,碰上、遇上。

  Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea. 1)towards,朝、向。towards+时间,表示临近...时间,towards evening,临近天黑时分。 2)struck为strike的过去式,表示撞击。 3)jump into,跳入。

  Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water. 1)swim to the shore,游向海岸。注意都表示海岸,coast强调的是海岸沿线,而shore强调的是海岸边、岸上。 2)注意spend的用法,spend...on sth.或spend...(in) doing sth.。 the whole night,一整晚。 3)in the water,在此相当于in the sea。

  During that time she covered a distance of eight miles. 1)during that time,在那段时间里。在此指的就是女孩整个晚上泡在水里的时间。 2)cover,走过、越过。cover a distance of,走过多少距离,可以直接用“cover+距离”。

  Early next morning, she saw a light ahead. 1)earkly next morning,第二天一大早。 2)light,灯光。 3)ahead,在前面。常用的短语用法为ahead of,常与time搭配,表示提前。

  She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs. 1)she was near the shore是knew的宾语从句,中间省略了连接词that。 2)because引导的是原因状语从句。 3)high up on+地点,高高地在...之上。cliff,悬崖。

  On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen. 1)on+doing,相当于as soon as...,表示“一...就...”。本句话中的On arriving at the shore就相当于As soon as she arrived at the shore。 2)struggle up,沿着...挣扎着往上。 3)she had seen用作the light的定语从句,中间省略了关系代词that或which——因为先行词在从句中作宾语,所以可以省略。

  That was all she remembered. 1)all后面省略了that,all that就相当于what,所以原句可以改为That was what she remembered。 2)注意remember(记住)的拼写。

  When she woke up a day later, she found herself in hospital. 1)wake up,醒来。 2)a day later,一天之后。此处可用the next day来替换。 3)find oneself +地点,表示“发现某人自己在哪”。


  注意记叙文的写作要领,其中时间顺序的安排尤为重要。本课中在这点上较为典型作了示范运用,即:从One afternoon讲起,交代了故事发生的大致时间;然后以towards evening开头,讲述了撞船事件;接着用then、during that time和early next morning继续描述撞船后女孩所做的事情;最后以on doing sth.来描述最终女孩所记起的事情。每个句子,都是以这些表时间的成分开头,使得整件事情的脉络清晰了然、跃然纸上。

