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一、 将拼写错误的单词的选项填入题前括号内。(共5分)
( )1. A. robort B. paper C. use D. space
( )2. A. pollution B. astrounaut C. rocket D. fly
( )3. A. fall B. alone C. probabely D. suit
( )4. A. dress B. casually C. wrote D. interviw
( )5. A. predikt B. company C. unpleasant D. possible
二、 根据句子意思,选择答案。(每题2分,共20分)
1. He is happy that he _____in a tall apartment next year.
A. live B. lives C. will live D. will living
2. people robots in their hom e in 100 years ?
A. Will , have B. Do , have C. Did , have D. Have , have
3.-Do you like the city life or the country life?
-It's hard to say. In the city there is _____interesting, but in the country there is _____ pollution.
A. less; more B. more; less C. more; fewer D. much; much
4.Will there be people in China in ten years ? No, there won’t
A. fewer B. much C. less D. many
5.I _____rockets to the moon when I grow up.
A. will put B. will fly C. will be fly
6.If there are _____trees, the air in our city will be _____ cleaner.
A. less; more B. more; more C. more; much D. much; more
7.I predict he will be an engineer _____ten years because he is so interested in making things.
A. in B. after C. later D. for
8. My life a lot than it is now .
A. will be , good B. is , better C. will be , good D. will be , better
9. It will take years to make robots the most unpleasant things . A. hundred , do B. hundreds of , to do C. two hundreds , do D. hundreds of , do
10.He only said it for , he didn’t really mean it .
A. joy B. fun C. joke D. thank
三、 阅读短文,从各题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入短文中相应空白处的答案。(10分)
Perhaps you have heard _1 __about the Internet, but what is it?
The Internet is many different networks around the world. A network is a group of computers put together. These networks joined together are called the Internet.
_2 that doesn't sound interesting. But _3 we've joined the Internet, there are 4 things we can do. We can have a lot of 5 on the World Web.(www). We can use the Internet instead of a library to 6 all kinds of information 7 our favorite sports or film stars and do shopping on the Internet. We can send message to other people 8 e-mail. It's much cheaper and quicker than 9 our friends or sending a letter.
Thanks to the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. People can now work at home with a computer in front, getting and sending the information they need. They can buy or sell whatever they want by the Internet. But do you know 98% of the information is 10 English? So what will English be like tomorrow?
1. A. a lot of B. a lot C. a few D. a little of
2. A. May B. But C. And D. Maybe
3. A. where B. when C. however D. although
4. A. lots of B. a lot C. much D. few
5. A. interesting B. friends C. interest D. funny
6. A. find B. look for C. find out D. look after
7. A. with B. for C. on D. about
8. A. with B. by C. on D. for
9. A. call B. called C. calls D. calling
10. A. on B. with C. in D. for
四、 阅读短文,选择答案(10分)
When the Americans were getting ready to send their first men to the moon , an old Australian was watching TV in a restaurant . There was an Englishman in the restaurant , too , and he said to the Australian , “The Americans are clever , aren’t they ? They are going to send some men to the moon . It is a very long way from our world .” “Oh , that’s nothing ,” the Australian answered quickly . “ Our country is going to send some people to the sun in a few months . That’s much farther away than the moon , you know . “ “Oh, yes ,it is , “ the Englishman said , “ but the sun is too hot for people to go to .” The Australian laughed and said , “ We won’t go to the sun in the day , of course . We’ll go there at night . ”
1. Who were going to send their first men to the moon ?
A. The Americans B. The Australians C. The Englishmen
2. Where were the Australian and Englishman watching TV?
A. In the cinema B. Outside a shop C. In a restaurant
3. The Englishman thought .
A. the Americans were clever B. the Australians were clever C. the Englishmen clever D. the white people were clever
4. Both the Englishmen and the Australian knew that .
A. the moon was much farther away from our earth than the sun
B. the sun was much farther away from our earth than the moon
C. the sun was much hotter in the day than at night
5. The Australian thought that .
A. the su n was very hot at night B. the sun is not hot at night
C. the sun was too cold for people to go to at night
五、 根据句意完成已给出首字母 的单词,使补全后的句子语法正确,意义通顺。(共10分)
1. We can’t finish the work by today . It’s I !
2. The room was dirty and it had an u smell .
3. My father works for a French c .
4. Yang Liwei is a great a in China .
5. I am going to be a s when I grow up .
6. It s that he is very angry with you
7. I still don’t have a car of my o
8. There are eight h students in this school .
9. I live a in a big house , but I don’t feel lonely.
10. I will p the future life correctly .
六、 根据下面所提供的对话情景,选择恰当的句子完成对话,使其意义连贯,完整。(10分)
A: WangLin , which city do you know will host(主办)the 2008 Olympics ?
B: Beijing . (1)
A: (2)
B: Lots of things , such as more roads , more buildings and more visitors .
A: (3)
B: Yes .
A: (4)
B: Of course . (5)
A: What do you mean ?
B: There is still a lot of work to do . For example , we have to make the city clean and have less pollution .
A: I agree .
A. But first we have to solve some problems
B. What will the Olympics bring us ?
C. That’s quite easy
D. How do you know that ?
E. You mean a new Beijing ?
F. Do you think we will successfully host the Olympics ?
七、 用所给动词的适当形式填空(20分)
1. There (be) many people at tomorrow’s party .
2. We all (take )part in the sports meeting last week .
3. Listen , who (sing) in English ?
4. He fifteen next week .
5. - they (buy) the house ? – Yes ,they will .
6. We are sure Hong Kong will be even (good )tomorrow.
7. There will be (few) trees in future .
8. People will live (be) 200 years old .
9. There will be (many) people in 30 years .
10. The children will use computers (study)at home
八、 作文(15分)
Students’ life in 50 years

Unit 1 Will people have robots?
一、(共5分,每题1分)1.A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A
二、(每题2分,共20分)1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.D 10.B
三、(每题1分,共10分)1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.C
四、(每题2分,共10分)1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B
五、(每空1分,共10分)1.impossible 2.unpleasant 3.company 4.astronaut 5.scientist
6.seems 7.own 8.hundred 9.alone 10. predict [来源:学科网]
六、(每题2分,共10分)1.C 2.B 3.E 4.F 5.A
七、(每题2分,共20分)1.will be 2.took 3.is singing 4.will be 5.will, buy 6. better
7. fewer 8. to be 9. more 10. to study
八.One possible version
Students’ life in 50 years
I think the students’ life in 50 years will be quite different from ours today . They will not go to school to
Have some classes . They will stay at home to study on t he computer . They will ask their teachers or classmates for help by chatting on the internet . They won’t use paper , pens or exercise books . They will go to school to have sports together . For examples , they will go to school to play ball games . I don’t like that kind of life . I like to meet my teachers and classmates every day .

