

时间:2022-04-26 00:19:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】春天的校园,是一个充满鸟语花香,生机勃勃还有孩子们欢笑声的乐园。走进校园的大门,向前看就能看到一根高大挺立的大旗干,旗杆上还飘扬着五星红旗,好像代表着我们快快乐乐、高高兴兴地学习。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The campus in spring is the most beautiful place of the year.

  The campus in spring is a paradise full of birds, flowers, vitality and children's laughter.

  Walking into the gate of the campus, looking forward, you can see a tall and upright flag, and the five-star red flag is flying on the flagpole, which seems to represent our happy and happy study.

  Looking to the right, the small trees that have just sprouted are like children full of vitality, and the winding paths make them more beautiful. Look again, a tall and huge tree. Take a closer look, it seems that the big tree is the parent of the small tree. They form a beautiful scenery.

  Follow the flagpole to the "pin" shaped building composed of two teaching buildings and an office building. It seems to represent our noble quality, selfless dedication and our spirit of helping others. Although you have only seen a little, you can already feast your eyes on it.

  The biological park is very familiar with the name. It raises fish, pigeons and turkeys... Pigeons fly dozens of circles every noon, and turkeys run up and down for a while. They are busy and sometimes good to the students. If you pluck a hair from him, he will be very angry. No matter who you are, as long as you make him angry, there will be no good fruit to eat.

  One is the playground. As soon as you enter, there is a special plastic runway. I think it may make the students run more elastic and relaxed, and they won't be hurt if they fall. The football field is a special Manila grass. No matter who walks from where, no one doesn't clap their hands. On the right are some poplar or willow trees, which let you enjoy the cool under the tree, especially those PE teachers always enjoy the cool under the tree. If there is an earthquake, we can take refuge in the playground. We can choose a place on the playground. It's really killing two birds with one stone!

  This is our campus! A vibrant campus, I want to keep this campus forever and beautiful forever!

  I love my campus!


  I like spring. In spring, everything recovers, grass grows and warblers fly; In spring, cultivation and sowing are full of hope. In the other three seasons, I silently look forward to the arrival of spring girl every day. Hope, hope, finally come the spring I have been longing for for for a long time. Now, let's go to the campus to find spring girl!

  The beauty of spring is so beautiful! My classmates and I lined up in a neat line to look for spring in the school. As soon as we came out of the classroom, we were presented with large golden winter jasmine flowers, which were planted on both sides of the corridor leading to grade 2 and grade 1. The branches were thin and long, like Chlorophytum. Little golden flowers are chatting on the branches! The fragrance of winter jasmine brings the industrious little bees. They are buzzing, as if to say, "come and collect honey, come and collect honey!"

  "Where is spring, where is spring, where is spring..." along the way, we all laughed and danced to sing. Unknowingly, he went to the southernmost side of the small garden. Bamboo trees stood up and defended the school like soldiers. Some bamboos get together in three or two, as if they were discussing something; Some bamboos fluttered in the wind and danced beautifully. With a gentle sniff, the nose is full of the fragrance of bamboo, which makes people feel relaxed and happy immediately. With the fragrance of soil, it's really intoxicating.

  Listen, what's that sound? Oh, it's a bird singing! Outside the enclosure of the playground, there are bursts of birds singing, some "chirping", some "chirping", as if they were singing in chorus!

  Green grass is everywhere. Behind these green grass, there are three or four lush trees, which are as thin and long as bamboo. In summer, you can enjoy the cool here and read books. On the branches of these trees, there are buds like grass. The teacher said that those are bamboo shoots.

  Spring is in the winter jasmine, spring is on the bamboo, spring is in the singing of birds, spring is in the bud... Students, have you found spring?


  In the twinkling of an eye, spring girl has quietly entered our campus. Those pink and yellow flowers and green grass have also added a bit of spring to our beautiful campus.

  As soon as you enter the campus, the first thing you see is the flower beds on both sides of the teaching building. The Yellow winter jasmine has withered, and green leaves appear on the branches, which is the most prominent in the flower bed. Although it does not have delicate flowers on the branches of elm leaf plum, its green is so simple and natural. Although the pink elm leaf plum is not as simple as the leaves of winter jasmine, it opens beautifully and looks relaxed and happy. From a distance, its flowers are like pink balls hanging on the branches, dense, as if they were going to bend the branches. When you come near, there are many beautiful flowers blooming on the branches. Each flower has layers of petals, which are also wrapped with several tender yellow stamens. Under the flowers are green leaves like elm leaves, which set off such beautiful flowers and look clear and moving. According to Mr. Zhao, it is because it has leaves like elm leaves and flowers are also a kind of plum blossom that the name "elm leaf plum" comes from.

  Opposite the two flower beds, there are two flower beds on both sides of the campus gate. In the hand-shaped flower bed, small pointed heads emerge. They are green. They are paved into a piece in the flower bed. When you look carefully, there are two rows of serrations on it, and there are some things like hair on the leaf surface. They seem to be observing the world. How wonderful!

  The most conspicuous thing in the campus is the weeping willow. Looking around, there are willows standing on the playground in the East, as if those tall and straight weeping willows were the guards guarding our campus. They have soft branches with sharp green leaves mixed with some tender yellow. When a breeze blew, the soft branches danced and looked so beautiful.

  Such a beautiful campus, naturally, can not lack the laughter of the students. After class, the students play on the playground, which adds a bit of dynamic beauty to the beautiful campus.

  Look! This is our campus full of spring. I love this beautiful campus.


  Our campus is so beautiful that it can dazzle people at a glance. However, what impressed me most was the flower garden next to the yinguan building of our school. Now is the time of spring, flowers, grass and trees all wake up from their sleep. As soon as the wind blows, it swings left and right, just like warmly welcoming us.

  When you enter the campus, the first thing you see is a long cement road. On the left of the cement road is our school journal, and on the right of the school journal is a big banyan tree. The leaves of this big banyan tree are very green. It seems that there is a new little life trembling on each green leaf; This big banyan tree has many leaves. One cluster is piled on top of another without leaving a gap. When the spring breeze blows and smells it, the air comes to your nostrils with a faint fragrance, which makes you refreshing and relaxed.

  Then go straight ahead and turn right to the yinguan building. On the left side of the yinguan building, there are many camellia. My eyes have been filled with Camellia in front of me. I have seen delicate roses and elegant peonies, but I have never seen Camellia like red clouds. There are so many camellia flowers, like stars in the sky; Camellia is so gorgeous that it looks like the clouds on the horizon; Camellia is so big. It's as big as my clenched fist. As soon as the sun shines, it seems that thousands of red stars are shining in front of us; When the breeze blows, there are thousands of flags flying! It's really "thousands of trees swallow the fire, and the residual snow burns red for half a day". These beautiful camellias are the first red in our school in spring and add infinite vitality to our school.

  Go straight ahead to the teaching building. From time to time, the sound of students reading and the sweet music of birds singing on the branches of big banyan trees have become a wonderful Waltz praising the campus and spring

  In this vibrant spring, in this vibrant campus: lush banyan trees, beautiful camellia, students passing by with their shoulders crossed from time to time, birds chirping on the branches of big trees and talking about something... Constitute a vivid, beautiful and harmonious painting.


  Campus, spring, summer, autumn and winter are so beautiful, and I especially like her charming demeanor in spring.

  When I came to the school gate, there was a warm spring breeze blowing in front of me. It was full of spring and people couldn't help imagining, as if they were a colorful butterfly dancing in the air. First of all, I flew to the flower bed on campus. In the flower bed, a hundred flowers bloom and compete for beauty. It seems that a beauty contest is being held fiercely! Just then, I was attracted by the beautiful singing in the teaching building and couldn't help flying over quickly.

  When I came to the teaching building, I found the source of this wonderful song. It turned out that the children were having music classes! The graceful singing is intoxicating and can't be dialed for a long time. The children are serious in class. They listen to the teacher's explanation attentively and meticulously.

  After saying goodbye to music class, I continued to fly forward. Suddenly, a neat slogan came to my ears. It turned out that the athletes were practicing fencing! The students' neat steps and concise actions shook people's hearts. I couldn't help shouting for them at the bottom of my heart: "students, you are the best, come on!"

  I continued to fly forward and came to the teacher's office. Some teachers are quietly correcting their homework in the office; Some teachers are preparing handouts; A teacher hurried in, drank only saliva, had no time to sit down and have a rest, took the information and walked quickly. Seeing this scene, I sincerely praise the teachers from the bottom of my heart: "teacher, you have worked hard, your professionalism encourages me to study harder!"

  When a spring breeze blew, I woke up from my reverie. Looking at the white magnolias and the students coming and going, I couldn't help sighing: This is my favorite spring campus! Everything is so vibrant!

  The spring breeze is still blowing


  Spring is coming. Spring girl quietly comes to our campus with light steps. The campus is full of the breath of spring.

  Look! There are many beautiful flowers in the flower bed. They stretch their delicate bodies, as if they are absorbing sunshine and rain. Industrious little bees fly around in the flowers. They are busy collecting pollen! Big trees stand tall by the playground. The bright green leaves are piled on top of each other, leaving almost no gap.

  Listen! Lovely and lively birds, standing on the branches, chirped, as if singing their new songs.

  Look! Some students who love sports are playing football on the playground! You see, they argue with each other for a wonderful scene, which adds a gorgeous scenery to the campus in spring.

  I was absorbed in enjoying the beautiful scenery of spring in our campus. Suddenly, a spring breeze blew. I didn't know where some waste paper floated from and fell on the edge of the flower bed not far from the front. I just wanted to pick it up. At this time, two big sisters jumped in front of me hand in hand, picked up the waste paper on the ground and put it in the dustbin on the side of the road. Then they ran to the playground with a happy smile to enjoy the spring of the campus.

  At this time, I was standing on the edge of the playground, and the warm spring light shone on me, making my whole body feel very warm. I seemed to feel that the scenery of the campus was more beautiful than before, the willows were greener, the flowers were more colorful, and even the birds on the branches chirped more happily!

  Spring is coming, and our campus has become more beautiful. Let's look for the breath of spring and the beauty of spring!


  People often say, "campus is my home." Yes, the campus is a big family, which connects us together. There are beautiful scenery in this big family, especially in spring, the scenery on campus makes people linger and forget to return.

  Entering from the gate, you can see two rows of small trees rising in the wind on both sides of the school road. One day, they will grow into towering trees and become the most beautiful scenery in the campus. On the left side of the school road, the bright red flag fluttered melodiously under the wind. In front of the flag raising platform is a plastic runway. Every morning, we will run on the runway in the morning. On the right side of the school road is a large playground. There are football court, basketball court, volleyball court, table tennis table... This big playground is our favorite place. Every time after class, there is laughter here.

  In front of the playground is the teaching building. In front of the teaching building are two tall poplar trees, standing straight like two soldiers guarding us. What I like most is a big pond next to the poplar tree. There are some lotus leaves, lotus flowers and some small fish swimming in the pond. The birds perching on the tree like me also love to stay by the pond and watch these naughty fish play quietly with me. The little flowers beside the pond opened their shy faces and just looked at the beautiful home strangely. The grass can't stand it. They want to break away from the embrace of mother earth. After perseverance, they finally break through the earth and look at the passing students curiously. Oh! The early reading bell rang. In the classroom, the students read aloud. The sound of the book is like the beating notes on a song. It's very nice to hear.

  This is the campus in spring. I love spring and I also love the campus. However, I love the vibrant beauty of the campus in spring.


  One school is not very big, but it has charming scenery all year round. In spring, peach blossoms and willows are green; In summer, flowers and plants flourish; In autumn, chrysanthemum fragrance; In winter, the pines are green and snow-white. However, I like the spring of this school best.

  Walking into the campus, you will see two tall teaching buildings, a wide playground and the most dazzling garden.

  The small garden can be regarded as the fragrance of birds and flowers, lush trees, beautiful flowers, crystal fountain and chic little Fang Pavilion... When you walk in, you first see a fountain spraying water with music. On the top of the fountain is a relief like a crane about to fly. The students are playing by the fountain. A row of tall Wutong trees on the avenue of Lin Yin, like sentinels guarding the campus. The dense branches and leaves are like an open giant umbrella, and the overlapping branches leave patches of fine shadows of the sun. The two sides of Linyin Avenue are covered with green grass, full of stars, blue and small. If you are not careful, the stars are like playing hide and seek with you. You can't find them. With a gentle push of your hand under the green grass, the grass is blue, blinking like countless glittering stars. The garden next to the lawn is really beautiful. There are roses, jasmine flowers and peach blossoms. The roses are swaying in the wind in a fiery red gauze skirt. The jasmine flowers blow a golden trumpet, and the peach flowers unfold a beautiful smiling face

  Leave the garden and come to the green plastic playground. The green playground is like a soft carpet. After class, the students rushed to the playground happily. There was jubilation on the playground. Some students get together to play games happily, some students are playing table tennis happily, some students are jumping rope happily, and the long discrimination is like two butterflies flying up and down

  This school is my alma mater. She not only gave us a lot of knowledge, but also gave us a colorful and happy childhood.


  The campus in the south of the city is so beautiful in spring.

  Walk on the wide playground. There are lively figures and happy laughter of children everywhere. Everyone is like a bird out of the cage, chasing after each other and playing the game heartily.

  Looking around the playground, the neat street trees are extremely lush in the spring, and the green is particularly dazzling. A spring breeze blew, and the fresh green seemed to nod like people, as if to tell everyone, "the plan of the year lies in spring, and don't lose the infinite spring".

  The ancient teaching building directly in front of the playground looks like a weather beaten old man. He looks energetic in the bright sunshine. Through the tall building door, you enter the teaching building. More than 30 classes, all kinds of laboratories and teaching offices are in this building. As soon as class begins, the teacher's cadence will be heard in the classroom, and the students' loud reading voice will be heard. After school, it's very quiet here. Only the light in the teacher's office is still on. It seems to be racing with spring! Banners and slogans everywhere in the corridor, like talking teachers, always remind us to be civilized students and study hard.

  When you come out of the teaching building, you will notice the six blackboards embedded in the front. Learn from Lei Feng, welcome the Olympic Games, plant trees and love trees. The breath of March comes from the pavement. These are blackboard newspapers that we copy in our spare time after school.

  After enjoying the blackboard newspaper, as soon as you turn around, you will find that there are two flower beds under your feet. Although the flowers have not opened yet, if you come closer, you will find that the new leaves are green and green. It seems that you have just opened your eyes that have been sleeping for a winter and looked curiously at all the teachers and students on the campus. I think if there is a spring rain, the flower bed will be colorful and fragrant.

  This is the campus in spring. In such a campus, I will live up to this great spring, study hard and be the pillars of the motherland in the future.


  The campus in spring is full of laughter and laughter. The sun is red, like being in a hurry and blushing too soon. The flowers are red and blooming with their sweet smiles. Birds fly across the sky and chirp, as if they were discussing something.

  Oh, we run on the playground and play games together. From time to time, our cheers come from the playground. We look for spring together. Oh, I found it. The grass is the eyebrows of spring, the branches are the arms of spring, and the brake sound on the road is the scream of spring girl.

  Oh, it's raining. The spring girl is crying. The rain is falling, and the glass is full of raindrops. We are in the classroom, listening to the clear sound of raindrops on the glass, ticking, ticking... The sound is so clear. We put our hands out of the window in the classroom and let the rain drop on our hands. How cool it is. After a few spring rains, our school has taken on a new look. The tiles washed away by the rain, the soil wetted by the rain and the plastic runway show their tenderness.

  Oh, how energetic the teachers on the podium are and how powerful the sound of chalk writing is. The "small audience" under the podium are more energetic. You see, a straight body, a correct sitting posture, a standard pen holding posture and a loud voice add charm to the classroom.

  Bright flowers, lovely birds, crystal raindrops,... Are all gifts sent to us by spring. We like the gifts sent by spring girl. How beautiful and lovely the gifts given to us by spring girl. Ah, I love my campus. He is like my home. Ah, I love my classmates. He is like my brothers and sisters. Ah, I love my teacher more than words can express. We are together forever.

