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【#英语口语# 导语】工程主要依据的是数学、物理学、化学,以及由此产生的材料科学、固体力学、流体力学、热力学、输运过程和系统分析等。以下是©文档大全网整理的常用的工程英语口语,欢迎阅读!

1.常用的工程英语口语 篇一

  There are many tools in my tool storage unit (tool chest, tool box).我的工具柜(工具盒、工具箱)里面有很多工具。

  Get me a hammer (hacksaw, file, scraper, chisel, socket, wrench, hook spanner, adjustable wrench, pipe wrench, ratchet wrench, open end wrench, screw driver, hand vice, pliers, pocket knife).给我拿一把手锤(钢锯、锉刀、刮刀、凿子、套筒扳手、钩扳手、活动扳手、管扳手、棘轮扳手、开口扳手、螺丝刀、手钳、扁嘴钳、小刀)。

  Straightedge rule (square rule, slide gauge, inside and outside micrometer, steel tape, feeler, dial gauge, depth micrometer, wire gage, radius gage, thread pitch gage) is a kind of common measuring tool.直尺(角尺、游标卡尺、内径和外径千分尺、钢卷尺、塞尺、千分表、深度千分尺、线规、半径规、螺距规)是一种常用量具。

  The precision of this fitter level (cross-test level) is 0.02mm/M.这个钳工水平仪(框架式水平仪)的精度为0.02毫米/米。

  We have got the instrument (pressure gauge, thermometer, tachometer, current meter, universal meter) ready for the experiment (test).我们已经准备好做实验(试验)的仪器(压力表、温度计、转速计、电流表、万用表)。

  That is an air (electric) powered grinder (portable grinder, angle grinder, straight grinder, drill, impact wrench, riveting hammer, hammer drill).那是一个气(电)动砂轮机(手持砂轮机、角型砂轮、直型砂轮、钻机、冲击扳手、铆钉锤、锤钻机)。

2.常用的工程英语口语 篇二

  Our electrical tools are double insulated and approved to international safety standards.我们的电动工具都是双重绝缘的,并符合国际安全标准。

  Hydraulic pump is the power unit of the hydraulic puller (hydraulic press, hydraulic pipe bender, hydraulic jack).油压泵是油压拉出器(油压机、油压弯管机、油压千斤顶)的动力装置。

  A welder’s kit contains electrode holder, welding torch, helmet shield, portable electrode heating box and temperature measuring pen.一名焊工的成套工具包括焊钳、焊炬、面罩、手提式焊条加热箱和测温笔。

  The diameter of this wire rope (hemp rope, sling) is three-fourth inches (3/4”).这钢丝绳(麻绳、吊索)的直径为3/4英寸。

  The lifting capacity of this chain hoist (hydraulic jack, screw jack) is 5tons.这个吊链(油压千斤顶、螺旋千斤顶)的起重能力为5吨。

  The over-sized equipment which is over 3.4 m in width, 3.1m in height, 18m in length and 50 tons in weight.超限设备的限度为超过宽3.4米、高3.1米、长18米和重量50吨。

  Please pay attention to the following marks on the package.请注意包装箱上的下列标志。

  How much does this equipment weigh?这台设备多重?

  The gross (net)weight of this case is fourteen tons (pounds).这箱毛(净)重14吨(磅)。

3.常用的工程英语口语 篇三

  Let us check the quantity of the parts (accessories) according to the packing list (shipping list).让我们根据装箱单(发货清单)来核查零件(附件)数量。

  Shall we check it again (once more)?我们再检查一次(再查一遍)好吗?

  It has been damaged (rusted) here, let us take a picture (photograph ).此处已经损坏(锈蚀),我们来照个相。

  The packaging has to be improved.这个包装必须改进。

  We should record what the damage and lack of parts.我们应该把损坏和缺件情况作个记录。

  We must avoid so far as possible the damage of equipment during storage.我们必须尽量避免设备在储存期间损坏。

  Please sign your name to the check list.请你在检验单上签个字。

  Your side must compensate us for our loss.你方必须赔偿我们的损失。

  We must pack the spare parts into another box.我们应该将备件另行装箱。

4.常用的工程英语口语 篇四

  The transfer medium in this pipeline is liquid ammonia (process air , soft water, alkali liquor, acidic gas).这条管线的输送介质为液氨(工艺空气、软水、碱液、酸性气体)。

  This is a gate valve (check valve, butterfly valve, cut-off valve, magnetic valve, remote valve, relief valve, throttle valve, cock).这是一个闸阀(止回阀、蝶阀、切断阀、电磁阀、遥控阀、安全阀、节流阀、旋塞)。

  Please explain the method of field test and flushing (blowing off )of the pipelines.请说明管线的现场试验和冲洗(吹净)方法。

  We shall conduct the clean water for the hydrostatic test of the austenitic stainless steel pipe.我们将为奥氏体不锈钢管的水压试验引进净水。

  We need a piping material list (list of piping support, bill of welding rod ).我们需要一份配管材料表(管架一览表、焊条明细表)。

  The welding (heat treatment )of pipes have been carried out with incorporated programming.管子的焊接(热处理)现已按照编写的程序完成。

  We can carry out various treatment for the inner surface of pipes, such as sanding , chemical pickling, purging and passivation.我们可以进行管子内壁的各种处理,诸如:喷砂、化学酸洗、冲洗和钝化。

  The outer surface of this pipeline will be painted in green (red, yellow, blue, white, black ,grey, brown ) colour.这条管线的外表面将涂刷绿(红、黄、蓝、白、黑、灰、棕)色。

5.常用的工程英语口语 篇五

  Total Quality Control(TQC) is a better quality control system.全面质量管理(简称TQC)是一种较好的质量管理体系。

  TQC over the project will be strengthened.对于这个工程的全面质量管理将要加强。

  To maintain the best quality of the construction work is the important responsibility of the field controllers.保持施工工作的优良质量是现场管理人员的重要职责。

  We possess skilled technician and complete measuring and test instruments used to ensure the quality of engineering .我们拥有熟练的技术力量和齐全的检测手段,可以确保工程质量。

  Field inspection work is handled (executed, directed )by our Inspection Section.现场检查工作由我们的检查科管理(实施、指导)。

  Our site quality inspector will report to the Project Manager everyday.我们的现场质量检查员将每天向工程项目经理汇报。

  I want to see the certificate of quality (certificate of manufacturer, certificate of inspection, certificate of shipment, material certificate, certificate of proof).我要看看质量证书(制造厂证书、检查证明书、出口许可证书、材料合格证、检验证书)。
