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Kevin McCabe is so excited about a new type of coffee he is selling in China that he hands me a packet to take home to try. The only problem is that I do not have an espresso machine. “Take one with you,” he says, grabbing a shiny new model from his company’s Leeds office lobby.

凯文.麦凯布(Kevin McCabe)对自己在中国销售的一款新品咖啡非常兴奋,他让我带一包回家品尝。的问题是,我没有咖啡机。他从自己公司在利兹(Leeds)的办公室大堂拿了一台崭新的咖啡机说道:“你带回去。”

I explain the Financial Times’ strict rules on gifts and the machine is returned. But the episode goes some way to illustrating the Sheffield-born entrepreneur’s success around the world: charm, persistence and an impulsive drive to exploit the next opportunity.


Mr McCabe, 68, was one of the first British property developers in China. He travels there frequently and enthuses about his upmarket Espuma coffee house chain developed with the Novell family from Barcelona.


“Do you know how many cups of coffee the Chinese drink on average?” he asks, eyes lighting up. “Five a year. There are a billion of them, imagine how much you could sell!”


He admits there is competition from Starbucks and other multinationals but is undaunted. The three Espuma bars are more like restaurants and pitched upmarket with premium prices.


At a subsequent meeting at his office in Manchester — he has them dotted across the UK — he says he developed his business “by instinct”. “If I have an Achilles heel it’s probably always wanting to have a go at what’s put in front of me. Did I ever plan for the group to be as varied and as large as it is? No, not really. Things happen.”


His company, Scarborough Group International, encompasses property interests in continental Europe, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong and India and owns football clubs including Sheffield United, his home city club, and Ferencvaros i of Hungary.

他的思嘉伯集团(Scarborough Group International)在欧洲大陆、加拿大、澳大利亚、香港和印度等地涉足房地产,并拥有谢菲尔德联队(Sheffield United)和匈牙利的费伦茨瓦罗斯(Ferencvárosi)等足球俱乐部。

United — known as “the Blades” after Sheffield’s steel industry — played a crucial part in the international reach of Mr McCabe’s business.


In 2002 a juice company called Desun from Xian in China made enquiries about sponsoring United’s shirts — the company did not retail in the UK but English football was shown on television in China. Negotiations had stalled. “I said I’d go and sort it out myself,” explains Mr McCabe.


Expecting a drab industrial city, he was astonished by the pace of development there and in Beijing. He clinched the shirt deal and set up an office for his Scarborough property business in Shenzhen, a southern city, and another in Hong Kong.


It lost a “bob or three” he says, before finding a suitable local partner in Top Spring, a developer that has worked on 21 projects across China including Hidden Valley, a complex of villas in Shenzhen.

麦凯布说,该公司先是亏了一些钱,后来才找到一家合适的当地合作伙伴——莱蒙(Top Spring)。莱蒙是一家开发商,在中国各地开发了21个项目,包括深圳的水榭山(Hidden Valley)别墅项目。

“You need partners who really have contacts at government level, can put teams together,” he says.


Sheffield is twinned with the Chinese city of Chengdu and Scarborough Group owns the Chengdu Blades football club. Scarborough also has a joint venture with the state-owned Avic group, which operates more than 50 shops in China for Spanish retailer Cortefiel.


According to Mr McCabe, being treated as the token “white man” helped open doors in China. “You spend a long time in meetings just grinning while others talk.”


Networking is essential to operating in China and it could be several long meetings before any business is done. But he says it is best to avoid Maotai, the fiery grain liquor that is a staple of such events — one of his staff makes sure his glass is topped up with green tea instead: “I ain’t drinking that rubbish.”


So far, he has stuck to mainland China’s secondary cities rather than Beijing and Shanghai. Projects include a new suburban centre in Changzhou covering 5.6 sq km. It has a five-star hotel, large shopping centre, arts and cultural centre, youth recreation centre along with offices and apartment blocks. In Chengdu the group has built a new office district with 55,000 sq m of offices and 47,000 sq m of retail space.


Mr McCabe’s partners also include Metro, a listed Singapore developer. More recently he teamed up with Hualing Group, which is involved in controversial mining projects in the far northern province of Xinjiang, where human rights groups say the Muslim Uighur minority is persecuted and there have been violent clashes with police. George Osborne, the former UK chancellor, was criticised for going to Urumqi, the region’s capital, last year. Mr McCabe says he has seen no evidence of abuses. The city, he says, is affluent.

麦凯布的合作伙伴还包括新加坡一家上市的开发商Metro。更近一些时候,他与华凌集团(Hualing Group)建立合作,后者在新疆开发了具有争议性的采矿项目。人权组织说,新疆维吾尔族穆斯林遭受迫害,并与警方发生多起暴力冲突。英国前财政大臣乔治.奥斯本(George Osborne)去年曾因前往乌鲁木齐而遭受抨击。麦凯布表示,他没有发现任何人权滥用的证据。他说,乌鲁木齐非常富足。

Hualing is now investing in housing in the north of England with Scarborough, as is Top Spring. “The pendulum has swung,” says Mr McCabe, with Chinese companies looking to diversify into UK investments.


This year Scarborough also formed a consortium with state-owned China National Electric Engineering for the EURO230m upgrade and extension of the Loznica gas-fired power station in Serbia.

今年思嘉伯集团还与中国电力工程有限公司(China National Electric Engineering)组建财团,共同承担西伯利亚Loznica天然气发电厂的2.3亿欧元升级扩建项目。

It is a long way from Mr McCabe’s start in a property company in Teesside in north-east England, where he was a director by the age of 25. But, thinking that he could do better himself, in 1976 he borrowed £10,000 from the Bank of Scotland and began his own business refurbishing and selling on properties in Aberdeen and Edinburgh.

麦凯布是从英格兰东北部提赛德(Teesside)一家房地产公司起步的——他在25岁的时候就是该公司的董事。但他认为自己单干会更有出息,于是在1976年向苏格兰银行(Bank of Scotland)借款1万英镑,在阿伯丁和爱丁堡创办了改造和销售房地产的企业。

In 1980 he founded the Scarborough Group, naming it after the Yorkshire resort in which he lives. The group mainly worked for Bank of Scotland and the two businesses rose together, with Mr McCabe advising, or even taking over, property portfolios the bank had lent against when the group got into trouble.


The relationship became strained during the financial crisis in 2008 when Halifax Bank of Scotland, as it had then become, had to be rescued from collapse by a merger with Lloyds Bank.

在2008年金融危机期间,苏格兰银行——当时已成为苏格兰哈利法克斯银行(Halifax Bank of Scotland)——不得不与劳埃德银行(Lloyds Bank)合并来免于破产,双方关系变得紧张起来。

Mr McCabe had sold some of Scarborough’s assets to Valad Property Group of Australia for £865m in 2007, picking up about £150m net profit.


But it still had to sell its London properties to pay off the bank. Mr McCabe would not say how much he owed except the bill was “more than Paul Pogba” the midfielder Manchester United has recently bought for £89m.

但它仍不得不卖掉伦敦的地产来偿还苏格兰哈利法克斯银行的债务。麦凯布不会说他欠了多少钱,只是说账单“超过了曼联最近8900万英镑购买的中锋保罗.博格巴(Paul Pogba)的身价”。

He has now sold 50 per cent of Sheffield United to Prince Abdullah al-Saud of Saudi Arabia. But he gets to most games, and such is his loathing of local rivals Sheffield Wednesday that he orders special diaries with the word removed from every week: “They have Tuesday A and Tuesday B. I hate Wednesdays.”

他现在已经将谢菲尔德联队50%的股份出售给了沙特阿拉伯的阿卜杜拉.阿勒沙特王子(Prince Abdullah al-Saud)。但他仍去观看大部分比赛,而且非常讨厌当地的竞争对手谢菲尔德星期三足球俱乐部(Sheffield Wednesday),还因此定制了去掉星期三的日记本:“他们有星期二A和星期二B。我讨厌星期三。”

His two sons now work in the business. Simon handles property while Scott looks after the other interests. But he remains chairman and “chief pot and bottle washer”.


In accounts for the year to February 29 2016, the Scarborough Group made a pre-tax profit of £625,000 on turnover of £59.5m. In the same period last year it posted a pre-tax loss of £1.4m on turnover of £24.8m. He declines to put a value on the company, which he says may list in the next few years — but independent estimates begin at £90m.


Mr McCabe believes Chinese investors will continue to come to the UK even after it leaves the EU.


“One has to say the best country in Europe is the UK. We may have some problems but . . . I can only think of two strong nations in Europe, that’s ourselves and Germany.”


