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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语值得各个层次的人学习。©文档大全网为您整理了:职场新概念英语你不可不知的10条邮件规则,仅供参考。希望可以帮助到您!如果您想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注©文档大全网!

             The average US employee spends about a quarter of the workweek combing through the hundreds of emails we all send andreceive every day.


  But despite the fact that we're glued to our reply buttons,career coach Barbara Pachter says plenty of professionals stilldon't know how to use email appropriately.


  In fact, because of the sheer volume of messages we're reading and writing each day, we may bemore prone to making embarrassing errors — and those mistakes can have serious professionalconsequences.


  Pachter outlines the basics of modern email etiquette in her book "The Essentials Of BusinessEtiquette." We pulled out the most essential rules you need to know.


  【篇一】 Include a clear, direct subject line.


  Examples of a good subject line include "Meeting date changed," "Quick question about yourpresentation," or "Suggestions for the proposal."


  "People often decide whether to open an email based on the subject line," Pachter says. "Chooseone that lets readers know you are addressing their concerns or business issues."


  【篇二】 Use a professional email address.


  If you work for a company, you should use your company email address. But if you use a personalemail account — whether you are self-employed or just like using it occasionally for work-relatedcorrespondences — you should be careful when choosing that address, Pachter says.


  You should always have an email address that conveys your name so that the recipient knowsexactly who is sending the email. Never use email addresses (perhaps remnants of your grade-school days) that are not appropriate for use in the workplace, such as "babygirl@..." or"beerlover@..." — no matter how much you love a cold brew.

  你应该有一个含有你名字的电子邮件地址,这样邮件接收者就可以知道是谁发来的邮件。无论你多么喜爱以前创建的电子邮件地址,千万不要使用不适宜工作场所使用的电子邮件地址(也许是小学一直用到现在的昵称),如“babygirl@...”“"beerlover@...” 等,无论你有多喜欢喝啤酒,都不要用。

  【篇三】 Think twice before hitting 'reply all.'


  No one wants to read emails from 20 people that have nothing to do with them. Ignoring theemails can be difficult, with many people getting notifications of new messages on theirsmartphones or distracting pop-up messages on their computer screens. Refrain from hitting"reply all" unless you really think everyone on the list needs to receive the email, Pachter says.


  【篇四】 Use professional salutations.


  Don't use laid-back, colloquial expressions like, "Hey you guys," "Yo," or "Hi folks."


  "The relaxed nature of our writings should not affect the salutation in an email," she says. "Hey is avery informal salutation and generally it should not be used in the workplace. And Yo is not okayeither. Use Hi or Hello instead."


  She also advises against shortening anyone's name. Say "Hi Michael," unless you're certain heprefers to be called "Mike."


  【篇五】Reply to your emails — even if the email wasn't intended for you.


  It's difficult to reply to every email message ever sent to you, but you should try to, Pachter says.This includes when the email was accidentally sent to you, especially if the sender is expecting areply. A reply isn't necessary but serves as good email etiquette, especially if this person works inthe same company or industry as you.


  Here's an example reply: "I know you're very busy, but I don't think you meant to send this emailto me. And I wanted to let you know so you can send it to the correct person."


  【篇六】 Proofread every message.


  Your mistakes won't go unnoticed by the recipients of your email. "And, depending upon therecipient, you may be judged for making them," Pachter says.


  Don't rely on spell-checkers. Read and re-read your email a few times, preferably aloud, beforesending it off.


  "One supervisor intended to write 'Sorry for the inconvenience,'" Pachter says. "But he relied onhis spell-check and ended up writing 'Sorry for the incontinence.'"

  “一个主管本来想写‘造成不便深感抱歉’('Sorry for the inconvenience’),但他太相信他的拼写检查程序,结果写成了‘尿失禁深感抱歉’(Sorry for the incontinence)。”

  【篇七】 Add the email address last.


  "You don't want to send an email accidentally before you have finished writing and proofing themessage," Pachter says. "Even when you are replying to a message, it's a good precaution todelete the recipient's address and insert it only when you are sure the message is ready to besent."


  【篇八】 Double-check that you've selected the correct recipient.


  Pachter says to pay careful attention when typing a name from your address book on the email's"To" line. "It's easy to select the wrong name, which can be embarrassing to you and to theperson who receives the email by mistake."


  【篇九】 Keep your fonts classic.


  Purple Comic Sans has a time and a place (maybe?), but for business correspondence, keepyour fonts, colors, and sizes classic.

  Purple Comic Sans也许曾风靡一时,但对于商务信函来说,字体、颜色和大小应沿用经典样式。

  The cardinal rule: Your emails should be easy for other people to read.


  "Generally, it is best to use 10- or 12- point type and an easy-to-read font such as Arial, Calibri, orTimes New Roman," Pachter advises. As for color, black is the safest choice.

  “一般地,使用10或12的字号,并选用易于阅读的字体,如Arial,,Calibri或者Times NewRoman,”帕切特建议。至于颜色,黑色是最为安全的选择。

  【篇十】Nothing is confidential — so write accordingly.


  Always remember what former CIA chief General David Petraeus apparently forgot, warns Pachter:Every electronic message leaves a trail.


  "A basic guideline is to assume that others will see what you write," she says, "so don't writeanything you wouldn't want everyone to see." A more liberal interpretation: Don't write anythingthat would be ruinous to you or hurtful to others. After all, email is dangerously easy to forward,and it's better to be safe than sorry.


