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【#英语资源# 导语】一年一度的五一国际劳动节到来了。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  May day is a holiday for working people all over the world. We have three days off this year, so we can't travel far away. On the 1st day, my parents saw that the weather was fine, so they took me to my uncle's house to play. My uncle's house is in Ningbo, very close to Carrefour supermarket.

  So, after getting off, we went to Carrefour supermarket first. In the supermarket aquarium, I saw glass jars filled with water, in which there were all kinds of live aquatic products, including fish, crab, shrimp, loach, eel, bullfrog, tortoise and turtle, etc. I saw a water tank constantly bubbling bubbles. Curiously, I pricked a bubble with my finger. Unexpectedly, a big carp jumped up. Ah! My god? What a carp jumped the dragon's gate, which scared my mother and I. I saw a net bag for catching fish on the fish tank, so I jumped up and grabbed it, put it in the fish tank and pressed it hard. It took nine cattle and two tigers to finally catch a big carp, but I just don't know whether it was the guy who "teased" me and my mother just now. I don't want to wrong a good "person", even one. Forget it, let it go. Just then, my father asked me to go over and see what was different between the tortoise and the turtle. I found that there were many regular diamond patterns on the tortoise's shell, but the turtle didn't. Dad pressed the turtle's head with his hand, and the turtle's head shrank into the horse. No wonder people call them shrinking turtles.

  After coming out of the supermarket, I went to my uncle's house for two days. In the morning, I watched the CD I just bought with my little brother. At noon, I went to the small park in front of my uncle's house to play swing, play hide and seek with my little brother, and take a walk in the nearby big park in the evening. On the day I came back, my parents took me to Ningbo Xinhua Bookstore and bought a lot of books.

  "May Day" is about to pass. I feel like I have a happy dream.


  Today is May 1 "International Labor Day". My mother took a day off. I'm so happy! Because mom's company never has holidays, not even Sundays. Today, mom can finally have a day off.

  However, my mother got up early. I asked, "Mom, what are you doing?" Mother said, "cooking, sweeping, washing clothes, there are a lot of things to do." After listening, I said, "Mom, it's not easy for you to take a day off. Just have a good rest and let me do it." "Can you?" Mother said with a smile. "OK! Look if you don't believe it." Without saying a word, I picked up the broom and began to sweep the floor. Mother smiled and said, "first pack up your things, then sweep the floor." "Oh, yes, first clean up the garbage, then wipe the table, and then sweep the floor. It makes sense."

  Then I'll clean the table first. I first put all the items on the table in one place, then washed the rag, and then began to wipe. I first wipe it bit by bit with a rag. When I see a particularly dirty place, I wipe it twice more with a rag until it is clean. Finally, I carefully put the items on the table. You see, the table was polished shiny by me. It seemed to say to me, "little brother, thank you for giving me a comfortable bath!"

  After cleaning the table, I began to sweep the floor seriously. Sweep it again and again, sweep every corner clean, and then dump the swept garbage into the dustbin. Look, the bright floor tiles on the ground also seem to smile and say to me, "little brother, see if I can be a mirror."

  After doing this, I think I'll just wash my underwear, too. I first put my underwear in the basin, then poured water and washing powder, and then began to scrub. I rubbed and rubbed, rubbed and rubbed, and soon I felt washed. Change another basin of clean water, wash the foam of washing powder, then screw it dry and hang it on the balcony.

  My mother looked at the table, the ground and the underwear on the balcony. She was so happy that she couldn't stop praising me and said, "you're really capable!". I was very tired. After hearing this, I was so happy that I could finally let my mother have a rest. Moreover, through labor, I also felt the joy of labor!


  "May Day" is coming. My father said, "Sisi, take you out to play." I'm very happy because I can finally relax after working hard for so long, but where will they take me?

  Early the next morning, my parents and I came to a strange place called Jingyuan after a five hour drive.

  After we booked the hotel, we took a bus to Yanzhi gorge. As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a tall green pine tree standing on a small hillside in front of me. I rushed in excitedly, ran around in the pine forest and walked around the pine tree, like a little squirrel back to his long-awaited home. The clear brook flows slowly in the middle of the tall valley. Turning a mountain bend, there is a plank road in front of us. There is still a clear stream below the plank road. The stream twists and turns like a green belt floating. Walking along the plank road, there is a pool of clear water in front of me. It is downward, and the stream is still spreading forward.

  We walked along the stream. The stream made a gurgling sound. When we went inside, it sang again and vomited bubbles for a while. The deeper you go, the deeper the canyon. The stream flows out of the stone cracks in the canyon. It is silent at the beginning. It suddenly increases at two feet. It falls violently. It is a waterfall. I rushed forward. My father blew out the leaf flute, flying and shrouded in the waterfall. Every eye wave is bright and beautiful, every syllable is the sound of nature, and every smile line is gentle. Waterfall turned itself into an excellent musician, playing the symphony of nature happily. After walking for a while, we came to the innermost part of rouge gorge.

  Look, on the steep and dangerous cliffs, stubborn green pines dance in the breeze through the white mist, as if they were intended to show off her charming and charming demeanor. Under the waterfall, the water drops are like pearls, "big beads and small beads fall on the jade plate". It's so beautiful. I lingered under the waterfall, indulged in the beautiful scenery, took off my shoes, and I put my little feet into the water. It was so cool. I forgot it was time to go home. My mother called me a few times before I remembered it was time to go home.

  When I got home, I couldn't forget this trip to Rouge gorge. I'm really happy on May Day.


  At the foot of shuiliangdong mountain, my father tried to drive the car up, but the road was too narrow and forced to come down. At the right time, there was a family next to us. We decided to put the car in the family's yard. When we were entering, a little dog stood up and made a congratulatory gesture to welcome us. Liangliang and I thought the dog was very fun, so we played there for a while and fed the dog a lot of food.

  After a while, it was time to go up the mountain. We didn't play with the dog, so we left. We walked and walked for a long time and saw a small river. We rested there for a while and played against the landlord, hold seven, seven kings 523 and so on. Many card games went and walked for a while, "Wow!" When I saw it, I also shouted, "Wow! It's the water curtain cave. Here we are." Without saying anything, Liangliang and I rushed through the water and entered the water curtain hole, "Wow! It's so beautiful here!" I said, and he said, "well."

  If you just enter the water curtain hole, you will feel like two worlds. When you get out of the water curtain hole, it's very hot outside. When you enter the water curtain hole, it's really cool and cool. It's like entering the refrigerator. The water inside is extremely cold. As long as you put your hand into the water, it's almost as cold as ice water. I don't like it very much. The water here is very clean. I've read the book that you can practice golden eyes as long as you wash your face with the water here.

  I use the water there to spray water on my face and wash my face. If I'm thirsty, I can still drink this water. Because the water here is very clean and free of impurities, I can drink it. If I go inside again, it's very dark. I have to light a fire to see the road. When we are leaving the water curtain cave, I really don't want to go out. It's too hot outside. I really want to live here! When I was about to leave here, I planted an orange tree here. My aunt saw it and said, "come and have a look in twenty years!" I nodded and left reluctantly.

  We got into the car and went out of the family's yard. The little dog seemed to have feelings with us and chased our car. The owner called it back. In this way, we went home

  I miss the lovely dog and the water curtain cave. I am determined to come back in 20 years!


  During the "May Day" holiday, we will seize this great opportunity to take our family out to experience the customs of nature. This holiday, my parents took me to Yancheng wildlife park to learn about animals, but also to broaden my horizons and see the living habits of wild animals.

  We drove into the gate of the zoo and came to an iron gate. After entering tiemen, the wildlife driving area will be displayed in front of us. There are many animals in the area, such as horses, sheep, tigers, bears and so on. I have a lot of fun with my camera. Some docile animals, such as horses and sheep, put their heads into our car windows and scared us into shouting. Look at the posture of these animals. They seem to be begging for food. Fortunately, we made full preparations and threw carrots to them from the window. These greedy guys ate the food and left with satisfaction.

  Driving forward, we passed the fierce animal areas such as lions, tigers, wolves and bears in turn. I threw the prepared meat to them and looked at the way they robbed food. It wa  s really numbing. Some people also bought live chickens for these animals in the zoo. As soon as they threw them down, they were immediately torn to pieces. Looking at this scene, people are really shocked and can't help feeling: human beings are too cruel!

  After passing the car area, we entered the pedestrian area. Here we see monkeys, rabbits and other animals, animal nursery and animal nursery. It's very novel. Each animal has detailed information and place of origin. I looked very carefully and had a new understanding of some animals I didn't fully understand.

  The first International Circus Festival is being held in the pedestrian area, which is a collection of the world's Circus essence. In my memory, the circus performed in a large tent, and the circus performances were all on TV. Today is the first time to sit in the audience and watch the performance closely. I am very excited.

  The performance of the circus was really wonderful. Although it was only in a small theater, it was very wonderful. The funniest and loveliest performers were those clowns dressed strangely, who won warm applause from the audience.

  When I came out of the zoo in the evening, I really felt relaxed and happy, but I still didn't feel happy. I said to my parents, "if I'm free next time, I'll come to play.".


  I usually spend may day with my family. On May Day this year, a little guest from his hometown, Shen Haolin, was just five years old. He was a very naughty and lovely boy. For the first time, I worked as a small tour guide for him for three days as the host. Although I was busy and hard, we all felt happy and full.

  The first day of the holiday was sunny and sunny. Grandpa took me and my little brother to today's destination - China Science and Technology Museum. The little brother saw so many strange exhibits for the first time. He looked left and right excitedly, and kept asking "why". I volunteered to be a temporary commentator and answered him carefully. When we watch the global ball screen film "dawn of the space age", he dances with excitement. I followed my mother's example and answered his "100000 whys" one by one.

  In fact, I don't know the answers to many of the questions raised by my little brother. I'm determined to study hard and practice hard and be a knowledgeable person.

  Early the next morning, we came to Shijingshan Amusement Park. It was a sea of people! I played many games with my little brother happily, including super swing, crazy bus, Ollie water war, spinning nine headed bird and so on.

  To tell you the truth, I dare not play many thrilling projects, but when I think I am a big sister, I suddenly become much bolder and braver. In addition, I also learned to take care of others. My little brother has to drink water, go to the bathroom and eat. I have been patiently with him. At this time, I suddenly thought of my dear mother. When I was a child, my mother took care of me so carefully.

  Today is labor day and the last day of the little brother's family in Beijing. My mother and I carefully bought delicious Beijing specialties for them: Quanjude roast duck and daoxiangcun dim sum. At noon, we reluctantly sent off our little brother's family.

  I had a very happy holiday. I was a tour guide for guests for the first time and learned to take care of others. It was a happy and different may day!


  Tomorrow is labor day. I want to take this opportunity to help my parents do some housework. I wish my parents a happy Labor Day in advance!

  The housework began. I found a rag and dipped it in some water to start my first "battle". I sprayed detergent on the table and wiped it hard. well! Not bad! Once I wiped the table, it became brighter than before, so I wiped it up and down, as if it had just been painted. At this time, the appearance of the table can only be described in four words: it was completely new, and my self-confidence rose to.

  The second task is, of course, washing the dishes. When I came to the kitchen and looked at the bowl in front of me, I couldn't help taking a breath of air conditioning: it was all oil, dirty and dirty. Then the father who was sweeping the floor came to the kitchen. Seeing my appearance, my father seemed to see through my mind: "what's the matter? The bowl is too dirty to wash?" "Not unwilling to wash, just..." I pointed to the bowl in front of me. "You can wash the bowl if it's not dirty!" Dad said with mocking eyes. I immediately saw his eyes and immediately accepted his "challenge". "Wait and see, I will do better and faster than you!" I said to myself. At this time, I have no matter 37 or 21, sprinkle detergent, grab a bowl and start washing. I washed and finished all the dishes in less than 10 minutes. Although a fine bead of sweat oozed from my head, the smile of victory bloomed on my cheek. At this time, I realized the joy of labor and the joy of labor.

  Labor not only brings us the fruits of success, but also brings me labor experience. I am particularly satisfied! Labor is the most glorious. Only love labor can create a better life.

  Pay tribute to the workers!


  Today is labor day. The weather is fine and sunny. People can be seen washing clothes by the stream, buying vegetables in the street, digging Fritillaria in the fields... There is a busy scene everywhere.

  Labor day, from the name, is a festival to work. Labor Day is a festival to commemorate the working people. Today, everyone should work. As long as there is labor, there will be harvest. Labor depends on both hands. We should create with both hands and harvest with both hands. Labor is glorious, and what you get through labor is precious. Even a grain of rice needs much sweat. As long as you work and pay, you will be happy no matter what you get in return.

  In the morning, my mother has a day off and my father has to work. Because my mother is free today and the weather is fine, my mother plans to wash the quilt, pillow and sheets. Since my mother is here, I don't have to worry about lunch. Ha ha, it's a rare day that you don't have to do anything! But soon after I was happy, my mother asked me to clean all the house, including under the bed. It seems impossible to be lazy on labor day. I cleaned the room obediently. Ah, I finally finished sweeping, which made me feel "low back pain". Not to mention, there are enough hidden garbage. Only the garbage under the bed can be filled with a garbage can. But looking at the clean room I cleaned, I felt really comfortable!

  In the afternoon, my cousin came to me and brought me three books. The quilt on my bed was taken out to dry and the sheets were washed, so we sat on the bed and read. While listening to music, while reading. I thought I could play in the afternoon after working in the morning, but it backfired. I had to fold clothes and wash shoes in the afternoon, so I didn't even see a book all afternoon. Tired! After a day's work, I lay directly in bed. Although tired, I can still feel happy.

  This is my may day. When working, everyone is tired. When you see the results of labor, you will get happiness - the happiness of labor.


  May 1st International Labor Day is a holiday for me to play crazy. There will be a lot of activities and happy times in this small and long holiday. How do I spend this labor day? Let's have a look!

  On the first day of labor day, I made an appointment to play football with several classmates. I don't have time to play at ordinary times. Now I can finally play football. Of course, I'm very happy to play football. After dinner, I immediately put on my sneakers and flew to the place we had an appointment with.

  "Hoo Hoo" I gasped and finally arrived. "Ha! You're still the same." I saw them standing there "eh? Isn't it bending to stretch?" "How has it changed" "it's still so fierce" I called with a smile. "Hey, bend and stretch kicked the ball to the roof of this building." I saw the outline cow shouting with a straight face. "Hey, it's all right. Just let Yuhao climb up and get it." Flexion and extension theory. "White gourd duck soup, go and get the ball down. Besides, you kicked the ball up. Don't make us unable to kick the ball after a long journey," I shouted with xiaopang. "Lao Qu! Although you are proud of miscellaneous hair, you have to get it!" I called slowly. Lao Qu Zhengzheng climbed upstairs a few times, "Hey! The door on the roof is not open." Just listen to bend and stretch and shout at the throat. We climbed up the stairs and saw that it didn't open. "What about that?" the cow whispered with his head down. "Oh, what bad luck. I can't kick when I come." I complained. "What are we doing now?" I said. "Forget it, let's go!" Xiaopang said to me.

  So we came to Sihai Park, "Hey, look, someone is fishing. Let's go and have a look." We ran over and said, "Wow! What a big fish!" I saw its white scales glittering in the sun, the fish tail swinging, and the water splashed on the lake. Suddenly, there were ripples on the lake. It fluctuated and diffused, and gradually disappeared on the lake. The ripples left an aftertaste and made people feel calm! Vitality!

  In this way, we spent the first day of labor day. Although there are several days left, this day is unforgettable for me all my life.


  On May Day, I went to Shijiazhuang zoo with my father, mother, grandma, Grandpa and my brother. This is the place I've always wanted to go. I'm very excited. On the way, I ask this and that from time to time. I just want to get to the Zoo earlier.

  At noon, we arrived at Shijiazhuang zoo. The zoo is very large, several times larger than our school. In the zoo, I went to many places, such as Flamingo Pavilion, elephant Pavilion, hippo Pavilion, giraffe Pavilion, rhinoceros Pavilion, bird language forest, mandarin duck pond and so on.

  Among them, I am most impressed by the giraffe Pavilion and zebra garden. I only saw giraffes on TV before. Today I really saw giraffes. Giraffes are three long. A long tongue. Two long, long neck. Three long legs. My mother told me that the giraffe's long tongue can easily avoid the dense long thorns on the periphery of the plant and roll the leaves hidden in the inner layer. The giraffe's long neck is on the African prairie. It can eat fresh and tender leaves and tree buds that can't be eaten by other animals in higher places. Long legs can be kicked back and forth, left and right in an all-round way. They have a wide range of blows and great strength. If the lion is unfortunately kicked, his legs can be broken and his waist can be broken immediately.

  The other is the zebra garden. Zebra ears are round and big. They are no different from horses and donkeys in general shape. My mother told me: the stripes on their bodies are protective colors evolved to adapt to the living environment, and the fine stripes can be invisible. The venue of the zebra Pavilion is very large. When zebras see us, they appear very active, sometimes running and jumping, and the stripes fade and appear, which is very beautiful. So I like them very much. They impressed me very much.

  When I went to the zoo this time, I saw many rare animals, increased a lot of knowledge about animals, and understood that only when people live in harmony with nature can I live a better life.

