
时间:2022-03-30 10:01:51 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】英语在生活和就业中的重要性已经越来越显著了,日常交际口语是大家必须掌握的。©文档大全网为大家准备了“日常简短英语口语对话”,一起来看看吧!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!


  a: jane won her welterweight title at judo last year.

  b: she is as strong as a lion, and will probably take this year’s title, too.

  a: jane在去年的柔道比赛中赢得次中量级冠军。

  b: 她像狮子一样强壮,今年的冠军头衔一定也非她莫属。


  a: hasn’t john put on some pounds in the last couple of years?

  b: yeah, but unfortunately they’re all round his waist.

  a: 这几年john是不是又长了几磅?

  b: 可不是,但不凑巧的是肉全长到腰上去了。


  a: i think that new guy in school looks like a beefcake. did you see the muscles on him?

  b: he is a real powerhouse, that’s for sure.

  a: jan called him a muscle man after he took his shirt off during gym class.

  b: she’s right. he’s beefy.

  a: 我觉得学校里新来的那个小子看起来像个健美先生。看到他身上的肌肉了吗?

  b: 没错,他就像个大力士。

  a: 体育课上他脱下衬衫后,jan叫他肌肉发达的小子。

  b: 她说得没错。他的肌肉的确发达。


  a: the game is in the last quarter. we should bring out the heavy artillery.

  b: ok, i’ve been saving our best players for last!

  a: 比赛进行到最后一节了。我们应该让的球员上。

  b: 好的,我一直没让的球员上场就是要把他们安排在比赛快结束的时候!


  a: you’re going out without your hat? you’ll catch a cold.

  b: i am as strong as a horse. a little bit of cold air won’t hurt me.

  a: 你不戴帽子就出门?会感冒的。

  b: 我身体棒着呢。一点儿冷空气伤不了我。


  a: i’m feeling really full of energy. really vital.

  b: good! then you’ll be able to help me move this weekend.

  a: 我感到浑身有使不完的劲,精力充沛极了。

  b: 太好了!这样你周末能帮我搬家了。


  a: the most vital element of a good relationship is to listen to each other.

  b: well then hear this. we’re out of milk. go to the shop and buy some.

  a: 保持良好关系至关重要的一点就是要互相倾听。

  b: 那好,先听听这个,我们没有牛奶了,你去店里买一些吧。


  a: did you see that guy? he’s very strong.

  b: i did see him. he is as sturdy as an ox.

  a: it looks like he is full of beans. you can tell he has an attitude.

  a: 看到那小子了吗?他可真壮啊。

  b: 当然看到了。他壮得像头牛。

  a: 它看起来精力旺盛。瞧他那副满不在乎的样子。

