

时间:2022-03-30 01:54:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】英语在生活和就业中的重要性已经越来越显著了,日常交际口语是大家必须掌握的。©文档大全网为大家准备了“双人日常英语口语对话”,一起来看看吧!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!


  A:Are you crazy about sports?

  B:Certainly, I am a super sports fan.

  A:Which is your favourite sport then?

  B:Almost all the ball games such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, badminton, table tennis,etc. How about you?

  A:I'm too lazy to go out to stretch my arms....In fact, I hate strong physical activities.

  B:Oh, strong physical activities are usually considered not very suitable for the girl. But you can try some gentle and slow movements.

  A:It sounds not very bad. Maybe I can accept this kinds of sports. Can you introduce more?

  B:No problem! What you can do is like jogging or yoga. These may be suitable for your appetite. In my opinion, both of us should take up some sports, because sports can give us a perfect figure and can protect us from getting diseases easily.

  A:Is that so? I cant’t wait to work out..

  B:Let’s make sports become an essential part of our life! Let’s go!


  A:What’s the first thing you do when you go to the bathroom in the morning?

  B:I look at myself in the mirror. Sometimes, it’s not a pleasant sight, especially if I have been out late than I before.

  A:Do you usually shower or take a bath?

  B:I usually don’t have time for a bath in the mornings, so I just take a shower. Sometimes I need a cold shower to wake me up and sometimes I need a hot one, especially if it’s winter and I need to warm up.

  A:Do you shave every morning?

  B:I shave every workday, but I only shave at weekends if I’m going out somewhere. If I’m staying at home, I don’t shave.

  A:Do you brush your teeth twice a day as dentists recommend?

  B:I do. I brush my teeth in the morning, just before I go to work. It’s actually the last thing I do before leaving. Then I brush again before bed.

  A:Your dentist must be proud of you!


  A:The bathroom looks lovely. Did you redecorate it yourself or did you get someone in to do it for you?

  B:I did it myself. I went online and found a lot of website devoted to home improvement. Then I went to DIY shop and bought everything I needed. I’m sure I saved a lot of money by doing it myself and it was fun too. I learnt a lot by doing it myself.

  A:So, let’s see. You have put new tiles on the floor and replaced a few tiles on the walls. You’ve also added a small cupboard for toiletries. The bath, shower, and washbasin are the same as before, aren’t they?

  B:Yes, they are. I gave them a good clean. They are in good condition and don’t need to be replaced.

  A:How long did it take you to do the tiling?

  B:As I hadn’t done it before, I had to keep referring to information I got from the internet. Doing the floor tiles took a whole day-from early morning to right through to the evening. Then I spent a few hours replacing the cracked wall tiles. Putting the cupboard up took about an hour, so it took me two days altogether.

  A:I think you’ve done a very good job. As least as good as a professional would do. Perhaps I can convince you to redo my bathroom?

  B:You’ll be lucky! However, I’ll print out the information I got from the internet and you can do it yourself.


  A:Hey, John. Having not seen you for a long time, how’s it going?

  B:As a matter of fact, I’m not very well.

  A:Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. What’s up?

  B:Don’t worry about me.

  A:But you look green. Tell me about it.

  B:Just get a cold. I will be well soon.

  A:This is the second time I heard that you got a cold this month. You know that being ill frequently is not good phenomenon.

  B:Thanks for your concern. Frankly, I was in poor health this year and I could do nothing about it.

  A:In my opinion, doing exercise regularly is the most effective method to keep fit.

  B:What’s your favorite sport? Basketball, baseball, soccer or else?

  A:None. I like swim and jog. But my favorite sport is marathon for it can relieve the pressure.

  B:Aha? You love marathon? I love it too.

  A:What a coincidence! But there is a question comes to me that why don’t you stick to running?

  B:I feel lonely because it’s really a long distance. But now, do you mind my joining?

  A:Of course not! It’s my pleasure.

  B:That’s really good. I will be passionate if you could company with me.

  A:Me too. Expect that, we also need a balanced diet.

  B:I can’t agree more; tell me what you usually eat for you meals.

  A:Well, what’s worth mentioning is that don’t skip breakfast. I eat a lot of fruit vegetables and drink plenty of water everyday. I hardly eat fried food, such as hamburgers, fried potato. You know, water is very important to us. No water, no life. What’s more, fried food isn’t good for our health, either.

  B:Great! You really increase my knowledge in eating! To keep fit, I’ll follow you advice.

  A:Further more, what I have to say is relaxing. Take time to relax yourself despite of how busy you are! Everyday you must make some time to relax.

  B:You’re got a point there. Without health, we couldn’t do anything! I’ll remember this forever! You see, New Year is coming, can we start running together today? I want to get a little more health than now.

  A:Sure! Why not! How about running at 9:00 every night? I’ll be at your dorm gate that time.


  A:Don’t forget wear sport clothes, and preparing a coat in order to keep warm after jogging, or your cold will be worse!

  B:I’ll meet you that time. Don’t miss your time. Haha, see you tonight.

  A:See you.


  A:I have heard that you often sing songs in the dormitory. It seems that you like the music very much, don’t you?

  B:Yes, I enjoy music very much! And my tastes in music are quiet varied, from Beijing Opera to Italian operas. And you?

  A:I have to say that we do have something in common. I have enthusiasm for most kinds of the music. En… But except jazz. They can just be described in a word—“noisy”. I prefer light music to stimulating music. So, what is your favorite musician or singer?

  B:I found Secret Garden ‘s songs great. I love the rhythm. The music combines the Irish and Norway’s style. It’s smooth, classical and natural. Each time I listen to their music, I found myself lost in their voices. How about you?

  A:Westlife is the group which I appreciate best. Their songs can show the most pure soul to us. They can touch the listener’s inner heart. It’s too hard for me not to love them. Oh…I nearly forget to ask you: Have you ever played any musical instruments?

  B:Of course yes. I have palyed Saxophone for a few years. I love the deep and serene tune made by Saxophone. When I play the Saxophone, I can express my happiness, longing, and sorrow. And they can give me a feeling as if time runs slowly.

  A:Woo! Seems that you know so much! How I wish I can play an instrument!

