

时间:2021-09-02 00:22:35 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】电影《长津湖》的故事发生在71年前的冬天,中国人民志愿军第9兵团义无反顾赴朝作战,在条件极为严酷的战场上,与敌方精锐部队展开了一场震惊世界的殊死对决。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  One punch, a hundred free punches

  Yesterday, a film "Changjin Lake" was just released. This film mainly tells that in the second year of the founding of new China, the country has a hundred wastes waiting for prosperity and a hundred industries waiting for development. At the critical juncture of North Korea's life and death and the serious threat to China's security, the party central government resolutely made the strategy of "resisting US aggression and Aiding North Korea and protecting our country" at the request of the North Korean government. After watching the film, I couldn't calm down for a long time. Frames of pictures of fearing no sacrifice and bravely resisting the enemy floated in front of me, which made me feel that we live in an era of peace and are built with their blood.

  At the beginning of the film, follow the camera to wuqianli's hometown (Wu Jing). As the head of the seventh company, wuqianli led the soldiers who had just won the war home to visit their relatives. After meeting with their parents, they received an emergency notice to stop visiting their relatives that night and go out to fight. The elderly parents can only watch the child and hope that he will return victoriously. In order not to cross the "38th parallel" and the "Yalu River", the US Army led more than 100 soldiers to the Korean battlefield. Due to the continuous patrol of US aircraft in the mountains, our military train had to move its position after being found, protect the radio station, carry up its equipment and walk on foot. In the process of moving forward, the Chinese soldiers were not afraid of sacrifice, difficulties and hunger. They stood still in the freezing snow and ice weather. They observed the US aircraft at any time, hid in time, and finally sent the radio to the front camp and arrived at the battlefield.

  There are two scenes that impressed me most: one is that when they led hundreds of soldiers on foot to the battlefield, in order to hide the American patrol aircraft, they lay on a pile of stones without grass, trees and mountains, pretending to lie motionless on it. Two American planes kept flying and patrolling above. Because no enemy was found, they dropped bombs where they thought they were "corpses" for their own pleasure. At this time, Wu Qianli was very sad to see the soldiers around him killed by the explosion. However, in order to protect more from being destroyed by the whole army and arrive at the battlefield safely, the soldiers abide by discipline and can only tolerate it by default. The other is the final scene. When the U.S. Army mistook it for the enemy, they came closer and found that it was a Chinese soldier frozen to death lurking on the mountain. When I saw the frozen soldiers lying on the snow with rifles, they were willing to turn into ice sculptures under the severe cold weather of more than minus 40 degrees, but they were not willing to shrink back. This spirit of selfless dedication came from the martyrs' love for new China and their vision for a better life in the future, because they believed that China would win. As the American leader said in the film, "in the face of such determined enemies, we can never defeat them".

  Now we live in a peaceful era of national peace and security, but we can never forget that our motherland was laid for us by those ancestors with their dedication and fearless courage. As Chairman Mao said in the film, "I really don't want to fight this war, but I have to fight it for the development of the next century. If you fight with one punch, you can avoid a hundred punches." therefore, those soldiers who fight hard to protect the future of the motherland are the real heroes in our hearts. He Qi was lucky to be born in China and the country is prosperous. Today, with the development of the motherland, we should not forget the past, remember history, cherish today's hard won, and devote our strength with our determination and efforts to safeguard the beautiful future of the motherland.


  Last night I saw the film Changjin lake, which let me know how tragic the PLA soldiers were when they fought in the war. It's about a PLA soldier who took part in the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea when he was a company commander. Later, before the war, his brother secretly joined the army without his knowledge. After the leader knew it, he arranged his brother to their company.

  When Wu Wanli saw the dead at the station for the first time, he was very nervous and frightened. On the way to transport the radio to the front line, they met their brother troops who were being attacked by the U.S. military, so they went to assist their brother troops. Their sharpshooter Pinghe took a gun and hit the other party's base, and wuqianli also found the advantage of his brother wuwanli here, that is, his brother threw a grenade very accurately and blew up one of the other party's tanks at once. At the same time, the sharpshooter Pinghe fought with the other party's machine gunners with a machine gun. Later, because Pinghe's very accurate at shooting, he killed the enemy at once. The artillery platoon leader Lei took the opportunity to fire a shell with a cannon. The tower fell down and the communicator on it was damaged. The US Army's telecommunications system was destroyed.

  Seeing the scene of platoon leader Lei moving the marker bullet, platoon leader Lei was scalded in many places by the heat of the marker bullet. His hands could not touch the steering wheel, but he was still driving in order to move the marker bullet. At this time, a bomb came, and the fragments of the bomb fell on his upper lip. In an instant, his upper lip was burned. Then another bomb came, and his car was blown away. It was pressed under the car. It was very painful to see his last sacrifice!

  The war to resist US aggression and aid Korea won a great victory in the end, but it was completed by many soldiers who sacrificed their precious lives. Therefore, we should cherish the peace and beauty now and cherish the memory of the martyrs! Salute the hero! Be a good boy who loves the motherland, study hard and build a strong motherland.


  Before this war, no one would believe that more than 100000 people could lurk in the ice and snow at minus 40 degrees. No one will believe that the Chinese dare to take the initiative to encircle and annihilate the US military. No one will believe that this simple Chinese army can defeat the fully armed us first marine division. This war was the "battle of Changjin Lake".

  In 1950, new China was just founded, and there were all kinds of waste waiting for prosperity. At the critical juncture of North Korea's survival and national security, the Party Central Committee made a strategic decision to resist US aggression and aid North Korea and protect the country. The Chinese people's volunteer army went to the Korean battlefield, endured hunger in the harsh environment, was willing to turn into ice sculpture in the biting cold wind, and never flinched. Finally, with their iron will and fearless spirit, they broke the myth of the invincibility of the U.S. military and played the military and national prestige of the people's Republic of China. It is also this victory that has turned our country into a world power that can no longer be despised.

  At the beginning of the film, the soldiers fight on the train. Inadvertently, the train carriage opens and there is the Great Wall. Here are the great mountains and rivers of the country and future generations they want to protect, so they can fight this defense war regardless of life and death. They said, "if we don't fight this war, our next generation will fight." they exchanged the blood of one generation for the peace of future generations. It was their bloody sacrifice and won this indomitable war that made the Western powers dare not despise us and won us the dignity and confidence of development.

  When Lei dad died, he said, "don't leave me here and take me home." the people will never forget you, and the country will never forget you. From 2014 to now, more than 700 martyrs have been taken home by the motherland.

  A hero never dies, and his spirit will last forever. Martyrs will always be remembered by mountains and rivers. Now, as Chinese children growing up in a peaceful age, we should remember history, cherish the martyrs and cherish the present.

  No time is quiet, but our ancestors carry the weight for us. Now, the mountains and rivers are all right. Light and shadow make heroes! Pay tribute to the Chinese people's Volunteer Army! May our youth guard the beautiful mountains and rivers!

