
时间:2023-08-04 00:53:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】季节是每年循环出现的地理景观相差比较大的几个时间段。不同的地季节区,其季节的划分也是不同的。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《我喜欢的季节英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.我喜欢的季节英语日记 篇一

  Nature is a wonderful magician who creates four seasons, including brightly colored spring, lush summer, fruity autumn, and snowy winter. It's beautiful all year round, but I still like summer.

  On a summer morning, walking on a shady path, the small flowers and grass on the roadside were covered with dewdrops, like pearls embedded in the morning light, crystal clear and beautiful. The distant trees resounded with crisp bird songs, like singing world famous songs, with melodious sounds that made people feel relaxed and happy.

  At noon in summer, the sky is as clear as blue, and the scorching sun in the sky heats up the earth. A gentle breeze struck, and a heat wave rolled up on the ground, making people feel warm after taking a hot bath. At this moment, people will think, 'Hey, it's better to stay in an air-conditioned room!'

  Summer nights are both peaceful and lively. The bright moon hangs high in the sky like a mirror, making the earth silver gray. The grasshopper in the grass is chirping, and the cicada in the tree is also chirping, "cicada cicada" and "grasshopper, grasshopper". Those two natural singers are singing together, and the cooperation is really seamless! A gust of wind blew by, and the crops in the fields gave off a "clattering" laughter. The leaves swayed, "Shasha Sha" and "Shasha Sha". That was singing a lullaby to the baby bird! The stream was running and singing as it tinkled. The summer night is really a singing competition!

  Ah! Summer is really beautiful!

2.我喜欢的季节英语日记 篇二

  My favorite season is autumn, which can bring happiness to people.

  The season has gradually changed from summer to autumn, and we can play with the leaves and paste them into beautiful pictures. I love autumn the most.

  One afternoon in autumn, my mother and I went to the park to play. My mother and I ran happily up the mountain, and we played with the leaves. My mother and I found some leaves and we pasted some beautiful pictures together. My mother and I found many beautiful leaves. I said to my mother, "Mom, why are these leaves so yellow?" My mother said, "Autumn is here, and the leaves slowly turn yellow

  When we finished searching for the leaves to make pictures, we found that there were no scissors. I said, "What should I do?" My mother said, "It's okay. I'll take five yuan. You go down and buy a pair of scissors, and I'll wait for you here

  When I quickly finished buying scissors and ran back to the mountain, my mother and I happily started making pictures. I didn't know how to do it at first, but I couldn't do it well. My mother patiently taught me how to do it, and I gradually learned how to do it. Finally, I learned how to do it.

  My mother and I made a lot of pictures, and my mother said, "OK." I sent these pictures to the Post office and sent them to other children, so that they can also feel the beauty of autumn, and then I laughed happily with my mother.

  A few days later, I went to the park again and saw many classmates in my class. I ran quickly among them and played with them. We played with leaves together. I picked up a leaf and said to them, "Look, this leaf is really beautiful, like our little palm." We all laughed happily.

  I hit the tree with a stick, and the leaves flew in the sky like yellow butterflies. Slowly, the leaves fell like raindrops, and it was truly beautiful.

  I love autumn the most. How much joy autumn brings to people! When it comes to other seasons, I really hope for autumn to come soon.

3.我喜欢的季节英语日记 篇三

  I like spring. Spring has arrived, and the sun shines warm sunshine on the earth, causing the grass to poke its head out, the flowers to open their smiling faces, the trees to sprout tender buds, and the earth to put on new clothes. The world has turned into colorful colors. Ah! Spring is beautiful!

  I also like summer. Summer has arrived, and the sun has made the world hot. Many people are keeping their fans (or air conditioning) on in the house to cool down! Of course, there are also many people enjoying the shade under the trees. The cicada cried in the tree, as if to say, "Hot! Hot!" But we were different - we went to the Natatorium to swim happily under the guidance of adults! Ah! Summer is hot!

  I also like autumn. Autumn is a season of abundant harvest, which makes farmers and happy. In autumn, many vegetables and fruits ripen and are picked one by one by the farmers. Ah! Autumn is the season of abundant harvest!

  I prefer winter. Winter has arrived, and the ground is covered with a thick, snow-white layer of snow. We all put on beautiful and warm gloves and played the game of snowball fights: we each picked up a pile of snow from the ground, kneaded it into snowballs, and threw them at each other. That's it, I threw you, you threw me, I threw you, you threw me, we played for a long time without stopping. After playing the snowball battle, we went to make a snowman again. A few minutes later, several snowmen of different shapes were piled up, but in the end, they were still destroyed by us. Ah! Winter is happy!

  Ah! All four seasons are my favorite seasons!

4.我喜欢的季节英语日记 篇四

  Autumn is my favorite season, it's not as hot as summer or as cold as winter.

  Autumn is the season of harvest. Every farmer's uncle's face is filled with joy of harvest. Apples, peaches, pomegranates, each heavy fruit bent the branches, with golden and fiery red everywhere. The sky was as blue as a transparent glass, and a group of geese flew south, sometimes forming a "human" shape and sometimes a "one" shape.

  In autumn, the park is also bustling. Chrysanthemums gather together to compete in beauty, with red, yellow, white, purple, and green colors; The osmanthus bloomed, small and yellow, emitting a charming aroma; The leaves of wutong tree are completely yellow. Each leaf is like a small paratrooper who jumps down from the tree with a parachute; Maple leaves have turned red, looking from a distance like fiery red clouds; My favorite pine and cypress trees are still so green, standing tall on the mountainside, like soldiers standing guard in the wind and rain, motionless.

  Autumn drizzle is even more characteristic. The autumn rain sent away the heat ushered in coolness. The fluttering rain was like countless light and soft fingers, one after another, playing beautiful and melodious music. The earth seemed to have been bathed, with small rain craters everywhere.

  Autumn is as beautiful as spring, as passionate as summer, and as calm as winter. Autumn is my favorite season.

5.我喜欢的季节英语日记 篇五

  Some people like spring because everything revives in spring; Some people like winter because it is covered in silver. But I love the fruitful autumn the most.

  Autumn has arrived, and everywhere is golden. Most of the leaves on the trees have turned yellow, and the grass and flowers have also begun to wither

  Coming to the farmland, look at the farmer's uncle with a windy harvest smile on his face. They are happily cutting golden wheat, picking red apples and clusters of ripe grapes like black pearls

  Autumn nights are also beautiful. On the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, when we look up to the sky, we will find a full moon embedded in the dark sky, with stars dotted around this beautiful picture. The silver light emitted by the moon shines on the ground, onto the Yellow River, and the river also reflects the moon's figure. What a wonderful scene.

  Mid-Autumn Festival is a day of family reunion. On this day, everyone will eat mooncakes, and fruits and mooncakes will be placed at home to worship the legendary beautiful Chang'e Fairy. It is said that when the moon is full and you look up, you can still see the figure of Chang'e Fairy!

  I love autumn not only because it is a harvest season, but also because it has the traditional Chinese festival - Mid-Autumn Festival. So my favorite season is autumn.
