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【#三年级# 导语】作业分为课堂作业和课外作业两大类。课堂作业是教师在上课时布置学生当堂进行检测的各种练习,课外作业是学生在课外时间独立进行的学习的活动,是检测学生是否学会了课上的知识点的一种方法,一般都是家庭作业。以下是®文档大全网整理的《小学三年级英语作业题3篇》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  duck、 shorts 、noddles、 monkey 、sweater 、draw
  shirt、 write 、bread、 drink
  ( )1.A:What are you doing?
  B:We are making_____cake.
  A.a   B.an   C.the   D./
  ( )2.Please ____quiet! Your father is working.
  A.is   B.am   C.be   D.are
  ( )3. Children,please go ____your room!
  A.in   B.to   C.and   D.for
  ( )4.It’s hard____English people to use chopsticks.
  A.with   B.to   C.for   D.of
  ( )5.Do you use chopsticks____England?
  A.from   B.in   C.for   D.to
  ( )6.Amy is a girl.She is playing _____flute.
  A.she   B.her   C.hers   D./
  ( )7.My father is listening _____music.
  A.to   B.for   C.at   D.in
  ( )8.Tom is doing _____homework.
  A.he   B.his   C.him   D./
  ( )9.Mum __
  ___watching TV now.
  A.am   B.are   C.is   D.be
  ( )10.Let’s make a kite____Tom.
  A.to   B.for   C.at   D.of
  ( )1.What are those?     A.Yes,it can.
  ( ) 2.What are you doing?     B.Yes,I can.
  ( ) 3.Can you run fast?     C.Yes,here you are.
  ( ) 4.Can I have an ice cream?     D.I’m eating chips.
  ( ) 5.Can this dog run?     E.They are dragoboats.
  Sam is an English boy.He is seven years old.His mother is a nurse.His father is a doctor.His grandfather is a teacher of Chinese.Sam doesn’t want to be a teacher or a doctor.He is going to be a policeman.
  1.( )Sam is a/an______boy.
  A.English   B.Chinese
  2.( )His father is a ________.
  A.policeman   B.doctor
  3.( )His mother is a ______.
  A. teacher   B.nurse
  4.His ____can speak Chinese.
  A.father   B.grandfather
  5.Sam is going to be a _______.
  A.policeman   B.doctor


  一、 下列每组三个单词中,根据它们的意义找出一个与其它两个不同类的单词,把它们的字母编号写在左边的括号中。
  ( )1、A.red   B.leg   C.black
  ( )2、A.show   B.touch   C.foot
  ( )3、A.Zoom   B.ruler   C.Sarah
  ( )4、A.bag   B.white   C.green
  ( )5、A.body   B.wave   C.shake
  ( ) 1.yellow     A、铅笔
  ( ) 2.bag     B、眼睛
  ( ) 3.mouth     C、尺子
  ( ) 4.school     D、黄色的
  ( ) 5.ruler     E、书包
  ( )6.finger     F、紫色的
  ( )7.pencil     G、橡皮
  ( )8.eye     H、学校
  ( )9.purple     I、嘴
  ( )10.eraser     J、手指
  三、 出拼写正确的单词,将其编号写在前面的括号里。
  ( )1. A. epn  B. pen   C. nep
  ( )2. A. face   B. afce   C. fece
  ( )3. A. inpk   B. pink   C. pnik
  ( )4. A. yellow   B. yollew   C. yellew
  ( )5. A. ereser  B. eraser   C. erasar
  四、 在右栏中找出左栏中每个句子的答语,把它的编号写在左边的括号中。
  ( ) 1. Good afternoon.     A. Good morning!
  ( ) 2. What’s your name?     B. I’m Mike.
  ( ) 3. Hello!     C. Fine, thank you.
  ( ) 4. Goodbye!     D. Great!
  ( ) 5. Let’s go to school!     E. Nice to meet you, too.
  ( ) 6. Good morning!     F. My name’s John.
  ( ) 7. How are you?     G. See you!
  ( ) 8. Nice to meet you.     H. Good afternoon.
  ( ) 9. Let’s paint!     I. Hi!
  ( )10.Who are you?     J. OK!


  (    )1. A. skirt         B. shirt          C. book
  (    )2. A. grandpa      B. sister         C. teacher
  (    )3. A. he          B. she            C. mother
  (    )4. A. red          B. colour          C. yellow
  (    )5. A. he           B. is              C. are
  1. mother(对应词)___________    2. black(对应词)___________
  3. to(同音词)___________        4. he’s(完整形式)___________
  5. it is(缩写形式)___________     6. I’m(完整形式)___________
  7. friends(单数形式)___________   8. she is(缩写形式)___________
  9. hi(近义词)___________        10. see you(近义词)___________
  1. 一个鸡蛋___________           2. my yellow cap___________
  3. 什么颜色___________           4. a green jacket___________
  5. 我的奶奶___________           6. my new T-shirt___________
  7. 一条漂亮的裙子___________    8. a black and white cat___________
  9. 我的家庭___________          10. an orange orange___________
  (    )1. Look at my shirt. _________.
  A. All right.       B. It’s nice.        C. Thank you.
  (    )2. ______ is it? It’s red.
  A. What          B. What colour     C. What’s colour
  (    )3. ________ Alice. She’s ______ friend.
  A. She; her        B. He’s; my       C. She’s; my
  (    )4. This is _____ new skirt.
  A. I              B. an             C. my
  (    )5. This is ______egg.
  A. a              B. an             C. /
  (    )6. Would you like an egg? _________.
  A. Yes, I am       B. No, I’m not.      C. Yes, please.
  (    )7. Is that your T-shirt? No, __________.
  A. it is            B. it isn’t          C. that is
  (    )8. Is this your brother? ________.
  A. No, she isn’t.    B. Yes, this is.       C. No, he isn’t.
  (    )9. This is my father.  _______________.
  A. Nice to meet you.  B. Yes, he is.      C. Thank you.
  (    )10. Good evening, Mike. ____________.
  A. Good evening.     B. Goodbye.      C. Good morning.
  (    )1. 想让别人看自己的新裙子时,你可以说:
  A. Look at my skirt.           B. Look at my new skirt.
  (    )2. 告诉奶奶这是你的新帽子时,可以说:
  A. Grandma, this is my new cap. B. Grandma, look at my new cap.
  (    )3. 你看到别人的新夹克后,可以说:
  A. It’s nice.                  B. Look at my jacket.
  (    )4. 你想问对方的短裙是什么颜色时,可以说:
  A. What colour is my skirt?      B. What colour is your skirt?
  (    )5. 你欣赏对方的衣服时,可以说:
  A. It’s nice.                   B. Thank you.
  (    )1. What colour is my dress?              A. Nice to meet you, too.
  (    )2. Look at my jacket.                   B. Good morning.
  (    )3. This is my friend, Tim.                C. It’s red.
  (    )4. Nice to meet you.                   D. Hello, Tim.
  (    )5. Good morning.                      E. It’s nice.

