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【#英语口语# 导语】口语通常是四项语言技巧(听、说、读、写)中最难的一项。它不仅仅包括听和理解,或者阅读和写作,更包括跟一个说母语的人对话时不因为慌乱而大脑短路。但是只要选对了学习口语的方法(并持之以恒地训练),你就能轻松地提高口语水平。
Improving Your English at Home



Record yourself.

When you're by your lonesome, you have no reason to be nervous. You can let your brain flow freely -- so record yourself now! Your English is going to be at its best. Find a book on tape or a clip online that you can mimic. Does your English sound the same?

给你自己录音。在你一个人在家的时候,你不会感到紧张。你可以让你的大脑自由地驰骋- 所以这个时候就开始给自己录音吧!你的英语水平会在这个时候达到。找一卷朗读书籍的录音带,或者一段网上的剪报录音,然后开始模仿它们朗诵。现在你的发音听起来跟往常一样吗?

Or record yourself reading from a book. You'll be able to actually hear yourself (which we surprisingly have trouble with in real time) and be able to pinpoint the quirks in your English and where you slow down and have trouble. Then rerecord it and see how you've improved!


Read aloud.

If your hands are full or you don't have a recording device, simply read aloud -- ideally, every day for at least 15 or 20 minutes. You'll get used to speaking for longer periods of time and forming long sentences won't phase you. And you'll run into words you can add to your vocabulary.

大声朗读。如果你非常忙,或者没有录音设备,你可以大声地朗读英语- 理想状态是每天十五到二十分钟。你会习惯更长时间地说英语,并且更熟练地组织长句子。与此同时,你还可以把阅读时遇到的不认识的单词添加到你的小词库里。

It's best to choose books with lots of dialogue. The language is generally more real and a bit simpler; after all, dialogue is conversation. Being able to read poetry is great but conversations are a much more practical skill, you know?


Listen to mp3s, podcasts, and the news.

We live in such a digital age; even if you think you don't have native speakers at your disposal, you actually do. Scientific American, CBC, BBC and Australia's ABC Radio are great mp3s to get started with, but there's also a million podcasts out there and handfuls of news stations, too. And the best part is that these people generally speak clearly and have pretty generic accents.


Another bonus? You'll have interesting things to talk about in English! You'll be up on all the news - even if you're just repeating what you've heard (not like anyone will know!). You're improving your English by expanding your knowledge. Two birds with one stone, really.
另一个福利?你会知道怎样用英语表达最近发生的有趣的事情!你会通晓所有的新闻- 即使你只是在重复你从广播里听到的(没有人会知道)!你会在扩充你的知识面的同时提高英语,这真的是一件一石二鸟的好事。


Watch TV and movies.

An integral part of speaking is hearing or listening. Because of this, the easiest way to involve yourself in a conversation without actually having one is to watch English TV and movies. If you absolutely have to, turn the subtitles on -- but try to resist!

看电视剧和电影。口语的核心部分就是“听见”或者“倾听”。正因如此,能让自己最快进入一段英语交流并不需要外人帮助的方法是看英语电视剧和电影。如果你在听音上有绝对的困难,你可以开字幕- 但尝试着尽量避免。

Movies are great because you watch them over and over; the more you watch them, the more things you'll pick up. TV is good though, too, because you develop relationships with the characters and you grow accustomed to how they talk and the quirks of their speech.

Improving Your English with Others



Mimic the rhythm.

Every language has a musicality about it. You can have absolutely perfect grammar and if you don't have the rhythm down, you won't have that native sound. So whether you're talking to English speakers or you're watching on TV, look for emphasis, intonation, and emotion. How well can you mimic it?


In every sentence, there are parts that are longer, louder, and said at a higher pitch. In the phrase "rock and roll," saying "rock AND roll" sounds very strange. But "rockin roll" sounds a lot more natural. This is the icing on the English cake!
每个句子中都有更长、更响的部分,这些需要用更高的音调来发音。在“rock and roll”这个短语中,如果强调“and”则会让它听起来很奇怪。但“rockin roll”听上去就自然得多。韵律是英语这块蛋糕上锦上添花的糖衣。


Observe their mouth movements, too.

Just as every language has a musicality, it has a tendency to use certain mouth movements as well. You could be making the right sound, technically, but if your mouth is in the wrong place, it won't come out correctly. That's your lips and your tongue for the record!


You can't exactly stop someone and ask them about the current position of their tongue. But it is something you can be conscious of in your own language. If you hear someone say a word and you can't mimic it perfectly, experiment! Maybe it just needs to be a bit further back or higher in your mouth. It's in their somewhere!


Keep a notebook and pocket dictionary with you.

Whenever you're speaking to someone or hear others speaking and you catch a word you don't fully understand, write it down and look it up (you have the spelling skills, right?). Instead of thinking to yourself later that night, "Man, what was that word again?" you'll be able to flip to your notebook and remember. Boom. Learning!


It's good enough to write it down and look it up, though. Oh no, no, no. You gotta make it a point to use that word you just learned! (Or you'll forget it.) So later that night or the next day, work it into your speech. Make it part of your own.


Find others online.

But when the tourists aren't knocking down your door, what do you do? Get on chat rooms, of course! (The safe ones, please.) So many people are just looking to talk. And if you find a friend, you can do video or voice chats, too.


