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【#英语资源# 导语】清明节人们纷纷到去世的祖先或亲人坟前祭扫,以表达对逝者的思念。清明祭祖是中华民族的传统,早在秦汉时期,人们就开始用各式各样的仪式怀念祖先。下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Early in the morning, my family and I went to the countryside to worship our ancestors. The road in the countryside has changed from a small road to a wide road. Here is a small cemetery. In front of the grave stands a low stone tablet, which is neatly engraved with the names of our ancestors. Behind the tablet stands a row of neat evergreen trees, just like powerful guards guarding this silent cemetery. We removed the weeds from the grave and put new mud on it. We specially prepared a table of rice, which was prepared by my diligent and capable grandmother. After a while, the delicious dishes became a rich table, including fragrant rice, sweet wine and fragrant Longjing tea. It turns out that the food is also well prepared. Six vegetables and three meat dishes, fish and meat are indispensable, and wine should be poured. There are all kinds of hometown specialties. Together, they can be regarded as a rich meal. Grandpa and dad lit candles and incense, also placed cups in front of the grave, and poured tea and wine one by one. We burned Yuanbao, lit firecrackers, and began to kowtow and worship. After the worship, we left the ancestral grave and embarked on the way home.

  "It rains in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls..." every year in this solar term, we will silently recite this poem by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, to express our yearning for our ancestors.


  April 5 is the Tomb Sweeping Day. In this festival, there are sadness and nostalgia... Waiting for us to feel. Let's see how I celebrate the Qingming Festival!

  After breakfast, my grandfather and father and I went to our hometown to sweep the tomb of our deceased ancestors. Dad was going to buy firecrackers and salutes. I quickly stopped him: "our school requires civilization to worship our ancestors and be careful with fire to prevent forest fire!" Dad listened; "The school teaches well! Then we can worship our ancestors in civilization and buy some floating graves and incense."

  We drove to the cemetery. As soon as I got to the cemetery, I jumped out of the car and found many white and red long paper tapes on the mountain. I asked my father, "Dad, what's that?" My father told me in a low voice, "those white and red long paper tapes are floating graves." After a while, we came to the grave. My father and grandfather first replaced the old grave last year, hung the new grave, lit incense, and then lit candles. Finally, my father asked me to burn paper money for my ancestors. Grandpa kowtowed in front of the grave and said, "ancestors, you want to live a happy life in heaven!" My father offered wine, rice and vegetables to my ancestors sadly. I asked my father, "why do we visit the grave every year?" Dad said, "because we want to commemorate our ancestors and express our nostalgia to them."


  Whenever we arrive at the Tomb Sweeping Day, we visit graves or cemeteries. Qingming Festival is not only a traditional festival in China, but also the most important sacrificial Festival. It is a day to worship ancestors and sweep tombs. Tomb Sweeping Day is usually regarded as going to the grave to offer sacrifices to the dead. The Han nationality and some ethnic minorities mostly sweep tombs on the Tomb Sweeping Day.

  On this day, many people will sweep tombs. When they visit the grave, people will take wine, food, fruit, paper money and other items to the cemetery. They will offer food as a sacrifice in front of relatives' graves. Then they will burn paper money, cultivate new soil for the tomb, break some new green branches and insert them on the tomb. Then they kowtow, salute and worship, and finally eat wine and food home. Qingming Festival, also known as Bicycle Festival, is from April 4 to 6 every year according to the Gregorian calendar. This is a bright and green season in spring. This is also a good time for people to travel in spring. Therefore, the ancients had the custom of outing and carrying out a series of sports activities.

  There was a man named Du Fu in the Tang Dynasty. He said, "on Qingming Day, it rained heavily and pedestrians on the road wanted to die." Qingming Festival is a very important solar term from the beginning. When the Qingming Festival comes, the temperature rises, which is a good time for spring ploughing and sowing.

  Today, the custom of offering sacrifices to ancestors and mourning the dead is still very popular.


  Qingming has become popular in the distant Zhou Dynasty. The ancients attached great importance to this festival. Poets and poets of all dynasties have described the grand occasion of the Qingming Festival. Since ancient times, people have left many customs and habits in the Qingming Festival.

  Qingming, chasing ancestor worship, has been a habit for a long time. Tomb, also known as holding a memorial service, sweeping the tomb. During the Qingming Festival, the insects are awakened, the spring equinox is over, the ice and snow disappear, and plants and trees sprout. People think that their ancestors' tombs are English, which do not wear the holes of foxes and rabbits. However, because they will not collapse in the rainy season, they should seriously weed, trim branches, and add some serious terms of shoveling soil; On the other hand, prepare some offerings, burn paper, count money, hang some precautions on the branches, and hold a simple ceremony to sweep the representative Miss death.

  Before and after the Qingming Festival, there are many traditional and colorful sports activities, such as tug of war, swing, kite flying, polo, playing chicken and so on. The custom of Qingming Festival is rich and colorful, and there are many records in previous dynasties. The poet's Qingming works are more colorful and cannot win. In this sense, Qingming is not only a solar term, but also a traditional festival.


  On April 4, we came to he Gongwei martyr cemetery with a heavy heart to worship the martyrs. We offer white flowers to the two martyrs. It expresses the thoughts and feelings of our teachers and students for their infinite love and admiration.

  During the activity, the majority of teenagers in the city carefully studied the deeds of heroes and martyrs and wrote down messages with their hearts. We all agreed that we must inherit the legacy of the revolutionary martyrs, carry forward the fine traditions of the revolutionary martyrs, and turn the nostalgia and admiration for the revolutionary martyrs and heroes into a strong driving force for learning and add color to the red scarf. Messages express the young people's remembrance and respect for the revolutionary martyrs.

  The leaders of the Management Committee attached great importance to this activity, included the theme activities in the work plan of the Management Committee on Citizen Moral Construction and spiritual civilization, made detailed arrangements and careful deployment for the activities, and appointed special personnel to supervise and urge the implementation of the activities to ensure the effectiveness of the activities.

  Our happy life today is hard won. We should study hard and serve the motherland, so that we can live up to the beautiful rivers and mountains laid for us by our martyrs.


  This year's Qingming Festival is not like the back, with continuous drizzle. In the past, the sky was gloomy and the air was fresh. Grandpa and uncle and his family came back from Nanjing and Shanghai by the way.

  At nine o'clock in the morning, my grandpa and grandma, Grandpa and uncle, take a wisp of sunshine to sweep the grave. I asked my mother what is tomb sweeping. My mother said, "Tomb sweeping is to worship the dead for me.". They prepared bundles of yellow paper, smelly paper, paper curtains, sacrificial food.

  We walked together to the cemetery. Along the way, I saw a lot of willows. The long wickers were flying in the wind like the long braids of my big sister. At the end of the day, in front of grandma's grave, grandma's grave is at both ends of a beautiful field, full of rape flowers, full of thick spring. At this time, Grandpa and dad cleared the pure grass in front of the grave and leveled the land in front of the grave. Uncle and grandpa pressed the yellow paper on the grave and put the paper tent on the grave. Grandpa pulled the incense he brought on the mud in front of the grave and burned it, and carried the food he brought on the leveled soil... Grandpa burned it here without paper money, and then we began the ceremony of worship.


  In the morning of Qingming Festival, I turned on my computer and participated in the activity of "sacrificing heroes" on Puyang civilization online. As soon as the page was opened, the monument to the heroes stood in front of us. Netizens from all over the motherland left messages one after another to remember the revolutionary martyrs. Looking at the statues of heroic heroes on the page, I seem to see the tragic scene of the five heroes of Langya Mountain jumping off the cliff, the heroic look of Dong Cunrui holding the explosive bag in his hand, and the firm eyes of Huang Jiguang blocking the gun eye with his chest, as if I saw

  "Do not forget the martyrs, throw away their loyal bones and revive the Chinese soul." For the sake of the party, the people and the motherland, the revolutionary martyrs put their lives behind them and dyed the five-star red flag red with their blood. Whenever the five-star red flag rises with the majestic national anthem and the bright red scarf flutters on my chest, my heart will always ignite my passion for my motherland. Seeing the red flag waving in the air, I seem to see some revolutionary sects throw their heads and shed blood. Yes, without them, we would not have a happy life today!

  Young people are strong, China is strong! It is the strength and courage of the revolutionary martyrs that endow us with a peaceful and beautiful living environment. I sincerely appeal: students, let's start from ourselves and now, inherit the legacy of the martyrs, carry forward the dauntless spirit of self-improvement and perseverance, study hard, have the courage to practice, and strive for the prosperity and strength of the motherland!


  On April 5, our fifth and sixth grade teachers and students came to the cemetery of revolutionary martyrs with a sad and heavy heart to remember the soldiers who died bravely for the liberation of the motherland and the peace of the people and pay tribute to their great achievements.

  As soon as I entered the gate, the first thing I saw was the eight characters "the revolutionary martyrs are immortal" standing next to the stone steps, which glittered in the sun. On the monument are the statues of three martyrs. They hold guns in their hands and look serious. They seem to be going to fight the enemy to the end. While carefully watching their advanced deeds, we imagine how our martyrs would rather die than surrender and be brave. After a while, the tomb sweeping ceremony officially began, the magnificent national anthem was played in the martyrs' cemetery, and all our teachers and students observed silence for the revolutionary martyrs for 3 minutes. We should learn from the martyrs, learn from their indomitable will, learn from their enthusiasm, and learn from their moral character of putting others before themselves.

  The speech of the counselor in the tomb sweeping ceremony filled our eyes with tears. He told us the heroic and tragic deeds of the martyrs with deep emotion, and also taught us how to be an honest and brave man. Yes, in that dark old society, the ancestors braved the test of life and death, regardless of personal safety, and traded their blood and life for the prosperity of the motherland today. Their noble spirit of sacrifice for the country is moving and will always be remembered in my heart.

  We silently dedicated our exquisite white flowers to these indomitable and fearless martyrs, and offered them the most noble team gift of young pioneers.


  It is said that "it rains in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls", but this year's Qingming Festival is sunny. I thought I could go to Qianlong Park, but my parents took me to sweep the grave.

  "Ah! I finally got off the bus and took the bus for several hours just to visit the grave." I said angrily that taking the bus was not fun at all. "You can't say that, baby, Qingming Festival is a day for people to visit the grave and miss their dead relatives. People will bring all kinds of flowers and sacrifices to worship their relatives and recall the love they gave us when they were alive." Mother said gently. Later, my mother told me about the past when my late relatives were alive. I recalled my grandfather's love for me and couldn't help feeling sad.

  After a while, my father and mother and I came to the front row of Grandpa's grave, knocked three heads at Grandpa's grave, and then put a picture of grandpa in front of Grandpa's grave. I also stuck a few petals on it. Grandpa seems to have brought a necklace like a flower. It's beautiful. After a while, the little bee danced on the flower necklace. I think grandpa must be very happy!

  On the way home after sweeping the tomb, I opened the window to see the scenery outside. The wind blew, and the leaves swayed and danced slowly in the breeze. Gusts of wind blew on my face, and my thoughts drifted farther and farther with the wind.


  On April 2, all our teachers and students in grades 4 to 6 carried out grave sweeping activities. On this day, we wore white flowers on our chest, and everyone's heart was very heavy.

  Martyrs, our generation's admiration for you is higher than the sky, deeper than the water and stronger than the fire... In short, our admiration for you can never be expressed in words.

  I remember that Zheng Banqiao once said, "if you hold on to the green mountains and don't relax, your roots will be in the broken rock. You can still be strong with thousands of grinding and thousands of blows, and let your East, West, North and south wind." this is a painting poem with profound meaning. In praising the firm and tenacious spirit of bamboo and stone, the author implies the strength of his character. "A thousand grinding and ten thousand blows are still strong, and you can let the East, West, North and south wind" is often used to describe the revolutionaries' firm position in the struggle and their unwavering character when attacked by the enemy. This sentence just describes your spirit. You feed all things with blood; You dye our red scarves with blood.

  In countless battles, you have suffered countless deaths and injuries, but you have not betrayed our motherland because of this. You have made all contributions to our motherland and our generation. Your great deeds will be handed down forever.

