
时间:2023-02-05 21:52:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会,即2022年北京冬季奥运会,计划于2022年2月4日星期五开幕,2月20日星期日闭幕。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  With the advance of time, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games is slowly coming to us. The "Winter Olympic Games", fully known as the "Olympic Winter Games", is mainly held in regions all over the world. It is a comprehensive Winter Games of the world scale, which is held every four years. This time, Beijing won the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, which is not only a proof of Beijing's own strength, but also a process of China's comprehensive national strength and international influence. For every Chinese people, it is exciting good news.

  In retrospect, China's first participation in the Olympic Games was in the 10th Olympic Games on July 30, 1932. With the support of Zhang Xueliang, the Chinese athletes at that time brought the national flag of the Republic of China to the Olympic Games. Unfortunately, none of the Chinese team was on the list at that time. Although no one is on the list, but China's national flag flutters before other countries in the world, the posture and bravery of the athletes are always praised by us.

  Today's China has long been a poor and weak China. New China is on the road to prosperity and strength. China won the right to host the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, showing the world a new look of China. At the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, China showed unprecedented cultural heritage, national spirit and comprehensive national strength. The past Olympic Games are not as wonderful as the Beijing Olympic Games. It can be said that the Beijing Olympic Games are beyond the reach of the past Olympic Games. This time, Beijing has won the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, which shows the people of the world China's strong national strength.

  Speaking of China's national treasures, many people will think of pandas. Bing dwen dwen, the Winter Olympic Games, has a lovely panda, the mascot of our winter Olympic Games. The mascot takes the panda as the prototype for design and creation, combines the panda image with the super energy ice crystal shell, and embodies the characteristics of winter ice and snow sports and modern science and technology. The ice in the Bing dwen dwen, the symbol of purity and strength, is the characteristic of the Winter Olympic Games. Dundun, which means thick, healthy, lively and lovely, is in line with the overall image of the panda. Its design significance symbolizes the strong body and tenacious perseverance of athletes, and perfectly displays the Olympic spirit. Moreover, Bing dwen dwen also has many interesting expression packs and lovely toys. This not only reflects the Chinese people's love for giant pandas, but also shows our attention to the Winter Olympics.


  Many people will pay attention to the valiant athletes on the field, but rarely pay attention to the ordinary people. And those ordinary people play an irreplaceable role in the smooth holding of the Olympic Games.

  In the Winter Olympic Games, many volunteers test the Olympic clothing in the cold environment of more than ten degrees below zero, and try their best to serve the athletes and spectators. Some athletes from the Winter Olympics have made great efforts in the Winter Olympics, and it is hard to imagine that they have made great efforts in the Winter Olympics. They appear on the field with the courage of ordinary people and win glory for the country as athletes. They are heroes on the field. They have proved with practical actions that ordinary people can also do extraordinary things.

  In addition, there are many people who can't participate in the sports meeting who are silently paying attention to the situation of the sports meeting.

  There is such a Shepherd named Han Tongyuan. At the first skiing Games held in New China, Han Tongyuan, 18, won the championship of the men's 20km cross-country skiing competition. The original purpose of his skiing was to herd sheep. At that time, he lived at the foot of Beishan Mountain in Jilin City. He herded sheep in winter. In the process of running, he couldn't catch up and circle, so he made simple skis by himself. After more than ten kilometers of chasing and driving sheep every day, the ordinary "sheep herding baby" finally became a good athlete. He achieved good results in the skiing competition with his partners. Obsessed with skiing, he not only trains hard in winter, but also often sweats in summer. Unfortunately, God gave him a regret in his life that Han Tongyuan failed to go to the international arena. He also said that if he can enter the international arena, he is very likely to get the ranking. As the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is getting closer and closer, Han Tongyuan feels that he is very lucky to catch up with the Winter Olympics in his life. At the same time, he also hopes that our athletes can achieve good results and win some light and gas for China.


  Shuey Rhon Rhon Bing dwen dwen, the two mascots of the Winter Olympic Games. Bing dwen dwen is a little panda wearing snow and Ice Armor. It's like an astronaut, like tomatoes on sticks with sugar. But Shuey Rhon Rhon's body Bing dwen dwen is not the same as the ice pier. Shuey Rhon Rhon is the mascot of the Paralympic Games in winter. I knew that there was a special Paralympic Games.

  I can't help but have some questions and curiosity. It's inconvenient for disabled people to move. How can they do sports? How to participate in the sports games or the Olympic Games?

  My parents and I searched more information about the winter Paralympic Games. There are also 6 major events and 78 minor events in the winter Paralympic Games. Some events focus on skills and some are very exciting! After watching some games videos of the previous winter Paralympic Games, I couldn't calm down for a long time! Those pictures and videos are amazing! Although athletes' brothers and sisters are physically disabled, they are more powerful and powerful than ordinary people! When they are struggling and sprinting, I see their faces full of confidence and courage!

  They must have made more efforts and sweat than ordinary people in order to stand on the field of the winter Paralympic Games. Watching them sitting in wheelchairs and operating prosthetics, I even felt like crying. They are really great and powerful!

  As a primary school student, although I can't be a volunteer, I can only watch, shout and cheer, but I can swim in the ocean of knowledge, just as they work hard on the ice and snow field, and make contributions to the motherland when I grow up! I would like to be a "burning snowflake", burning myself, "anyone with a dream is great"!


  How many times look back, eager to meet; How many times I look forward to it, and finally it can be successfully realized; How many times of passion is ignited by competition on the field. The torch of the 2022 Beijing Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic Games was lit with our hope.

  This year's Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing Zhangjiakou. There are 7 major events and 102 minor events in the Olympic Games. Beijing is responsible for undertaking ice events, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou are responsible for undertaking snow events. Beijing will also become the first city to host Summer Olympic Games and Winter Olympic Games. Zhangjiakou has a rich and magical land. It is a place where nomadic civilization and agricultural culture blend. It is a must for military strategists of all dynasties, an important military fortress and the north gate of Beijing. It has beautiful scenery and outstanding people.

  Bing dwen dwen, a fat panda, has recently been released by the Winter Olympic Games. Its head is decorated with colored garlands, which is an astronaut's appearance. It does not look chubby, but it means creating an extraordinary future and exploring the future mission.

  Flower skating is known as the most beautiful event in the Winter Olympics. In the figure skating championship of the 2006 Winter Olympics, contestants Zhang Dan and Zhang Hao hit the most difficult throw jump in the world. Unfortunately, they made a mistake, Zhang_ She fell heavily on the ice from a high altitude. She showed a painful expression. The coach motioned them to leave the game. When everyone thought that the pair of Chinese stars were about to leave the game, suddenly the passionate music of the descendant of the Dragon floated over the playground, Zhang_ Dancing with the music, sometimes rotating in place, sometimes jumping in the sky, like an elf on the ice flying on the smooth ice like a mirror, all the actions were excellent, and the scene was boiling. It was shocking. The announcers of Eurosport choked. They witnessed this touching scene and became an indelible myth of the previous winter Olympic Games! Like the "flame" national female Chen dancing on the ice__ Conquered everyone with superb skills.

  The athletes of this year's Tokyo Olympic Games let us really see the Olympic spirit, the indomitable Quan hongchan and the confident and steady Yang Qian. These are beyond personal strength and competition beyond national boundaries. What the Olympics brings to us is spiritual purification and world harmony and hope. We should learn from the Olympic spirit and their spirit of dedication and dedication. The competition is short, but the Olympic spirit is long-term. Everest has raised its arrogant head, the towering Great Wall has raised its unyielding backbone, the Taotao Yellow River has clenched its powerful fist, self-confidence, self-improvement, self-esteem, and sports are booming. Inherit the Olympic spirit, spread Chinese culture, abide by the world, build the World Winter Olympics, show Chinese style, prepare for the Winter Olympics, welcome the world wholeheartedly, gather at the Winter Olympics and cheer for the ice and snow athletes! You are the best! Winter Olympics, ice and snow love!


  With the change of music and the change of venue light, 24 roller skaters from Beijing Sports University and 24 intelligent robots with transparent ice screens symbolize the 24th Beijing Winter Olympics. With the help of image transformation realized by high technology, they slide out a beautiful curve track on the stage, form an interesting contrast with intelligent robots, and bring an audio-visual feast integrating technology and culture. The familiar melody of "singing the motherland" sounded at the scene.

  At the scene, roller skaters, intelligent robots and on-site lights performed wonderful pictures such as "Chinese knot" and "dragon and Phoenix are auspicious". They also showed the world China's large aircraft, high-speed rail, the Great Wall, shared bicycles and other high technologies. At the same time, they sent a sincere invitation to people all over the world to meet in Beijing in 2022. Eight minutes in Beijing covers Chinese culture, history, humanistic feelings, economy, science and technology and mind. From the country to the world, everyone announces to the world that this is a big country - China!

  At this moment, the love between ice and snow is witnessing our passion like fire. Four years later, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will be the common wish of the Chinese people and an international event that the world is looking forward to. At that time, the Olympic fire will ignite in the hearts of every compatriots who love sports.

  In 2022, we will meet in Beijing. The Winter Olympic flowers will bloom enthusiastically in the ice and snow world. We welcome friends from all over the world with the most holy dance and the most sincere enthusiasm. We will gather in Beijing to complete our common dream in the holy world.

  In just eight minutes, it showed the world China's great power style, the blessings from all walks of life and the enthusiasm of the Chinese people.


  What is the Olympic Games? In my eyes, it is a battlefield without gunsmoke. The essential purpose of war between mankind is not to kill, but to make the enemy yield. This has been fully realized in the Olympic Games. As an advanced animal, human beings have the dual attributes of cooperation and belligerence. Otherwise, there would not be so many wars in the world. I hope the Olympic Games can become the final battlefield for human competition and victory, and make the real bloody war die out.

  The Olympic Games is an exposition of human physical fitness. Like dolphins, there are so many beautiful swimming strokes in the Olympic Games; Like a cheetah, the 100 meter sprint is fast; Like an eagle, gymnastics and diving aim at the sky. The only drawback is that human potential - the ability to invent, manufacture and use tools - has not become a competitive event in the Olympic Games.

  The Olympic Games is a stage, which shows the beauty of strength, will, skill and nature, as well as the physical limit, and has won the favor of hundreds of millions of spectators. People are encouraged by victory, regretted for mistakes and proud of participation. The weight of each medal exceeds the trophies of Oscar and Golden Bear.

  The Olympics is the epitome of life. The champion is lucky. Under the 'Pyramid' leading to the champion, how many unknown heroes strive to climb for it; The champion is short-lived. Today's champion may fall out of the sun tomorrow; The champion is relative. The champion of a certain event is likely to be retarded in other aspects; The champion is glorious, but when he sang the national anthem and burst into tears, he didn't think about how brilliant the future would be, but recalled the troubles of injuries and hard training over the years; The champion is valuable. In him, there is a lot of indomitable, self challenging and peak climbing spirit.

  In order to host the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing will invest 280 billion yuan, of which 180 billion yuan will be used for infrastructure construction, 71.3 billion yuan for environmental protection and pollution control, 17 billion yuan for venue construction and 11.3 billion yuan for freight

  The Olympic Games is a great gathering of human peace. The Chinese people who advocate peaceful development will certainly give "Green Olympics", "people's Olympics" and "science and technology Olympics" more profound connotations Just as the International Olympic Committee commented in its evaluation report that the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games "will leave a unique and valuable heritage to China and the world sports" The Olympic Games are the holy meeting of mankind. Apart from it, which social activity of mankind can be carried out in such a fair, detailed and festive atmosphere! I sincerely hope that the Olympic spirit will remain in the world forever and bring peace, joy, prosperity and hope to the world.


  Shuey Rhon Rhon, Bing dwen dwen, and I was flying around the side of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. We'll take you to the Winter Olympics! Great! I left my homework and followed them all the way north to Beijing.

     When I arrived at the site of the Winter Olympic Games, I was stunned. It was so spectacular! Looking around, the audience was packed with people. Then Bing dwen dwen said, let's join the ice hockey game. Shuey Rhon Rhon and I said happily, "OK! Shuey Rhon Rhon said: let's change the race clothes. I said: OK, come right away.

  Our opponent is China's old friend Russia. After we knew each other, the game began. Bing dwen dwen Shuey Rhon Rhon Shuey Rhon Rhon, he served the ice piers first, he passed the ice hockey to snow Rong Rong, suddenly, the Russian team interfered. Fortunately, the snow melt and melt was connected in time and passed the ice hockey to me. I pushed harder and finally pushed the ice hockey into the goal.

  Our team won and everyone cheered. Just when I was happy, I heard my mother's urging voice: get up quickly and be late. I opened my eyes and saw that it was a dream!

  Bing dwen dwen China Shuey Rhon Rhon! I hope I can dream come true, go to Beijing to watch the Winter Olympic Games with my family, and join the ice pier and snow Rong to cheer for China and cheer for China. 


  The successful hosting of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has won universal praise from the international community and demonstrated China's good image to the world. The preparation and holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics is an opportunity to promote the dissemination of Chinese culture and shape the national image.

  Highlight the image of an innovative country. The world's first 360 degree snowmobile sled track, the wind tunnel laboratory to help athletes prepare for the war, and the "most beautiful ice" created by the sound and photoelectric technology of the capital gymnasium. Focusing on scientific and technological innovation, China has set a higher standard for the Winter Olympic crown with bright pearls. From the completion of all competition venues of the Winter Olympic Games to the opening of Beijing Zhangjiakou high-speed railway and Beijing Lishui expressway; From many ice and snow projects from scratch to some projects from existing to strong, a series of scientific and technological innovation achievements have become the brightest business cards in China, showing the charm of Chinese science and technology to the world.

  As the saying goes, "every month is a year". The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games will be held in the first month. This is China inviting friends from all over the world to "home" for the new year and feel a cultural feast of Chinese elements. China China Shuey Rhon Rhon, China's Bing dwen dwen, the national mascot "ice pier" and "snow Rong Rong", are from the national badge "winter dream" to the "ice pier" and "snow Rong Rong".

  Show a civilized and friendly image. "It is called summer because it has great etiquette; it is called Hua because it has the beauty of uniforms". China has always been known as a country of etiquette. As the host, the success of the Winter Olympics cannot be separated from the participation and support of the Chinese people. The Beijing Winter Olympics plans to recruit 27000 volunteers and 616000 people actively sign up. 81% of all provinces and cities, including overseas young students, will interpret the volunteer spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress" with high-quality services, Show the friendly image of Chinese civilization with the fullest enthusiasm.

  The vision of "300 million people on ice and snow" is coming true. Let's go into the "Beijing time" of the Winter Olympic Games, tell Chinese stories, shape China's image and embrace a better future together.


 "Beijing", when the president of the International Olympic Committee announced the venue of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, the whole land of China was boiling! The people all over the country cheered and cheered, and the East Olympic Games came!

  I still remember the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the bird's nest was brightly lit, the flame overflowed, and the carnival was shocking. Athletes sweat and are passionate on the field. As the host, China is proud to receive guests from all over the world. The Beijing Olympic Games is a grand gathering, which has built a monument for more than a hundred years. Now, the flame of the Winter Olympic Games will be lit on this fertile land in the East.

  The 24th Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou from February 4 to February 20, 2022. The Winter Olympic Games include ice hockey, skating (speed skating, figure skating), skiing (Alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, ski jumping), etc. The Winter Olympics represents the Olympic spirit, carries the hopes and dreams of the ancient Chinese nation for thousands of years, and symbolizes that the ancient civilization is shining today. There are still a few months before the Winter Olympic Games. Athletes are training hard, and people all over the country are paying close attention to all the news about the Winter Olympic Games. I believe that the Winter Olympic Games will be held smoothly; I believe that the beautiful luster of Chinese players will be left on the field; I believe China will make brilliant achievements. When the bright five-star red flag is raised slowly, the eyes of Chinese people will burst out with light and pride; When the five ring flag representing the Olympic spirit is raised slowly, everyone will feel enthusiasm and firmness in their hearts.

  Because we are still young, we can't win the gold medal for our motherland like athletes, and we don't have the opportunity to visit the stadium and participate in the service and reception of the Winter Olympic Games, but we can do small things within our power. As long as we start from now, we can also contribute to the Winter Olympic Games! We should be civilized and polite. Decorate every corner of the city with civilization and extend polite hands to welcome visitors from all directions, so as to carry forward our national spirit and highlight our national culture. I sincerely wish the Winter Olympics a success and athletes good results.


  Ever since Bing dwen dwen was elected Olympic mascot, I always had a wish to go to the Winter Olympics skating competition with her. Today, I finally got what I wanted.

  Today is the second competition day of short track speed skating, that is, the gold medal competition of men's 500 meters. I was assigned to a group with the ice pier pier. It's great. We can fight side by side. I was on the first track, the ice pier pier was in the fourth lane, we were neatly dressed, we just exchanged our eyes for a moment, and then we understood each other, only listening to the gunfire of the competition, and I rushed like a arrow away from the string. I tried my best to skate and try to get rid of the Korean player, but the Korean player really couldn't give up. There was still one lap left. I went hand in hand with the Korean player, which couldn't work. I wanted to let the five-star red flag fly over the field. How could the Korean steal my spotlight, but I was out of strength. At this critical moment, Bing dwen dwen rushed Bing dwen dwen, I am not afraid. I still try to slide. I didn't give any chance to Korean players in end point. The ice pier was better. He was the first to break through the finish line. At this time we forgot to be tired. We cheered on the court, we won, and watched the bright five star red flag rising. The exciting National Anthem resounded through the Olympic Stadium, not to mention how happy we were. Of course, we also hugged the third Korean player. He was also very excellent. We were friends off the court.

  I'm so excited about this competition!

