
时间:2022-06-12 01:31:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】暑假快乐不可少,邀朋结友情谊好。运动场上试比高,游泳池中洗个澡。各地美景也跑到,山川河流多美妙。珍惜时光莫蹉跎,快快乐乐乐逍遥。暑假马上就到了,下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Today, the weather was fine. It was the happiest day of my summer vacation.

  My mother took my aunt and I to Zhuhai, and my brother and I flew kites in the seaside park. At the beginning, I didn't know the wind direction. I was a little anxious and couldn't put it properly! Later, an uncle patiently taught me how to set out, carefully observed the wind direction, and set off against the wind. Sure enough, my kite flew very high! What a beautiful kite flying in the sky, I am very happy!

  Next, we went to the beach to build sand castles and surf. In the evening, we also enjoyed the night view of Macao. What a pleasant trip today!


  Today, my mother bought a big refrigerator.

  The name of that refrigerator is "Midea". It is white outside. There are two small doors. There is a small door above which is refrigerated. It has two special places. One special place is that there is a small light inside. When we open the door, the small light bulb will light up. Another special feature is that it has two drawer shaped boxes. There are "Tsingtao beer" that my father likes to drink, "pickled cabbage fish" that my mother likes to eat, and meat, watermelon, grapes, fruit juice that I like to eat

  A small door below is frozen. There are ice cream, Arctic shrimp, steamed buns

  The big refrigerator in my house is very nice!


  Today, my parents and I went to climb Mount Tai. We got up at 5:30 in the morning and went on our way. We brought a lot of delicious food. I had some breakfast, got on the bus with my parents and went to Taishan.

  When we arrived at Mount Tai, the woods there were very lush. The mountain was so high that the top could not be seen.

  My parents and I climb Mount Tai together. We have to compete to see who climbs to the top of Mount Tai first. Although I am small, I have great energy. After a while, I climbed to the top of Mount Tai. My parents climbed less than half of it. After a long time, my father climbed up ahead of my mother, and my mother followed. I was the first, my father was the second, and my mother was the third.

  Today, I am very happy.


  It's summer vacation today. You can have a good sleep. It's so comfortable! Open your confused eyes, where has mom gone! Later, I found my mother washing clothes in the bathroom. Looking at her hard work, I quickly washed and helped her wash clothes.

  There was a mark left by watermelon juice on my clothes. I first applied it gently with soap and rubbed it hard with my hands to see if it still couldn't be removed. I applied it again with soap and rubbed it hard. Finally, I rubbed it clean and washed it with water. I washed my clothes once with soap and twice with water. After a few minutes, I finally finished washing my clothes and put them in the washing machine for dehydration. Take off the water and put it on the balcony to dry.

  My mother praised me and said, "how sensible." I smiled and said, "this is what I should do." Then I put the basin away


  Great! The happy summer vacation has finally arrived. I will make good arrangements for my summer vacation activities.

  On the first day of the summer vacation, I planned to finish my summer homework in six days. But I thought, the summer vacation is still long. Why are you writing so fast? So I arranged to write five in Chinese and five in math every day.

  On the first day, my sister and I played crazily, carefree and free, just like birds flying in the air. We simply fell out of control and didn't even take a nap.

  In the afternoon, I went out with my mother and sister. When I saw the food, I thought of a sentence. Li Bai came to the roast duck restaurant. His saliva flowed 3000 feet. He had no money in his pocket. I really wanted to have enough fun when I saw it, but my mother wouldn't let me, so I had to go away disappointed.

  The first day of this summer vacation. Let me have a good time. How was your first day of summer vacation?


  During the summer vacation, after I finished the tutorial class, my mother took us back to our hometown in rural Zhejiang. We first went to Jinhua to live at our grandparents' house for a week. It was very hot in those days. My brother and I loved playing with water. We played and played in the river at the door of our house. My mother taught me to fold the ship and put it in the river to float away. My brother clapped happily beside us, but soon, our clothes were all wet. My mother stopped criticizing me when she saw that we were having a good time. It was really fun.

  A week later, we went to Lin'an's grandparents' house, which is close to mountains and rivers, with fresh air and spacious and bright houses. I met my little sister, and we can play happily together again. We also do our homework together, run in the fields together, climb mountains together, and play with water... There, I can eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day, and walk in the fields after dinner. But time always passes quickly, and we have to return to Xi'an to live and study.

  I like rural life very much. I don't want to come back every time I go back, but I also miss my father, teachers and classmates. I am looking forward to the winter vacation now, and then I can go back to the countryside!


  The sun scorched the earth. All of a sudden, it began to pour down. The hot weather was finally cool. But at that moment, the rain became smaller, and a colorful rainbow appeared in the sky.

  By the lake, willow leaves rolled up like shy little girls. The lotus flowers by the lake have blossomed one by one. They are pink, light yellow and white. The sunflowers beside the lake are in full bloom. Cicadas in the park keep shouting all day long. Xiao also spits out his short tongue all day long. Elephants constantly water themselves with their long trunks. Tigers, lions and black bears soak lazily in the water all day long, enjoying the coolness of the water.

  The children went swimming with their parents and even asked their parents to buy popsicles. Others followed and went to the air raid shelter to spend the summer. Most of them stayed in the air conditioner and watched TV. Those busy parents, wearing sun hats and sunglasses, rode to work in a hurry.

  Ah, summer brings me joy!


  I'm going to have a piano lesson this afternoon. At the beginning of class, the teacher began to teach us some simple tunes. He taught us how to play them by hand. After practicing for a while, we tried to play them by ourselves.

  I can play two songs there! The teacher said I played very well. After the piano class, we went on to the music literacy class. In the literacy class, the teacher taught us a song called Dad's snowflake! Because I can sing this song and dance with it, the teacher asked me to lead you and let you learn how to sing and dance! After learning dad's snowflake, we learned clapping exercises. I can do clapping exercises too, but the teacher asked another child to take us with us because she danced very well!

  I feel so happy today! I like piano literacy class!


  It was summer vacation. I went to my grandparents' house in the countryside for a few days. I felt very happy.

  As soon as I returned to my hometown, many children came to see me. I told them some new things about me in the city. They took me to hunt birds in the grass, pick apples in the mountains, and catch fish in the river. The most interesting thing is that we cook corn by ourselves. At noon that day, some children asked me to play. We came to grandma's corn field and picked corn by ourselves. We didn't dare to let our family know when we came back. We found some firewood by ourselves. A child brought a small iron bucket from his house. We put the corn in the iron bucket and lit the fire. The delicious corn would be cooked in a while. We ate one by ourselves and felt very fragrant.

  When I got home, I told my grandma that it was not good and dangerous. Although I only lived in my hometown for a few days, I think this is my happiest day in this summer vacation!


  This summer vacation, my parents and I traveled to five cities in East China.

  The first stop we reached by train was Nanjing. It was very hot that day. We first came to Zhongshan Mausoleum and saw many steps. There were many dense trees on both sides of the steps. They looked very beautiful. Walking up the steps, there were 392 steps in total. I felt very tired, but my heart was very happy because I could see Dr. Sun Yat Sen's tomb soon.

  At last, we reached the top of the mountain. We first visited the portrait of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, and then reached the top. We saw many pictures and words about Dr. Sun Yat Sen. After reading it, I was reluctant to leave Zhongshan Mausoleum.

  Later, my mother took me to visit the presidential palace. I had a great time there. I had an unforgettable day.
