
时间:2023-07-22 16:05:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】暑假到,快绽放微笑,别怕知了的吵闹,莫惧阳光的照耀,可以放声大叫,陪着朋友疯跑,让心情美得冒泡,把日子过得逍遥,愿你没有烦恼,惬意美好!®文档大全网为大家准备了《暑假生活英语日记》,希望对大家有帮助。

1.暑假生活英语日记 篇一

  In the blink of an eye, summer vacation is coming to an end. My main holiday activities are doing homework, studying preparatory courses, exercising, and of course, leisure activities.

  It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. In early July, my parents and I went on a trip to enjoy the beautiful rivers and mountains of our country, while also learning about our country's long history. We visited the Hunan Provincial Museum, which houses the world-renowned Western Han Tomb at Mawangdui in Changsha. It is one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of the 20th century in the world. Here I witnessed the legendary thousand year old female corpse and the plain gauze single garment. I was amazed by the historical civilization of ancient people, which enriched my understanding of the history of the Western Han Dynasty.

  Study hard and improve yourself. I have been studying vacation courses since late July. I am afraid that in the future, I may not be able to keep up with my studies due to my busy schedule and increasing difficulty. Therefore, I studied mathematics and physics in advance. After all, the holiday is a time for overtaking on curves, and I hope to make greater progress in my studies next semester. At the same time, during the holidays, I persisted in running and skipping rope every day to enhance my physical fitness, hoping to achieve comprehensive moral, intellectual, and physical development.

  Books are my good teachers and good friends. I can finally have a lot of time to read this holiday. I like Lu Xun's Kong Yiji, and Wang Zengqi's Human Vegetation... Different books can let me feel different worlds and benefit me a lot.

  School is about to start in less than half a month, and I need to adjust my daily routine, complete my homework as soon as possible, and prepare for the arrival of the new semester.

2.暑假生活英语日记 篇二

  In the blink of an eye, most of summer vacation life had passed. I have also visited many places during this period and experienced the customs and traditions of many places. The most memorable thing for me is a small village in a relatively remote area.

  At first, my mother told me it was going to a vacation resort, and at that time, I always thought it was just going to a big city. Just like countless times before. I never expected it to be in such a remote area.

  My mother rented a private house. In front of our homestead is a large area of farmers' vegetable fields. Entering the village, a gentle breeze kissed my face, bringing in the scent of freshly turned soil, mixed with the fragrance of grass and various flowers, as well as the sweetness of fruits, all brewing in the slightly moist air. I took a gentle breath of air, fragrant and sweet. Just as I was addicted to this refreshing fragrance and couldn't extricate myself, a pleasant melody woke me up. I looked around to find the birthplace of the melody, but at that moment, I found myself in a green ocean, an ocean of crops. This piece of green inlaid with dewdrops emitted a dazzling light under the sunlight, and she played with her graceful figure in the breeze, dancing gracefully.

  What surprised me the most was that the food there was particularly delicious. It's the delicious dish of "fresh crucian carp with shredded pork, celery with Bi Jian soup, Sichuan wine with unbeatable strength, and beautiful river fish".

  Although this may not be a very fulfilling summer vacation, it is indeed one. A very meaningful summer vacation.

3.暑假生活英语日记 篇三

  I slowly slowed down my pace of life, freed myself from the nervousness of preparing for exams, and welcomed the arrival of the first summer vacation in junior high school.

  Due to my busy middle school studies, I didn't have time to take care of my sketches, so I picked them up again during the holiday. After nearly 30 days of intensive training, I have regained my touch and received recognition from the teacher since I was unfamiliar. I have successfully started the next stage: gouache. It took a lot of time and energy, and sometimes even doubted oneself, but the result was beautiful and did not disappoint one's efforts and expectations.

  Because my lower teeth are not neat, I have decided to go for braces this summer.

  At first, I thought that the tooth clamp was just a steel wire stuck on the teeth, which would adapt in a few days and wouldn't affect my meal, but I didn't expect to bring a guide plate. With the constraint of the guide plate, it's not convenient to eat anything. It also blocks my tongue and makes my pronunciation unclear. Only my front teeth can chew food, and when I bite my upper and lower teeth, it hurts. Seeing people around me eating delicious and spicy food is very envious. However, for the health and beauty of teeth in the future, it doesn't matter if you work hard during this period.

  This summer vacation was quite fulfilling and enjoyable. During these days when there was no need to wake up with an alarm clock, besides doing summer homework, I met some good friends I wanted to meet; Did some things that I wanted to do before but didn't have time to do; I have read books that I have been thinking about for a long time; I also watched a very worthwhile TV drama called 'The Age of Awakening', which greatly benefited me. I also helped my parents share some household chores within my capabilities.

  The relaxed and happy summer vacation life is nearing its end, and at the same time, I have also experienced the "time flies like an arrow". As soon as the sun lightly taps on the window, I carelessly lie down in the western sleeping bed, and can only regret not making good use of the day in the late night.

4.暑假生活英语日记 篇四

  What is the meaning of travel? My father told me this question since I was young. I have learned one or two answers to this question during this summer vacation. Traveling is about understanding the local customs and traditions.

  This summer, I returned to my father's hometown of Wubao, Shaanxi, which is a small county town separated from the outside world by mountains and the Yellow River. This is a city with a slow pace of life, where I can sleep until 10:00 noon before getting up for breakfast. Most of the people who buy breakfast are old men and old women. The majority of people in this life are middle-aged and elderly. Wubao is located in the north, and due to the large number of elderly people, the transaction has lost a bit of deceit and gained a bit of sincerity.

  Many days in my hometown, I stayed at my third aunt's house. My third aunt lives on a plateau. Although the sky is covered with yellow sand during the day, the night is beautiful. It's only dark at 8:00 there, and watching the sun slowly set makes me intoxicated. At night, I lost sleep and walked out of the courtyard of my third aunt's house. Sitting on the loess, I looked up and saw stars all over the sky, which I had never seen before in the city. I want to pick up my phone to record, but a camera only has a black spot, which may be the magic of nature. Some things are beautiful when you meet them, but you should never expect to have them. Sometimes meeting but not knowing each other is not a loss of beauty.

  In my hometown, I still have a dog that I have loved from the bottom of my heart since I first met him. I also have the selfish idea of taking it home, but running on the plateau is his destiny, and sometimes letting go is also a form of love.

  Eating in my hometown is the happiest thing for me. The large bowl of mutton soup, freshly baked scones, sour and hot Liangpi, and spicy soup with pepper are full of materials that reflect the simplicity and kindness of Shaanxi people.

  If time could slow down a bit, I hope to be able to watch the sun set on the plateau every day.

5.暑假生活英语日记 篇五

  My summer vacation was spent in a busy study.

  Even if it's a holiday, you can't indulge and play recklessly. So after relaxing for a few days, I started learning. During the day, I preview high school courses, and in the morning, I start reading and memorizing poetry and English words. After reading in the morning, I have my own online classes. After class, I will do some exercises to consolidate the knowledge I have learned. In the evening, I will ask my father to help me write the English words I memorized in the morning. Although busy all day, I always feel secure in my heart. However, in addition to studying, I also watch TV to adjust and relax.

  Gorky once said, "Books are inseparable life companions and mentors for young people." So during the summer vacation, I persisted in reading classic works every day. Reading not only allows me to learn knowledge and broaden my horizons, but also allows me to immerse myself, forget worries, and relieve stress. Sometimes I feel happy or worried about the fate of the characters in the book. Reading "Dream of the Red Chamber" deeply touches me, and it is Lin Daiyu who lost her mother and was adopted by her maternal grandparents, living a life of dependence. She is lonely, and in order to protect herself, she has developed a naturally suspicious personality. Lin Daiyu ultimately died in loneliness and desolation, with only her servant girl, Zijuan, silently guarding her.

  In addition to studying, because my handwriting is not very beautiful, in order to write well, I spend two hours practicing calligraphy every night. Even if the process is boring, watching one's handwriting improve day by day will make one feel happy.

  Exercise is the source of all life. In the summer vacation, I often exercise. Every morning, I will stick to skipping rope. In the evening, I will go to the music square to play badminton with my parents and brother. Exercise can not only enhance my physique, but also enhance my immune system, keeping me healthy. When my parents are busy with business, my brother and I use our free time to help them with household chores and cleaning.

  In short, my summer life was busy but fulfilling.
