

时间:2021-09-12 05:46:22 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】雅思口语一直都是雅思考试中的一个重难点部分,很多考生在雅思口语考试中得分都不理想,这样很多考生非常的头疼。以下是©文档大全网整理的雅思口语考试的应对策略,欢迎阅读!


  1、注意基本礼貌,敲门-问好-自我介绍-回答时看对方眼睛-坐姿-微笑-适时地说谢谢-离开时将物品恢复原状(放回椅子)-"have a nice day"-离开时顺手关门。





  6、语音语调和连读。平时有意识地模仿BBC、CNN的主播或者看看national geographic也好。如果能模仿出英音之类的更好。




  1. Motto

  The motto: honesty is the best policy

  The reasons you chose the motto:

  personal philosophy

  easier to live with

  overall moral good

  My motto is “honesty is the best policy” because life is easier when we tell the truth. I have felt this way ever since I read the story of Pinocchio, the little marionette whose wooden nose grew whenever he told a lie. It just seems better to deal with the truth. As a result, there are no surprises or stories that don’t match up. It also helps people treat themselves with more self-respect and in turn, others will treat them in a more dignified manner. Lying to others is lying to oneself. If everyone were honest, we would all fell well in our personal lives and in dealing at work.

  2. Criticism

  The criticism: how I looked

  The reasons you chose this:

  lazy, careless in my attitude

  attracting undesirable people

   but appearance did not mean everything

  When I was in school, I was criticized because of how I looked. I had long hair of many colors – often a mix of black, blond and blue. My clothes were big and baggy; nobody saw my shoes because my pants were so long and dragged on the ground. I felt comfortable in this way. It was a way of expressing my feelings about the world around me. However, my family didn’t agree with this. They said it made me look lazy and careless in my attitude. People thought I didn’t care about

  my parents either. They were worried about me and about my appearance attracting undesirable people. I know they were just trying to show their love to me. I was the top student in my class, so to me, looks and appearance didn’t mean everything.



  Examiner: How does the news influence people?(新闻如何影响人们?)

  Candidate: News influences people by only reporting certain things and leaving out parts that could matter. One sided news or journalism isn’t news but propaganda in my opinion. It's like that good old saying: Some people would rather believe the lies of Satan than the truth of God。(新闻只是通过报道某一些事情或者报道部分事情来影响人们。在我看来:片面之词的新闻或报道不是新闻而是宣传或导向。就像那句谚语说的:人们宁愿相信撒旦的谎言,也不去相信上帝的真理。


  谚语有时还可以用来作为说理的根据,证明某种思想观点,起到画龙点睛的作用。英语中的谚语多半在民间口语中广泛流传,表达人们丰富的社会生活经验, 处处闪耀着智慧。对于英语谚语的积累,希望考生们能从平时一点一滴做起,时刻留心观察。


  Describe a handcraft which is made by yourself

  When I was young,I was interested in making things out of everyday materials, such as paper, wood, glass, and so on.

  I remember the first thing I made was a paper plane which my mom taught me how to make. All I needed was a piece of paper. Later on, I used my colorful pencils to draw pictures on my plane. I drew rabbits, birds, fish, flowers etc. to let my plane take them up to the sky.

  I even used string to tie all my planes to my ceiling, and I could walk through my planes which always made me want to take a plane.

  Since then I started to learn to make a lot of other things by using paper. Even though a paper plane is the easiest item of origami I have ever made, and perhaps the most compact one I have ever made, it is still my favorite one.

  Now I have grown up. It reminds me of the great times I had with my mom in my childhood; it also reminds me of what my mom always told me: fly up high and reach the sky. Today, whenever I have a piece of paper in my hand, I will automatically fold a plane and recall my great childhood.



  这个雅思口语技巧的重点就是要说优点也说缺点,再一提喜欢它的原因。这样你就能有话说,说得多。和写作一个道理。记得用most of the time, sometimes, etc. 的词来降低绝对性。




  这个雅思口语常用技巧用数学术语来说就是分类讨论,常用的句型是Well, it depends on,你可以把一个话题拓得很开,也就不愁没的说了。



