I've made lots of decisions in my life; sometimes all alone and sometimes discussing with my parents and others. The particular decision that seems very important to me was the time when I decided to do my graduation in Literature rather than getting admitted in the Engineering University. My mother wanted me to get admitted in the Eng. University and do my graduation majoring Engineering while my fascination was studying in Literature. I took decision when I was 18 years of old, just after finishing my 12th class. My father did not insist me on anything and asked me to do what I prefer better for me. My relatives thought that I was kind of fool and immature to take such a big decision of my life.
But after considering several issues and perspective I decided to get myself admitted in a University that offers graduation in Literature. I'm happy that I made this decision. I'm yet to finish my graduation but throughout the last 3 years I have enjoyed studying literature and I am doing quite well academically.
Making the decision/ choice was not easy and I had to go through a hard time as I remember. I had to fight a lot with my inner self and then convince my mother. There were always risks of picking the option I prefer my parents would have complained if I hadn’t make a promising result. I still remember the dubious feelings I had that time. Sometimes it seemed to me that I should abandon my passion and yield to my parents' decision and then again I strongly felt for my own choice and passion. Since I made my own choice at that time, a strong urge and force worked on me that I have to do really good and I am happy that I took my decision and doing very good so far.
Tips for answering this cue card topic:
Remember a decision that you took which turned out to be an influential thing you decided. You should be able to talk about something you decided and later proved to be useful and beneficial. This varies from person to person yet following are some of the ideas you can adopt to talk about yours one:
Your decision to get admitted into a college, university or studying in a particular major/ subject.
Your decision of living in a foreign country.
Your decision of taking a course or learning a thing.
Your decision of taking a part-time/ full time job.
Your decision of making a change in your family like: living in a town rather than in the village.
Your decision of obeying your parents on certain issues.
Your decision of not getting involved in a political party/ organization that eventually turned out to be harmful for others.
Your decision of helping a person/ people of your locality.
Your decision of informing a bad thing happening in your locality to the appropriate authority.
Your decision of protesting a decision taken by your relatives.
Your choice of imposing something to your family members or friends which later turned out positive for him/her.
Your decision of buying something that letter become helpful for you and others.
Try to talk about something positive you decided. You are free to describe one of your decisions which become harmful for you later but it is advisable not to talk about such negative things.
If you can talk about this cue card you would also be able to describe:
1. Describe something you did and felt good for that.
2. Describe something you did for others.
3. Talk about a choice you made in your life.
4. Describe a decision you took that later affected your life.
5. Talk about an incidence when you got confused.
6. Describe an important choice you had to make in your life.
![]() 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/AG8v.html 正在阅读: 雅思口语Part2答案:重要的决定10-01 2018年安徽电气工程师考试时间及考试科目安排【10月20、21日】08-05 2023年黑龙江资产评估师报考条件03-16 2018年内蒙古注册计量师报名时间:预计3-4月份02-15 2021年内蒙古乌海市党政群机关考试录用公务员补录体检有关事宜通知09-10 2022天津工业生物所仝小林院士大师工作室科研人员招聘公告03-11 2023最火女儿生日短句02-24 一路有您,一路有成长作文1000字10-18 安徽铜陵2018年中级会计职称考试时间:9月8-9日04-01 2017年北京中考作文题目:“贵在真”01-12