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  Though People mostly send emails now-a-days for official and personal communication, the handwritten letter has its own importance as well. Today I would like to talk about a hand written letter that I received when I was 14 years old. This particular letter was written by my father and I was so excited to receive it that I read it several times. The letter was about the scholarship result and my father wrote me to inform me that I got the scholarship. In his letter he congratulated me and wrote that he was proud of me.

  I was staying at a relative’s house after my final and scholarship exam with my mother and sister and one day I found that a post office peon delivered a letter to my uncle. My uncle handed over me the letter as it was addressed to me. I found that it was written by my father. I read the letter quickly and was very excited to learn the news. I read it again and then informed my mother and relatives about it. My mother read it and congratulated me as well.

  As a kid, the scholarship was very desiring for me and when I found that my father was very happy, that made me happier.


  The most important letter that I have received ever is the one that was posted to me from the Falcon University confirming that I have been accepted in their B.B.A program. I can't exactly remember the name of the person who wrote it to me but it was from the Falcon University admin department.

  I was simply overwhelmed about the letter as I have been dreaming for a long to do my graduation in B.B.A specifically in the Falcon University. The letter was the confirmation that my dream has come true and my hard work and determination have been paid off. I felt like flying in the sky. I let my parents and close friends know about the acceptance and they were happy too.

  The letter was written in the official pad of the Falcon University and signed by the head of the B.B.A admission department. There were only 4-5 paragraphs on the papers and they were printed either they were very exciting for me. I read the letter twice and kept it in a nice place as if I was hiding a treasure.

  The letter was utterly important to me as it expressed and confirmed that my dream about studying in the Falcon University has come in to reality.

  Tips for answering this cue card topic:

   An important letter can be one of the following types:

   A letter from your teacher which was written to you to confirm that you have been eligible for a course or activity you applied for.

   A letter from a school/ college/ university that confirms your acceptance and admission there.

   A letter from an office that affirms that you have been hired for the position you applied for.

   A confirmation letter from an organization or government office that confirms that your request to solve a problem at your locality would be taken care of.

   A letter from your parents when you stayed in a different city from theirs.

   A letter from a relative that gives the news of a new born.

   A letter from one of your childhood friends who you heard for a long time.

   A letter from your parents about one of your achievements.

   A letter that gives the news of your outstanding performances or achievements.

   A letter that gives the news of your winning a lottery or raffle draw.

   An apology letter from one of your friends or relatives that ease your relationship with him/her.

  Describe who wrote you the letter, when you received it, what was it about, what news it bore, how you felt after reading the letter, why the news was important to you and why the letter was important.

  For the part ‘why it was important to you’ mention some of the following points based on the type of letter you talk about:

   I was eagerly waiting to know that.

   I was so worried about it and after I read the letter I felt so relieved.

   The letter gave me the long waiting news and I was very happy.

   I was enchanted to know that I have achieved it.

   I was very happy to know that ….

   I could not believe that it really happened and I read the letter a second time etc.

  If you prepare for this cue card you would be able to answer the following cue cards as well:

  1. Describe a news that made you happy.

  2. Describe a letter you received from your friend.

  3. Talk about a letter your father/ mother wrote to you.
