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【#英语资源# #美丽的秋天英文作文(精选10篇)#】秋天,是一把钥匙,她带着清凉和温柔,轻轻地,趁你没留意,把大门打开了。®文档大全网为大家准备了《美丽的秋天英文作文》,希望对大家有帮助。

1.美丽的秋天英文作文 篇一

  Autumn is both a beautiful season and a harvest season.

  Look, the chrysanthemum fairies in the garden are competing for beauty! Purple red, light yellow, snow-white... colorful, with countless postures. On the blue sky, there are also wild geese spreading their wings southward, sometimes forming a "one" shape and sometimes a "person" shape. Their crisp cries seem to say, "Goodbye, friends! Winter is here, I'm going to the south for the winter. We'll see each other next spring.

  Looking again, the corn in the fields showed golden teeth, sorghum raised a red torch, and sunflowers nodded frequently with the autumn wind. The apples in the orchard are as red as a little sister's red face, persimmons, pears, oranges... You squeeze me and touch them, as if vying for someone to pick them! The golden fallen leaves in the forest fall at the feet of the tree mother like a thick carpet, gently stepping on it and making a rustling sound. It's really fun!

  Do you see it? This is the beautiful autumn, this is the bountiful autumn! I really love this beautiful autumn!

2.美丽的秋天英文作文 篇二

  Autumn is a season of abundant harvest, let's walk into autumn and take a look at it.

  Entering the autumn orchard, the pear trees are covered with yellow pears, like cute "tumblers". Upon closer inspection, the "tumblers" still have small spots on their faces. The apple tree is covered with red apples, like small lanterns. Upon closer inspection, the heavy fruits bent the branches like willows.

  Entering the autumn fields, golden and yellow rice danced in the wind like mischievous children shaking their small heads. The fiery red sorghum is like a winner holding a burning torch, guiding the direction of autumn.

  The chrysanthemums in the wild are even more beautiful, red as fire, pink as rosy clouds, and white as snow. They are truly beautiful... The maple trees on the lawn begin to drift down a few yellow to reddish fallen leaves, they are like birds flying and butterflies dancing. Ah, it turns out that the autumn wind has made the fallen leaves grow wings.

  Ah。 What a beautiful autumn! I love autumn, I love the nature that gives us life.

3.美丽的秋天英文作文 篇三

  The hot summer has left, and the beautiful autumn has come into contact with us. Let's explore the mysteries of autumn!

  Look, in the garden, chrysanthemums are colorful, as if they are brighter than anyone else's! The fragrance of osmanthus attracts many bees.

  In the forest, red maple leaves sent a letter. The letter reads: Winter is coming soon. The little squirrel is foraging, the little bear is looking for a comfortable cave, the little frog is busy digging, and they are all preparing for the winter.

  In the orchard, change. The apple tree has produced apples, the orange tree has produced sentences, and they are touching each other every season, competing for people to pick them! There are also very pleasant smells there: apples are sweet, pineapples are sour, as well as oranges, persimmons, and various smells. Children's feet are often hooked by some sweet smells.

  In the fields, rice flutters with the wind, sorghum blushes, corn bends down, waiting for farmers to harvest! Autumn should have been a cool season, but when farmers harvest, their sweat drips down. How hard they work! That sweat is the beauty of diligence.

  How beautiful autumn is!

4.美丽的秋天英文作文 篇四

  A beautiful autumn girl once again brought a basket of fragrant petals to the world. With a flick of her left hand and a flick of her right hand, a colorful autumn scene imprinted upon our eyes.

  Autumn is like a colorful pen. In the maple forest, the maple leaves turn red, and they flutter down from the trees like butterflies dancing in the air. Some slowly fall to the ground, and the little ants see them. They lie down on top and sleep lazily; Some flipped and floated back and forth, falling into the pond. The fish saw it and held it as a small umbrella over their head; Some of them rushed down like rockets due to their eagerness and slowly turned into nourishment at the feet of the big tree mother, which was absorbed by the small grass and flowers. The movements of the leaves are really diverse.

  Autumn, like a mischievous child. With a small blow of my mouth, I blew out the beautiful skirt of chrysanthemums, red as fire, white as snow, yellow as gold, pink as rosy clouds... It's really beautiful!

  In autumn, like an almighty magician, with just a touch of his wand, the fields turn into golden waves. The farmer's uncle is too busy to handle it. They transport carts of broken gold like rice into the warehouse, and their heart is truly happy.

  This is autumn, a colorful and colorful autumn.

5.美丽的秋天英文作文 篇五

  After a storm, Mr. Xia left, and Miss Qiu came. Gently, gently, with her unique scenery, she opened the door of autumn and changed the earth into colorful new clothes. The sky, trees, orchards, everything is so beautiful.

  Autumn girl came to the orchard, and when the apple saw her, she became a shy little girl; When the persimmon saw her, he immediately put on a festive red jacket; The pomegranate refused to be outdone and opened its pink mouth as if to say, "Come and taste my sweet taste

  Autumn girl was about to satisfy her craving when she suddenly heard the sound of "Shua Shua". Autumn girl turned around and looked, yo! It turned out that the deciduous baby broke free from the embrace of the tree mother and danced gracefully in the air. The arrival of Autumn Girls can make them independent, and the fallen leaf babies float and sway gently, as if bidding farewell to their mother with reluctance.

  Autumn girl flew into the sky and saw white clouds one after another, like cotton embroidered on a blue scarf. Suddenly, a "little white rabbit" jumped out of the "cotton" and jumped in again, becoming a "big butterfly".

  I love autumn! Love this beautiful season!

6.美丽的秋天英文作文 篇六

  The golden breeze sent a refreshing breeze, and Autumn Girl walked lightly into the world. Look, she is about to hold a grand event.

  Ginkgo biloba leaves are golden, like a small fan. They proudly say, "Look! I fanned away the innate heat!" Maple Leaf also refused to give up and said, "Look! I am red like a fire, like a pentagram, like a child's palm! When the wind blows at me, I can wave my hand to the child!" Now the chrysanthemum spoke, Look at my flowers, some are as white as snow, some are as yellow as jade, and some are as pink as rosy clouds. They are better than you, like a rainbow of flowers

  The apple spoke again, "Hmm! I have a red skin in autumn and it's very delicious." They didn't argue, but now the persimmon says, "I have more delicious fruits in autumn than you all, like small lanterns.

  If life is only like the first sight, why should the autumn wind mourn the painting fan? "Autumn seems to be imbued with a sense of sadness.

  It brings farewell, brings sadness... It seems that whenever one thinks of autumn, a thick melancholy ripples inexplicably in their hearts. Perhaps it is precisely because its "sorrowful autumn" emanating all over its body that people not only do not dislike it, but also love it more.

  Autumn is a beautiful season, and I like it. What about you?

7.美丽的秋天英文作文 篇七

  Some people like the vibrant spring, some like the scorching summer, and some like the icy winter. And I, on the other hand, enjoy the fragrant autumn of melons and fruits.

  In autumn, there is a colorful fan that fans up golden fallen leaves. The golden fallen leaves float back and forth in the air, like butterflies dancing only in the air?. The fan brought red persimmons, each ripe persimmon like a red lantern, shaking and shaking, bringing the joy of a bountiful harvest!

  There are some letters that will never be sent out in autumn. It sent a letter to the little bear, and the little bear said, "Ah! Winter is coming! I need to find more food to store and keep for winter!" It also sent another letter to the child's mother, who said, "Ah, winter is coming! I need to knit a thick sweater for my child

  Autumn also has a magical wand that is both magical and joyful! It arrived at the fragrant orchard and with a gentle wave, the fruit on the tree matured, fragrant and sweet. There are red apples, yellow bananas, purple grapes... lovely children chasing around in the orchard, often drooling with the fragrance of these fruits!

  Autumn is full of fruits, colorful, and incredibly beautiful. I love this kind of autumn!

8.美丽的秋天英文作文 篇八

  The hot summer has quietly passed away, and the cool autumn has arrived.

  The sky in autumn is particularly blue, with high sky and light clouds, just like a beautiful painting. The autumn air is particularly fresh. Walking on the road, I took a deep breath, as if my mind was clearer and my mood was more relaxed.

  Autumn is a good season for a bountiful harvest. The fields are heavy with corn, I've already bent my waist. The fiery red sorghum dances gracefully in the autumn breeze. Peanuts are like a group of mischievous children who want to get out of the soil early and come to this sunny world.

  Autumn is a good season for fragrant melons and fruits. The orchard is filled with the fragrance of fruit. The red apples are like lanterns hanging on the branches, extremely beautiful. The golden pears are like small gourds, waiting for people to take them home. The fiery red persimmons look like the smiling faces of children, peeling off a thin layer of skin and revealing the bright red flesh, making them extremely delicious to taste. Grapes are even sweeter and more delicious, with unparalleled beauty. There are purple ones, looking from a distance like agate. There are green ones, like green pearls. There are also red ones, like rubies. They are not only beautiful, but also sour, sweet, and delicious.

  Autumn is a colorful season. The chrysanthemums in the garden are unbearable to watch. Red as fire, yellow as gold, and white as snow. The wind gently blew, and the fragrance came to my nostrils.

  Autumn is so beautiful, I love autumn.

9.美丽的秋天英文作文 篇九

  People all love autumn, its high and refreshing atmosphere, its rich fruits, and its fragrant fragrance. The beautiful scenery of autumn often brings joy to people's eyes. I love the beautiful autumn!

  Autumn has arrived, and the fields are filled with fragrance. Arriving in the field, sorghum blushed with a smile. The ears of grain bend, as if saying to us: I am autumn. The fruit tree was full of fruit, and I came to the pomegranate tree and saw it hiding like shy little girls on the tree. Standing from a distance, the wheat field looks like a golden ocean flipping in waves. This is really a beautiful autumn!

  The farmers got up early and went to the fields. They are preparing to pick the crops and sell them in the market. Watching such a bountiful harvest, the farmer uncle's face was filled with joy. The fruits are also happy for them, waiting for the farmer uncle to pick them. It seems like saying: When people buy me home, I will definitely like us! Autumn is so beautiful, I love autumn!

  Autumn is a beautiful season. He has fruitful fruits and beautiful scenery. I love the beautiful autumn!

10.美丽的秋天英文作文 篇十

  Autumn is here, let's go out and search for it.

  We arrived in the field and saw a golden fruit forest, with large and round fruits on the trees. It was truly delightful. From the small river by the forest came the sound of frogs, like a cheerful song. A gust of autumn wind blew, and the grass and flowers both bent down and nodded their heads to welcome us. The big tree is singing, "rustling", which makes people feel very beautiful. The children were bouncing around in the fields, some playing football, some throwing sandbags, some playing hide and seek, and some playing family games. One by one, they look like free birds. Apples, pears, grapes, and other fruits also come to join in the fun. They squeeze and touch each other like a fight, and they are competing for people to pick them!

  The scene of a bountiful harvest in the farmland, with golden corn, patches of soybeans, black and red sorghum, fiery red chili peppers, snow-white cotton... It seems like a crop concert is being held. When the wind blows, a symphony is playing. That's really nice to hear!

  How beautiful the scenery of autumn is! Let's go search for autumn together!
