1、What suggestions would you give to a friend who is starting a new job. Give examples and details in your response.
2、Talk about an interesting school activity that you have participated in recently. Give details and examples in your response.
3、Which one of the three occupations do you think is the hardest? (1)Government worker (2)Doctor (3)Police officer
4、Talk about a study habit of yours that’s different from others. Explain your answer in details
5、What type of music do you enjoy the most and explain why.
Everglades are faced with severe environmental problems 。1:invasive plants 2: decrease of the amount of water 3: mercury which do harm to all the species
听力:这些都是可以解决的啦。workable solutions :1 : 这是因为以前采用的fertilizer add too much nutrition to the soil which help the growth of the invasive plants 只要 restrict 就行了
2: 这是因为 以前 dig out channels to drain water away, 只要 remove the channels就行了
3:这是因为 burn of coal 只要用新的power plant which contain low amount of mercury就可以了
本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/BB1x.html 正在阅读: 2016年9月10日托福机经小范围预测(考前终极版)02-26 2019年上海市成人高考考试时间:10月26日-10月27日02-28 2017中考语文文言文复习:《出师表》10-04 天乐湖的秋天作文300字10-13 志高移动空调自动关机原因分析(移动空调自动关机处理办法)06-09 2017年北京西城中考化学真题及答案(Word版)07-16 2017年云南省测绘地理信息局招聘公告11-15 2023年青海中医助理医师报名现场审核时间及材料[2月20日-3月5日]02-16