1、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to increase students interest in a subject is to teach them the significance of the subject outside of school.
2、Some people think university professors should spend more time doing research while others think they should spend more time educating students. What is your view?
3、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: To solve the problems of the present and the future, people should review the past.
4、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Printed books have greater effects on society than TV does.
5、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The most important characteristic for a political or business leader is the ability to accept the responsibility for their mistakes.
1. 登mars飞船要飞2年,水,氧气和植物怎么办?带2年的量恐怕太重了。
2. 在无重力环境下待2年恐怕会令宇航员很痛苦。
3. 太阳的辐射很厉害。如果在飞船表面造一层防辐射材料又会使飞船太重。
1. 带一种叫hyperponics的植物(会写在黑板上)。然后这个植物可以吃,另外生长在水里
2. 人类已经有人在失重的卫星上待了几个月了,注意锻鍊就好了。
3. 太阳辐射只是间歇性发作。可以早一个防辐射的小房间。如果有辐射了人就躲进去.
本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/L81x.html 正在阅读: 2016年9月9日&10日&11日托福机经预测(超小范围)02-26 小学四年级愚人节作文5篇03-22 2017年山西晋商银行校园招聘面试通知11-03 吃亏作文600字08-05 父爱有多圆满作文700字08-29 成长的蜕变作文1000字10-16 我和孙悟空过一天作文400字05-25 描写枫桥的作文400字07-19 2018年广东肇庆森林公安机关第一批拟录公务员公示08-21 美丽的“绿野仙踪”作文350字10-11