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【#英语资源# 导语】五月一日,是劳动的盛日。经过辛苦的学习和劳动,在这美好的假日里,怎能不去走一走,看一看,玩一玩,呼吸大自然里的新鲜空气呢?以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  On labor day, my parents and I are going to play in Yangling. As soon as we get home from school, my father said, "start tidying up our daily necessities. We'll leave for Yangling tomorrow." I can't wait to say, "do you want to stay in a hotel? Do you have any children?" Dad said: "every time I go out to play, I don't have children. I must have children this time." I was so happy that I really wanted to start quickly. I asked my father, "Dad, why don't you answer what hotel I live in?" Dad said, "we're going to stay in a container hotel." After listening, I thought: container, isn't it a box? How can you live? When I go to bed at night, I'm still thinking about how the container can live. I really want to know the answer to this question!

  We drove out early in the morning. We soon reached the martial arts exit. After passing the toll station, I found several cars parked on the roadside. It turned out that they were all dad's friends. We children jumped out of the car and played games and told jokes like flying birds. At this time, it began to drizzle, and the air was foggy. I felt colder and colder. My father proposed to eat Wugong saozi noodles. When I got to the hotel, I heard uncle Du say 150 bowls of noodles. I wondered if I was wrong? How can you eat so much? After a while, the waiter brought up many bowls of fragrant saozi noodles with a large plate. The noodles are hot and fragrant, with yellow egg slices, green coriander, thin kelp and a few drops of sesame oil. WOW! It's so sweet! We gulped down noodles and competed to see who ate the most! Before we knew it, we ate all the noodles on the. The uncle of the restaurant counted my bowls when he collected them. It turned out that I ate 9 bowls! No wonder I feel so full! But I still didn't get the first place. It's a pity.

  We'll leave our luggage at the hotel and go to our destination. My good friends and I found a small puddle by the pond with a group of small tadpoles. I think it must have been brought with me when the water was rising. I must put them back in the pond, or they will die as soon as the sun comes out? Just do it. We took the cup and slowly fished it. There were many people and great strength. Soon we saved a lot of small tadpoles. Looking at the free little tadpoles in the water, I really hope that next time they come, they can become frogs and catch pests in the fields! It's cold, but I'm in a good mood because I did a meaningful thing!


  The long-awaited "May Day" International Labor Day has finally come.

  Early in the morning, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. Because of this small and long holiday, our family will go to grandma's house, so that I can have fun again. Along the way, I didn't want to enjoy the beautiful scenery of beautiful mountains and rivers and red flowers and willows. I just wanted to fly to grandma's house quickly. When the car stopped at the gate of grandma's yard, I saw many people picking tea in the tea garden through the window. Oh, it turns out that spring is also the tea harvest season!

  The tea garden is green, One row next to another. From a distance, it looks like a green carpet. A breeze blows, and a faint fragrance is refreshing and intoxicating. From time to time, the laughter of tea pickers comes from the tea garden.

  When I got out of the car, I asked my cousin to teach me how to pick tea. We came to the tea garden with a small basket. WOW! How fresh and clean the air here is! I can only see the tender green buds dancing in the wind like a flower fairy. It's really beautiful!

  At this time, my cousin solemnly demonstrated and said, "first, when picking tea, you should pick it gently with your fingers, and you can't pull it hard; second, you can't pick tea big, you can only pick two leaves as one." After reading the method taught by my cousin, I couldn't wait to pick it. Because this was the first time to pick tea, I was very interested. After a while, I picked many. Looking at the fruits of my labor, I felt happy. Tired of picking, I still play hide and seek with my cousin in the tea garden. Don't mention how happy it is!

  This "May Day", I not only learned to pick tea, but also enjoyed the joy and harvest brought by this beautiful tea garden.


  At ten o'clock on the morning of May 2, my mother and aunt took me and me to spring outing every day.

  We take simple "equipment" and walk, walk, and come to a place surrounded by lush plants. This kind of plant doesn't grow high and its leaves are long and wide. My mother told me that this kind of leaves can be used to make zongzi. Further along the path, we came to a beautiful bamboo forest. There are many new bamboos in the bamboo forest. They are tender green. When you pinch them with your hand, they feel soft, just like a baby's hand. I like them very much. And the bamboo fungus that hasn't grown. My aunt told us that it will be like a white umbrella when it grows up. It's very cute.

  Out of the bamboo forest, we came to a grassland. In front of the grassland was the beach and in front of the beach was the clear Fuhe River. My mother and aunt sat on the grass chatting, and let me go to the beach every day. We picked up mussels and dug sand pits on the beach and forgot the time. I don't know how long later, we happily took the clams to show them to our mothers. Mom and aunt were very excited and couldn't wait to pick up mussels on the beach with us.

  The four of us first dug on the beach. Later, when we felt unhappy every day, we took off our shoes and socks, rolled up our trouser legs and stood in the water to touch. Before long, we both found a big one and let mom praise it. In this way, we picked up a large bag and both adults felt tired before going home.

  It's so easy and happy today!


  ”International Labor Day is a great holiday for the working class all over the world and warmly celebrated by the whole country and even the whole world. Our country has designated "May Day" as a legal holiday, and our school also has a holiday. On this day, many working uncles still insist on making contributions to our country at work. I sincerely express my gratitude to them and salute them.

  At noon, after dinner, my mother took me to the street and I saw, "May Day" is hung everywhere "The slogan, colorful flags and pedestrian street are packed with people, full of joy, and a festive atmosphere. The shopping mall is crowded with people, competing for shopping, which reflects that people are getting richer. Later, my mother took me to Zheshan Park, where colorful flags and lanterns are hung, the flower beds are repaired neatly, and all kinds of flowers bloom brightly. In the children's playground, many parents and children are playing heartily, and we come to" At the side of the pirate ship, I saw a lot of people waiting in line. I wanted to take it, but I didn't dare. At this time, my mother encouraged me: "go and play. Don't be afraid. There are a lot of people playing. It doesn't matter. Be brave. After a while, my mother decided to jump into the sea, holding the bell of the ship tightly, and I was very afraid of it. After a while, my mother decided to jump into the sea, holding the bell of the ship tightly, and I was very afraid of it The clock will arrive soon. It's exciting to think about it.

  I had a very happy day. Today, our task is to learn. I must learn well, grow up like a worker, create wealth for the country and contribute to the construction of the motherland.


  With the spring breeze blowing slowly in May, the annual labor day has also come. Labor has created mankind and the world. Our family also plans to hold a small activity on this festival.

  On May Day, our family made a plan overnight and finally decided to climb Nanshan Mountain and pick up garbage. It's good to exercise and beautify the environment! At night, when I think of tomorrow's action, I am so excited that I can't sleep. The next morning, we came to Nanshan. Because in the morning, Nanshan, which is usually busy, became very calm today. Only a few cars came and went occasionally. I put on my gloves, picked up the big bag and headed for Nanshan with my parents.

  I can't wait to pick up a bottle of garbage, but I can't stop here for a long time. I can't wait to pick up a bottle of garbage. I can't stop here for a long time, but I can't see it. I can't stop here for a long time. Just about to open his mouth, the man suddenly accelerated his speed, as if he wanted to get rid of me on purpose. I had no choice but to turn anger into strength. I quickened my pace, regardless of the pain in my waist, gritting my teeth and holding on. Finally, we cleaned up the garbage of this platform. At this time, I was sweating. Looking at the clean platform, I am not happy at all. If everyone is like the person just now, when will the day of green and environmental protection come?

  Labor is glorious. If everyone can organize and pick up garbage, the day without garbage will no longer be a dream!


  When labor day came, Grandpa said, "shall we have dumplings for dinner today? "We said," OK! “

  When Grandpa and grandma made dumplings, there was too much stuffing and not enough skin. My mother and father went to buy dumpling skin. I went to the vegetable market. My father and I were playing outside. My mother went to buy it alone. At this time, Grandpa called his father and said that he only wanted to buy 2 yuan, but his mother had bought 5 yuan of leather.

  At noon, Grandpa cut the round dumpling skin into diamond shaped pieces of dough, put oil, meat yuan, vegetables and water, and boiled a large pot of dough. All five of us ate a lot. However, there was still a big bowl left. My mother said, "in the evening, there is enough for two people to eat. "But we don't want to eat any more at night. What should we do? Grandma thought of a way -" draw lots ".

  I first took a piece of white paper, divided it into five parts, and then cut it out into five pieces of paper. Write "eat noodles" on two notes and draw smiling faces on the other three notes. Then fold them up for drawing lots in the evening.

     Finally looking forward to the evening, Grandpa said, "dinner! "When everyone sits at the table, I first put five lots on the table, and then, like a small host, introduce the lottery rules." first, those who catch 'eating noodles' must eat, and those who catch' smiling faces' do not eat; Second, we should not cheat. If we cheat, we should not only eat noodles, but also sing a song. "The lottery began. Grandpa, dad and mom caught the" smiling face ", while grandma and I caught the" eating noodles ". I was unhappy and pouted. At this time, mom and dad grabbed and said," give me the noodles! "I said, no, you can't break the rules." I gave my father and mother some noodles and ate some by myself. My grandmother gave grandpa some. As a result, our whole family ate some noodles again.

  How happy Labor Day is!


  This year, on labor day, I helped my mother work at home and experienced the hardships and fun brought by labor.

  When I got up in the morning, my mother assigned me tasks, such as sweeping the floor, mopping the floor, cleaning the TV, cleaning the table... And so on. The mother said, "all of your children are spoiled and have no ability to take care of themselves. Today's may day brings you a good taste of the hard life before. You can't clean up. How can you get a foothold in society in the future? The long march of the Red Army was much more difficult than you." I thought to myself: Yes, I can't give in. So I began to sweep the floor. Unexpectedly, my room was so messy and the floor was so dirty that I began to feel tired before sweeping. But thinking of the difficulties of the Red Army in those years, these are nothing. So I worked hard and swept the floor clean in a few minutes. Then I brought a mop and dragged the ground clean, as if it could be used as a mirror. Then I wiped the TV and desk clean. When I stopped, I felt backache, which made me think that my mother must have been more tired than me when she worked. But at that time, my mother's clean room turned into a monkey's nest as soon as I went in. When I think of it now, I really feel a little naughty and make my mother sad.

  Through this labor, I understand how hard my mother used to be. In the future, I will not let my mother be so tired. I will help my mother do more housework. I also get happiness from my work. When I see my work in exchange for a clean and tidy room, it's really beautiful! It's really "labor creates beauty"!

  Here, I would like to express my deep respect to the workers working in various posts! You are so hard! I wish you a happy Labor Day!


  On labor day, my mother woke me up early in the morning and said I was going to Ninghai to play. I jumped three feet high, wolfed down my breakfast and set off with my mother.

First, we come to the first scenic spot - Wushan grottoes.

  Through the ticket gate, I saw a statue at a glance. He sat there with a beer bottle in his hand, as if he were friends from all over the world. Along the way, I saw grottoes of all sizes and shapes. Finally, I was attracted by one of the grottoes. I asked the guide, "Why are there so many deep and shallow holes on the wall?" The guide smiled and said, "it's made by the elders beating with a hammer." I looked at the small hole in the wall and thought about how the predecessors did this work with hard sweat and smart wisdom. I really wanted to say to them that you worked hard. When I looked up at the top of the cave, I couldn't help shouting, "Wow! How high." Looking at the blue sky outside the cave top, I have a feeling of watching the sky. Wushan grottoes are really beautiful!

  After coming out of Wushan grottoes, it was almost time for lunch. The guide arranged for us to have dinner near the scenic spot. After dinner, we hurried to the second scenic spot - East Zhejiang Grand Canyon.

  According to the guide, entering the Grand Canyon needs to pass through a river. So we got on a big ship and set off. On both sides of the river are mountains, which must be part of the Grand Canyon in eastern Zhejiang! After about half an hour, we arrived at our destination. Getting off the ship, we began a difficult journey. At first, I walked very easily. Later, I felt more and more tired, so I kept asking my mother, "is it the bottom of the valley, is it the bottom of the valley?" Mom said it should be coming soon. Suddenly, a stone forest appeared in front of me. Some of these stones were like sea lions, some like elephants, and some like frogs. Behind the stone forest is the bottom of the canyon.


  Today is "May Day". The school is on holiday. I decided to use this day to sell newspapers and earn money with my hard work.

  So I told my mother what I thought. My mother agreed and gave me 30 yuan. I pushed the children's car to the neighbor's aunt's newspaper booth, wholesale some newspapers, put them on the car, came to the No. 70 station and shouted: "sell the newspaper! Sell the newspaper! Fifty cents a copy, come and buy it..." after a long time, my face was scorched by the sun, thinking: why no one came to buy the newspaper? Just when I wanted to retreat, an uncle finally came to buy my newspaper. I was very excited. I quickly handed him the newspaper with both hands and shouted, "thank you uncle for buying my newspaper!" Gradually, many people came to buy my newspaper. At this time, I was very tired and sweating, but I saw customers take the newspaper and know the news of the day in time. My heart was sweet as if I had eaten honey.

  After a few hours, the newspaper was finally sold out. I counted the money. I spent 30 yuan on the newspaper. Now there are 38 yuan and 50 cents. I calculated it and made a net profit of 8 yuan and 50 cents! I jumped up with excitement. Then I donated 50 cents to an old woman begging on the roadside and took 38 yuan home.

  I ran home happily. As soon as I entered the door, I couldn't wait to shout: "Mom, mom... I made eight yuan! I made eight yuan!" When my busy mother heard my voice, she rushed over and held me in her arms. While wiping my sweat, she smiled and said to me, "well done! You serve the people with your hard work, and my daughter has grown up!" I listened to my mother and smiled happily.

  Although it's a little hard for me to sell newspapers today, I'm still happy to realize the glory of labor.


  The annual labor day is coming. Hope for the stars, hope for the moon, and finally have a long holiday! It's fun to be able to write homework every day, watch TV, play computer and visit relatives and friends at this time! In this May Day holiday, my family is going to visit my aunt's breakfast shop to learn how to treat guests. On the morning of May Day, our family came to my aunt's shop early. My aunt had opened the door and set up tables and chairs. As soon as he saw us coming, he invited us to eat delicious hand-made noodles and dumplings. After eating, he could also serve a bowl of hot soup. It was very thoughtful!

  At eight o'clock, some guests came one after another. Some of them ate noodles, some fans, some dumplings, and everyone drank an extra bowl of soup. My aunt almost had to wash more than a dozen guests a day, the number of bowls in two bowls for one person, and was also responsible for the cleaning of the store. At this time, the lock at home was really busy. In addition, there are many people on May Day. Seeing there, I decided to help my aunt for a day and be a small waiter in the breakfast shop for a day.

  First of all, I'll clean up the dishes and chopsticks. Clean up the dishes and put them in the sink after the guests arrive. I walked in and out. I was busy before and after. I was busy until more than ten o'clock. Finally, all the guests left. I'll put the table away. After that, I'll help wash the dishes. My aunt and I squatted next to the sink and turned on the tap to wash the dishes. Looking at two or three stacks of thick bowls, he was shocked and said, "aunt, how can there be so many bowls!" The aunt smiled and said, "more guests, more bowls. Now you know it's not easy to make money! It's labor day. Let's work hard on Labor Day!"

