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【#英语资源# 导语】在这个漫长的暑假里面,你都打算做些什么呢?下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  This summer holiday, I went to many places, went to the amusement park, and played trampoline... But the most unforgettable thing for me was going to the water park.

  One morning, our family went to the water park. When I got there, I put on my swimming suit, put on my swimming ring, and quickly ran to the pool. I jumped down with a "plop" and began to play.

  After I jumped into the water, I saw a huge slide. I swam like an arrow. "Pa pa" I accidentally stepped on the ladder and splashed all over. It's terrible. I was about to lift my feet when suddenly a bucket of water ran down my back and drenched me. It turned out to be the top bucket. It was full of water and turned over automatically. Alas! It fell right on me. I walked to the slide, wow! How high! I slipped down with a "Chi..." sound, which was really exciting!

  Having played with the slide, I trotted all the way from the slippery path to the deep water area. As soon as I got into the water, I saw the net on the pool, found the water volleyball next to me, and played with my mother. Mother first threw the ball up, and her hands quickly closed. She tried her best to hit the ball, and the ball rushed to me; I also closed my hands and waited for the ball to fly. I beat it with all my strength and hit it back. Ha! Mom didn't receive it. I almost jumped up with joy, but I couldn't jump in the water!

  Not only can you swim there, but also you can eat on the second floor. At noon, we went to the second floor to have dinner! It's beautiful here! It's very clean and big. There are two seats like a sofa. I found a seat and immediately lay down. It was as comfortable as sitting in a cloud. After we had lunch, we immediately rushed into the pool and began to play.

  Unknowingly, it was time to go home. I reluctantly said goodbye to the swimming pool! I'll come again next time. Wait for me at the swimming pool.

  My summer vacation is happy and beautiful. I really hope the next summer vacation will be the same.


  The summer vacation is coming. The weather is hot and the earth is scorched by the sun. We can only hide at home to avoid the summer. Today is a "once-in-a-century" cloudy day. Of course, those of us who are "moldy" at home will not miss such a good weather! I made an appointment with Yang Sheng and other students to take my parents to the field.

  When all the "people" of our group arrived, we entered the tense and exciting competition.

  The game began. The captain of our blue team led us to our seats on the first floor. We all found our seats. As soon as I was relieved, I heard someone shouting, "my life is gone!" Another called, "I'm dead, too." My heart had to hang up again. I looked around carefully, always trying to "kill" the enemy and make great contributions to our team. But I was surprised to find that they had quietly occupied our second floor under the cover of several people. We wanted to take back our territory, but we couldn't. After a two minute duel, we finally lost the battle. All the members of our team were depressed, as if it was the end of the world.

  The second scene has begun with intense efforts. This time, we learned a lesson and transferred half of our military strength to the second floor. I was assigned to the first floor. We attacked the enemy with all our strength. It's true that our Kung Fu is worthy of our hearts. Our team beat the red team with only six men left. However, at this crucial moment in deciding the victory or defeat, our team lost three people inexplicably. Once again, it turned out that it was the members of our own team behind them who were "doing strange things". The Dragon King's temple is really flooded -- people in their own family do not recognize their own family. After a while, there were only two people left in their team. I used my own way to repay myself. I quickly occupied their territory and killed them in a second row to win for our team. All of their teams bowed their heads and were particularly discouraged, while our team cheered and cheered.

  I sat on the chair and looked at the happy background of my classmates. I felt like I was in a happy world


  One Saturday morning, I was watching TV at home, my mother was cooking in the kitchen, and my father was reading the newspaper.

  Suddenly my mother screamed at me. Dad hurriedly asked his mother, "what's wrong?" Mother said she saw a mouse, no... no, it was two. I said, "we have mice in our house, so let's kill them!" Mom and dad said in unison, "OK!"

  It was this morning that we started the "rat extermination campaign". Father and mother each made their "artifact". Mother took a mouse trap, and father took a mouse trap.

  First, mom made a move. But we saw that the mouse was only carefully eating the bait, but the mouse clip did not move. Looks like mom failed. When dad got on, he said confidently, "I will succeed." But when the rat trap was put there, there were no mice at all. I said: "it seems to be a failure." But her mother was not willing to be outdone and said, "I still have a way." Then he took out the long-standing mouse stickers. Mother said I would win this time. Dad said, "don't be whimsical. It's useless for you to buy it for a long time. It must not stick." At the beginning, although the mouse came and the left half of the mouse was stuck, the mouse ran away with the sticker on its back. My mother was very surprised.

  I can't help but say, "our mice are really cattle! It seems that we can't catch them." While everyone was thinking hard, I suddenly thought of a way. I went to the neighbor's house to borrow their cat. Just because they said that their family used to be the same as ours. There were mice in the family, but since they raised cats, there has been no mouse. I put the cat in the living room. The next day, we found that there were no mice. The cat caught three mice in our house.

  I smiled and said, "it seems that I am the winner." Dad said, "I'll take you to barbecue today." I'm very happy. This is our family's "rat battle", a happy family mobilization activity. Do you think our family will be happy soon?


  Half of the summer vacation has passed, and I have finished my homework long ago. In the rest of the day, I wanted to have fun. However, my parents forced me to learn this and that. If I was unwilling, they asked me if I was proud, and then they gave me a lecture for no reason, saying a lot of doctrines and saying it was for my good. I really don't know what they thought.

  I get up in the morning and wash first. Then, my mother didn't even give me the time to eat breakfast, forcing me to write my Olympiad math homework. After writing, I should have lunch. After lunch, my mother didn't let me take a nap, so she let me write my composition. After writing, I knew it was time to learn English online. I studied for three or four hours.

  After dinner, I went out for a walk. When I came back, I had to take a shower. Then my father urged me to go to bed early to welcome the new day.

  Alas, the day passed in such a vague way. In the evening, I lie down in front of the bed, watching the stars blink freely, thinking: what meaningful things have I done today? Not at all! I have entered a dream. I dream of doing my homework.

  The summer vacation I'm looking forward to is not like this! It is a combination of work and rest. It is very bright and sunny. It's not like before the exam, struggling in the sea of learning all day and suffering in exercises. I don't want it!

  Perhaps in the eyes of parents, summer vacation is a golden time for learning, while in the eyes of our primary school students, summer vacation is a relaxing day.

  Mom and Dad, please respect us. I am the master of my summer vacation.


  Here comes the long-awaited summer vacation; Here comes the energetic summer vacation; Here comes the vigorous summer vacation; Here comes the wonderful summer vacation! The closing ceremony has ended, and the summer vacation has been surrounded by our laughter!

  In the hot summer vacation, what is the most expected sport? Swimming, of course! Please think about how wonderful it is to feel the cold water and play with small fish and shrimp in the stream! No, today, I will go swimming in the brook near my home with my father and sister.

  When I got to the brook, I found that many people had already got there first. They were playing in the water with colorful swimsuits and laughter. Seen from afar, the stream became colorful. I can't wait to change my swimsuit. I swayed my hands and pressed my legs by the stream, and began to warm up. After the warm-up exercise, I dived into the water and began to swim, just like a little duck swimming freely. While I was doing butterfly stroke, breaststroke and backstroke, the action was standard. The onlookers all clapped. Even my discerning father could not help saying, "not bad!"

  I can't help feeling complacent and I've done some tricks. At this time, the sister who had been silent suddenly said: "do you dare to go upstream?" I said without hesitation, "what's wrong with this?" With that, I began to swim upstream.

  I swam for five or six minutes and felt good about myself. I thought proudly: what's the difficulty of going upstream? But after swimming for more than ten minutes, my feet were as heavy as lead, and the impact of the counter current seemed to become very powerful. I managed to hold on, but after a while, I was washed back to the original place. I took a short rest and prepared to continue to challenge the adverse current. Dad dissuaded me: "forget it, go ashore and have a rest." I pretended not to hear and began to swim.

  I didn't think it was worse than last time. After seven or eight minutes, I had no choice but to return to my original position. At this time, my sister came over. I thought she was coming to laugh at me, but she said faintly: "if you can't work hard, you can only retreat until you come back to the origin." Then she left, and I was lost in thought.

  When I got home, I finally understood that my sister wanted to tell me that I should keep forging ahead and working hard during the summer vacation, and there should be no relaxation, otherwise I would be washed back to the original point by the countercurrent like I was swimming just now.


  One morning in the summer vacation, I found that the sun was shining outside the window and the weather was fine. So I went to the balcony to prepare for laundry. First, I took out the things for washing clothes, and then I took out the clothes of my father and mother, put them in the basin, put water in it, and prepared to wash clothes.

  According to my mother's instructions, I now put soap on my shirt, and then sprinkled a little washing powder. I went back to the bathroom and took out the washboard. Then I put my clothes on the washboard, rubbed them vigorously, and then gently squeezed them. All of a sudden, naughty soap bubbles, like a group of naughty dolls, were drilling into my hands. After I rubbed off the black spots on my clothes and washed them in clean water, On which rack did you put your clothes to dry!

  After a while, when I went to check the clothes, I found that there were still many black spots. I went to ask my mother why she said that you put too little detergent in it? So I washed it again. Before I wrote it, I thought about giving up. But on second thought, I was discouraged when I met such a little setback. Can I overcome all kinds of difficulties in the future? Thinking of it, I got up my spirits. After the second washing, the shirt really turned white. My mother also praised me for my ability.

  In the evening, my mother said to me, "I'll leave it to you to do the laundry in the future.". I collapsed on the bed like a deflated balloon, but still gave my mother an awkward and impolite smile.

  Through this event, I felt my mother's hard work. In the future, I must share my mother's worries and make her face happy like a blooming flower.


  Many unforgettable things happened in my summer vacation. Let me tell you the unforgettable interesting things in the holiday!

  That afternoon, the weather was extremely hot. Staying at home was like staying in a steamer! It's really hard. My mother said that she had enrolled me in a swimming class and let me learn to swim. I was extremely excited after hearing this news.

  When I came to the swimming pool and changed my swimming pants, I couldn't wait to come to the swimming pool. The coach first taught us how to warm up and hold our breath. After teaching, let's go into the water to practice. At the beginning, I worked very hard. The coach came to my side and looked at my movements and said, "you've done very well. Keep going!" Hearing the teacher's praise, I was very happy, so I worked harder After learning to hold my breath, the coach continued to teach us how to learn the breaststroke movements: retract, turn, push and clip. I studied them carefully and did not forget to practice at home. After more than ten days of practice, I finally learned to swim.

  In addition to learning to swim, I also participated in the "urban survival challenge". This is the first time that I left the shelter of my family to earn money for lunch through my own efforts. Although the journey was full of thorns, the joy of the harvest made my heart jump. It was only then that I began to understand that labor is the most glorious and the most beautiful flowers can be planted by hard-working hands.

  During the holidays, I also insisted on exercising every day: table tennis, scooter, bicycle and rope skipping; Of course, there are also my hobbies: calligraphy, go... Among all my hobbies, I especially love go. Go can calm my heart and help me exercise my thinking ability. Every time I finished my homework for the summer vacation, I always took time off to play chess with my father. From the beginning, I was defeated repeatedly, to the end, I beat my father with "falling flowers and flowing water". I made a little progress every day, and accumulated little steps to a thousand miles.

  My summer vacation life is so busy and full.


  I've been looking forward to the coming of the summer vacation. I'm suddenly relaxed, and I'm still not used to it.

  First of all, I wake up naturally at about 6:00 every morning, and it is impossible to sleep in. The biological clock has become a rule, and the school will soon start when it is adjusted. It's better to keep the same as before and get up at 6:00.

  Run a few circles in the community to feel the heart beating faster and make your body sweat once. Walk in the face of the sunrise, listen to the birds in the morning, breathe the fresh air, and enjoy the verdant vegetation. I've made up my mind that I must keep exercising this summer holiday.

  Don't worry about being late for work. You can make a good breakfast and enjoy the delicious taste of four dishes and one soup.

  Wash clothes and mop the floor, tidy up every room, and make the home warm and comfortable. Sit down, eat fruit and watch TV for a while. It's so comfortable in your heart. It's a rare slow life!

  Organize my thoughts and turn what I think into words. Although I can't write three blog articles a day like others, I have formed the habit of writing articles. Every bit of life finally has a trace to follow. Occasionally looking back, it always brings back good memories.

  Pick up your mobile phone, click on learning link, stick to reading every day, read a book, and get enough power for yourself. I look forward to the new semester.

  Send Dabao to the tutoring class and send Erbao to the kindergarten. Usually, it's dad's pick-up. Now mom has time. Erbao dances happily and says: "mom sent me!" "Mom has come to pick me up!" The debt to the children was finally made up.

  The summer vacation life is very full. I have time to accompany my family, and I also have time to adjust myself and improve myself. Cherish summer vacation.


  Summer vacation is coming. I'm determined to give up the same trip and have a unique and happy summer vacation. In this way, I turned my back to the bustling and noisy city and ran to my grandmother's house, a free and free country land.

  When I came to the countryside, I felt an impulse to run as soon as I stepped on the loess land. I would like to race against the wind, feel the rural atmosphere here, relax the pressure accumulated for a long time, and enjoy being myself.

  I envy the children here! Freedom and happiness like the wind: it's common for boys to climb trees as fast as little monkeys, catch insects and frighten little girls, but still play happily with mud all over their bodies... Girls can't hold flowers, several girls play games in groups, and some girls catch butterflies

  My cousins and I have been itching for a long time. How can a room become our cage? In a short time, we had already run to the country road. Looking at the trees and grass on both sides, we spread our joy. My cousin caught several cicadas and my cousin caught two dragonflies, but I returned without success. My cousin gave me a dragonfly. I held the dragonfly. Its transparent wings fluttered and flickered. My hands were itchy. If I wasn't careful, the dragonfly flew away.

  The sun sprinkled fire on the ground. We couldn't help it for a long time. We quickly found a green shade and sat down. Our hands kept fanning the wind, shouting: "it's hot! It's hot!" The cicada in my cousin's hand also echoed us. We chase and fight in the shady fields, and gather some wild flowers and weeds. The adults also specially send us mung bean soup. We drink and make noise, and the cicadas also stand up and sing.

  We were tired of playing and went home, and the sun went down a little reluctantly. At night, my cousins and I bathed in the moonlight, enjoyed the stars in the sky, and listened to the nature symphony composed of frogs, crickets and insects.

  The life in the countryside is something I can't feel in the city. This summer holiday is unforgettable to me.


  My summer vacation was very happy, happy to make people envy. However, in these happy summer vacation days, the day I went to Tanzhou Park was the most enjoyable.

  I remember the day our family of four set out to the park with happiness and happiness. When I got there, I saw so many high-tech entertainment projects, such as "merry go round", "Ferris wheel" and "roller coaster". Then we began to play. Although one of the haunted houses scared me to death, I still had a good time. I cried when we played Ferris wheel. We also visited the zoo, where there were "monkeys", "peacocks" and "snakes".

  "Crocodile" and so on... When we saw the monkey, we fed it peanuts. They were also very happy. But later I called it "red * stock". It seemed very angry and wanted to jump out of the iron cage and bite me. But it couldn't jump out, so it looked at me with sharp eyes, as if saying: if you call me "red * shares" again, be careful I bite you. I feel that the situation is not good, so I smiled and said: OK, brother monkey, I'm afraid of you. If I don't call you red * shares, don't be angry. " Then the little monkey smiled, and I continued to feed it peanuts. They were also very happy. However, I secretly called it "red * stock" in my heart. Then we went to see the peacock. We were very lucky. We just arrived at the Peacock Garden and saw the peacock unfolding. The peacock was really beautiful. Its open screen feathers are like a big brush, very beautiful and delicate. When I went home, I bought a peacock feather from the zoo director. There are also some birds in the forest, such as "magpie", "starling" and "lark". Their songs are really beautiful and beautiful. Hearing the singing of larks, I woke up from the reality and left the park reluctantly.

  My summer vacation is unforgettable! Enviable!
