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【#英语资源# 导语】暑假里的故事如天上的星星,数也数不清,下面就让我讲给大家听一听吧!©文档大全网为大家准备了《暑假趣事英语作文范文及格式》,供大家参考阅读。

1.暑假趣事英语作文范文及格式 篇一

  During the summer vacation, I experienced many interesting things. For example, when writing with a brush, ink rubbed against my face, turning me into a "black person". When playing with a yo-yo, the yo-yo flew into a tree

  Let's take the case of my younger brother and I going for a walk at night, we both jump and jump. He even hid in the anti-theft door to scare people. Wow, wow! "Two" zombies "jumped out, frightening their mother out of her wits. Mom was furious when she found out it was us. We ran away and ran to another anti-theft door. We waited for a long time, but Mom didn't move again. Is my mother planning to 'treat him in his own way'? I quietly slipped out of the anti-theft door, but I couldn't see my mother's trace. At this moment, someone patted me on the back. I thought it was my younger brother, but without looking back, I said, "Brother, don't bother me!" Then I heard my younger brother say, "Brother, why are you patting my back? Don't bother me either!" We both said in unison, "I didn't pat your back!" Turning around, I saw that it was my mother who played the trick! She held her phone and looked at her face, making a face at us. This time it was our turn to be scared out of our wits! After we reacted, my mother had already escaped. After taking a walk back home, my brother and I suddenly had a whim and wanted to participate in a painting competition. My younger brother said, "I will definitely draw an excellent picture, you wait and see!" I curled my lips disapprovingly and said, "Bull!" Unexpectedly, he didn't say a word and picked up his paintbrush and began to brush and draw. And I'm still thinking about what to draw. Forget it, it's better to take action if you're tempted. Let me start drawing too! Soon, I completed a work. I have painted the 'Snow White' in my heart as' Cinderella '. But my younger brother drew a lifelike bee. I was regretting my poor drawing when my younger brother took his brush and added a "perfect" arc to my painting. My painting was already very bad, and he undoubtedly added insult to injury to me. It really angered me! After that, I molded and sealed all my paintings. Even if my younger brother added a hundred "perfect" lines to my paintings, it would be a waste of effort!

  During the summer vacation, many interesting things really happened. Although sometimes it may backfire, these are all my beautiful memories!

2.暑假趣事英语作文范文及格式 篇二

  The tense study life has come to an end, and finally we have a relaxed and enjoyable summer vacation. During the summer vacation, many things happened, including happy, sad, and interesting... Among them, there is one thing that every time I think about it, I burst out laughing because it's so interesting.

  That time, I went to my grandmother's house, and the weather was so hot that even the dog lay under the tree, sticking out its long tongue, gasping for breath, and didn't want to move at all. Grandma saw that I was very hot and quickly cut a watermelon for me to relieve the heat. I took the watermelon from my grandmother's hand and the wolf devoured it. I have a habit of swallowing watermelon seeds and juice together when I eat them quickly. This time, my old habit got sick again, and my grandmother saw me. My grandmother smiled and said to me, "Shiqi, why don't you eat watermelon without spitting out watermelon seeds? After the watermelon seeds are eaten, watermelon vines will grow on your head. When the watermelon is ripe, I can pick it on your head." After listening to my grandmother's words, I didn't think it was my grandmother joking with me, but thought it was true, and my heart immediately became nervous, I thought to myself, "If watermelon vines really grow out of my head, what should I do? Then I won't be shameless in the future, and others will treat me like a monster." That day, after eating watermelon, I was in a state of confusion and listless in everything I did.

  In the afternoon, when I returned home, my father saw me looking listless and asked me with concern, "What's wrong with you?" I told my father the details of what happened, and he laughed heartily, He said to me, "Foolish child, watermelon cannot grow without sunlight, soil, and air. There is no soil in your stomach, and sunlight cannot shine. Moreover, there is a lot of digestive juice in your stomach. Although watermelon seeds cannot be digested by it in your stomach, it will inhibit the growth of watermelon seeds. How can watermelon vines grow?" After listening to my father's words, I suddenly realized that the big stone in my heart finally fell. Originally, I couldn't grow watermelon vines on my head, let alone grow watermelons! Looking back now, I think I'm too funny!

  This is the most interesting thing that happened to me during the summer vacation.

3.暑假趣事英语作文范文及格式 篇三

  In my memory, there were many interesting things that happened during the summer vacation, such as playing hide and seek with friends, racing and running together, and skipping rope together. And what impressed me the most was racing and cycling with my younger brother.

  On a sunny summer day, my brother and I went to the square to ride bicycles and skateboards together. I pinched the brake with one hand and placed the other hand on the handle,   while my younger brother stepped on the ground with one foot and the other on the scooter, tightly gripping the scooter handle with both hands. I saw his eyebrows furrowed tightly, as if he was very nervous. However, I felt smug and thought to myself, "I can't even win against him

  Ready, start! "My younger brother and I rushed out with a whoosh. I quickly stepped on the pedal, and my younger brother also slid quickly. I rushed towards the finish line like a gust of wind, riding and thinking," He's riding so slowly, I should get rid of him. I looked back and found my younger brother shouting, "Brother Daning, be careful ahead!" I quickly turned my head and looked forward. There was an old man walking slowly ahead. I quickly pressed the brake with all my might, but my younger brother advanced and won. Oh, this time it's all my fault for being too careless. I won't let you down next time. In the second inning, my eyes were fixed on the front, I rode quickly, and the wind whistled in my ears, which made me even more proud. After a while, I heard some noise and looked back to find my younger brother braking first and then taking a detour. I looked forward and, oh my god! There was a puddle of water, and I didn't stop the car. As a result, the water splashed onto my clothes. However, I didn't give up and continued to pedal quickly. My brother and I arrived at the same time. This time it's a draw. In the third round, I learned from the previous lesson and rode quickly around the crowd and puddles. I won!

  My younger brother said to me, "Let's have another showdown tomorrow!" I readily agreed.

  Through this incident, I understand that one should focus on things and not be distracted. I not only gained happiness this summer, but also learned some truths.

4.暑假趣事英语作文范文及格式 篇四

  During the summer vacation, I bought a pottery flute in Xiamen, which is dark blue. So, when I returned home, I worked hard to study, and finally, with my hard work, I learned to play scores such as "Sky City".

  Because the pottery flute itself is ancient and fragrant, with a very long and distant sound, it is very suitable for playing 'City of the Sky'. Since I learned to play the pottery flute, I have gained another skill, and being able to play the pottery flute has made my classmates very envious of me, making me very proud. Originally, in the eyes of my classmates, I was just an ordinary girl. Because I learned to play the pottery flute, I also changed in their hearts and became a unique girl.

  One day, the homeroom teacher called me to the office and said to me earnestly, "Qin Xuan, I heard you can play the pottery flute, so the teacher wrote your name on the registration form for the art festival. You need to practice more when you go back? Am I going to participate in the competition? Won't you? When I returned home, I quickly practiced, playing "Happy New Year", "Jasmine"... Finally, I chose to play "Sky City". With the encouragement of my teachers and classmates, I practice diligently every day.

  The art festival has arrived, and my originally relaxed heart couldn't help but become nervous. When I took out the pottery flute, Chen Yuzuo, who was going to the competition with me, encouraged me and said, "Come on!" My nervous heart was no longer tense, but very firm.

  It's my turn, I walked onto the stage, and the melodious voice intoxicated the teachers. My face was slightly hot, was it blushing?

  In the end, I won the third prize of the entire school! In fact, participating is not about winning awards, but about experiencing the process. If I hadn't studied pottery flute, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to participate and won the third prize of the school art festival!

5.暑假趣事英语作文范文及格式 篇五

  During the summer vacation, the hot air came in waves. I had to choose to leave computer games for a cool and comfortable summer vacation. Today, I returned to my hometown for a vacation.

  I haven't returned to my hometown for a long time and am full of curiosity about everything here. The most curious thing that can arouse my curiosity is the chicken that always squats in the chicken coop in my hometown. When I first arrived, I saw it walking towards the chicken coop. Now, as soon as I picked up my pen and prepared to do my homework, I heard its gurgling sound. Perhaps it is telling me that its eggs have already been laid.

  I quickly put down my book, turned around suddenly, and ran towards the chicken coop. Sure enough, I saw a hen crouching in its nest, giggling and busy moving its eggs into the nest.

  In this way, a "human chicken battle" was staged in the chicken coop. I tiptoed to the side of the chicken, which suddenly turned back as if stimulated, and then "clucked" around me. As soon as I saw that the situation was not good, I turned around and ran. But the hen is like a piece of tape sticking to me, with a rooster around me. I ran into the hen's nest with lightning speed, shouting, "Get out of the way, get out of the way." But after all, the chicken couldn't understand human language, and in an instant, the hen's nest was like a honeycomb. The chickens are running around, followed by two "chicken enemies". Suddenly, my eyes lit up and it turned out to be the hen's nest. I quickly ran over. The hen seemed to have read through my thoughts and rushed towards me like a madman.

  I don't care what happens, I pick up an egg and stuff it into my clothes. The eggs are warm, with white and yellow ones, each round and smooth, resembling a few cute dolls. I ran home holding an egg and quickly locked the door. I only heard a series of "clucking" sounds behind me, as if saying, "Give me the egg back, you bandit." I walked home ecstatic.

  As the sun sets, there is only a shadow of a child holding a pile of eggs
